
Results - Ladies

Wednesday 24/07/2024 - Single Stroke, 5th round GolfNSW Medal (Sat)
Medal winners:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 73 nett
B Grade: Helen Hamblin 75 nett
C Grade: Elise Bunny 78 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 29
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 31
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 35
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 73 nett
Div 2: Jan Broderick 73 nett
Ball winners: Leanne 73 nett, Jan 73 nett, Helen Hamblin 75 nett, Liz Harding 77 nett,
Justine Makeham 77 nett, Elise Bunny 78 nett and Cathy Aiken 78 nett
13 players

Saturday 13/07/2024 - Single Par
Sponsored by Marg Kinlyside and Chris Keevil
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Rachel Dorman +2
Div 2: Pauline Collier -3
A grade 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Chris Keevil
B Grade 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Libby Plumley
C Grade 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
Ball winners: Rachel Dorman +2, Trish Miller -3 and Pauline Collier -3
11 players 

Saturday 6/07/2024 - Single Stroke, 5th Round of GolfNSW Medals
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners:
B Grade - Pauline Collier
C Grade - Estelle Roberts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Helen Spencer 76 nett
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 77 nett on a c/b from Pauline Collier 77 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Justine Makeham 30 putts
B Grade: Noela Hardman 30 putts
C Grade: Suzanne Manning 31 putts
A Grade 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Liz Harding
B Grade 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Michele Blizzard
C Grade 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
12 players
Wednesday - 3/07/2024 - American Foursomes
Sponsored by Southern Slopes Weed Services - Minehans
Winners on the day:
Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 78.375 on a c/b from Leanne Slater and Cheryl Minehan 78.375
Last Place!: Suzanne Manning and Cath Johnson 98
A grade 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Trish Miller
B Grade 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman (c draw)
C Grade 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning (card draw)
16 players

Saturday 29/06/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 34 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 33 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Trish Miller
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jackie Sheridan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Marg Kinlyside
Ball winners: Justine Makeham 34 pts, Estelle Roberts 33 pts, Cathy Aiken 33 pts, Jackie Sheridan 32 pts and Gail Hanigan 32 pts
15 players

Wednesday 26/06/2024 - Single Stableford 
Sponsored by Gail Hanigan                    
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 34 pts. Runner-up: Liz Harding 28 pts
Div 2: Helen Hamblin 36 pts. Runner-up: Trish Miller 35 pts
Div 3: Cath Johnson 34 pts. Runner-up: Suzanne Manning 32 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan: Leanne Slater
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pammie McCloy (card draw!)
All players received a ball. Thank you, Gail!

Saturday 22/06/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Joy McCormick and Michele Blizzard
Winners on the day: 
Div 1: Michele Blizzard 36 pts
Div 2: Suzanne Manning 31 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Liz Harding
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Maxine McCormack
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Joy McCormick
Ball winners: Michele Blizzard 36 pts, Leanne Slater 31 pts, Suzanne Manning 31 pts and Helen Spencer 30 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken 30 pts
14 players

Wednesday 19/06/2024 - Single Stroke, 4th round of GolfNSW Medals (Wed)
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack
Medal Winners:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 71 nett
B Grade: Helen Hamblin 79 nett
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 79 nett
Putting Competition sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 29
B Grade: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs and Michele Blizzard 30 
C Grade: Mark Kinlyside 34 
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 71 nett
Div 2: Helen Hamblin 79 nett
NTP's: not recorded
11 players

Saturday 15/06/2024 - Single Stableford -
Sponsored by Noela Hardman
Winner on the day:
Trish Miller 38 points
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Rachel Dorman
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Trish Miller
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball comp winners -
Trish Miller 38 pts, Justine Makeham 37 points

Wednesday 5/06/2024 - Single Par
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken
Winner on the day:
Liz Harding + 1
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Justine Makeham
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L -
Ball comp winners -
Liz Harding + 1 (3 balls), Helen Hamblin 0 (2 balls) and Libby Plumley -1 (1 ball)
6 players

Saturday 1/06/2024 - Single Stroke, 4th round of GolfNSW Medals (Saturday)
Sponsored by Pauline Collier
Medal Winners:
B Grade: Sandra Holmes 80 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 71 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 28
B Grade: Maxine McCormack 31
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 39
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding73 nett
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 71 nett
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Leanne Slater
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Tilla Forrest
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball comp: Estelle Roberts 71 nett, Trish Miller 72 nett, Liz Harding 73 nett and Justine Makeham 76 nett
12 players

Wednesday 29/05/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day: 
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 36 pts
Div 2: Lorraine Regan 37 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Justine Makeham (card draw)
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jackie Sheridan (card draw)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Marg Kinlyside
15 players

Sunday 26/05/2024 - Ladies Open Tournament
Sponsored by South West Bank
Div 1: Winner - Helen Spencer 82
          Runner-up - Alison Kirkpatrick (Federal) 85
Div 2: Winner - Gail Hanigan 93
          Runner-up -Camille Carberry 98
Div 3: Winner - Pauline Collier 103
          Runner-up - Margaret Kinlyside 103
Div 1: Winner - Leanne Slater 71 nett
          Runner-up - Liz Harding 74 nett
Div 2: Winner - Jackie Sheridan 73 nett
          Runner-up - Helen Hamblin 75 nett
Div 3: Winner - Liz Foster (Murrumbidgee) 77 nett
          Runner-up - Mylan Davidson 78 nett
Stableford winners:
Div 1: Chris Keevil 33 pts
Div 2: Michele Blizzard 33 pts
Div 3: Estelle Roberts 30 pts
67 players

Saturday 25/05/2024 - 4BBB
Sponsored by Young Services Club
Winners: Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 43 pts 
Runners-up on a c/b: Liz Harding and Justine Makeham 43 pts
Visitor winners: Anne Brown and Alison Kirkpatrick 42 pts
56 players

Sunday 19/05/2024 - Ladies Foursomes Championships
Stroke Winners and Runners-up, sponsored by the Stolhand Family
Handicap Winners and Runners-up, sponsored by Dorman's Transport
Stroke Winners - Leanne Slater and Liz Harding 133
Stroke Runners-up - Helen Spencer and Gail Hanigan 139
Handicap Winners and Runners-up:
Div 1 - Winners - Ros Anderson and Michele Blizzard 114.5 nett
   Runners-up - Chris Keevil and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 117 nett
Div 2 - Winners - Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 105.5 nett
   Runners-up - Noela Hardman and Mylan Davidson 106
Ball winners - Cathy and Estelle 105.5 nett, Noela and Mylan 106 nett, Helen and Gail 111 nett, Liz and Leanne 111.5 nett, Ros and Michele 114.5 nett and Lorraine Regan and Sandra Holmes 115.5
24 players

Wednesday 15/05/2024 - Single Stroke, 3rd round of GolfNSW Medals (Wed)
Sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds
Medal Winners:
A Grade: Justine Makeham 73 nett
B Grade: Jackie Sheridan 78 nett
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 83 nett
Putting, sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Trish Miller 29
B Grade: Maxine McCormack 28
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 36
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 73 nett
Div 2: Jackie Sheridan 78 nett
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Liz Harding
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Marg Kinlyside
Ball winners: Justine Makeham 73 nett, Trish Miller 74 nett, Ros Anderson 76 nett, Cathy Aiken 76 nett and Noela Hardman 76 nett 
19 players

Saturday 11/05/2024 - Single Par and Final Round of Aissur Bowl
Sponsored by Camille Carberry
Div 1: Gail Hanigan + 2
Div 2: Helen Hamblin +1 on a c/b from Jackie Sheridan +1
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Justine Makeham
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
Ball winners: Gail Hanigan +2, Helen Hamblin +1 and Jackie Sheridan +1

Aissur Bowl
Scores today: Gail Hanigan 5 pts, Helen Hamblin 4 pts, Jackie Sheridan 3 pts, Pauline Collier 2 pts and all other players 1 pt.
Winner : Gail Hanigan 10 pts
Runner-up: Trish Miller 4 pts
11 players

Wednesday  8/05/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lyn Quay and Sandra Holmes
Div 1: Helen Hamblin 33 pts
Div 2: Lorraine Regan 29 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Maxine McCormack
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutter and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Elise Bunny
Ball winners: Helen Hamblin 33 pts, Trish Miller 32 pts, Leanne Slater 32 pts and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 30 pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormack
13 players

Saturday 4/05/2024 - Single Stroke, 3rd Round GolfNSW Medals (Sat)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners:
A Grade:
B Grade: Libby Plumley 75 nett
C Grade: 
Putting, sponsored by Cachewise
A Grade: Helen Spencer 29
B Grade: Michele Blizzard 30
C Grade:
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Ros Anderson 74 nett on a c/b from Trish Miller 74 nett
Div 2: Gail Hanigan 67 nett
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Ros Anderson
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Gail Hanigan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - 
Ball winners: Gail Hanigan 67 nett, Ros Anderson 74 nett and Trish Miller 74 nett

Aissur Bowl results:
Gail Hanigan 5 pts, Ros Anderson 4 pts, Trish Miller 3 pts, Libby Plumley 2 pts and all other players 1 point.
11 players

Wednesday 1/05/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cachewise, Justine and Simon Makeham
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Michele Blizzard 35 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 38 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Helen Spencer
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Estelle Roberts 38 pts, Sandra Holmes 37 pts, Helen Hamblin 35 pts, Michele Blizzard 35 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts on a c/b from Jackie Sheridan 34 pts. 

Saturday 27/04/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 36 pts
Div 2: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts on a c/b from Michele Blizzard 34 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Justine Makeham
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Libby Plumley
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Susan Nugan (Terrey Hills GCC)
Ball winners: Liz Harding 36 pts, Rachel Dorman 35 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts, Michele Blizzard 34 pts and Suzanne Manning 31 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson and Gail Hanigan both with 31 pts
15 players

Wednesday 24/04/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Libby Plumley and Estelle Roberts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 38 pts
Div 2: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 40 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Justine Makeham
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Camille Carberry
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Karen H-G 40 pts, Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Joy McCormick 37 pts, Marg Kinlyside 35 pts and Liz Harding 35 pts
16 players

Saturday 20/04/2024 - Stableford, draw for Partners
Sponsored by Suzanne Manning
Winners: Ros Anderson and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Runners-up: Libby Plumley and Cathy Aiken
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Ros Anderson
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
13th sponsored by Uplands P/l - Marg Kinlyside
Ball winners: Cathy Aiken 35 pts, Ros Anderson 35 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts and Rachel Dorman 33 pts
16 players 

Wednesday 17/04/2024 - Single Stroke, 2nd Round of Golf NSW Medals (Wed)
Sponsored by Leanne Slater
Medal Winners:
A Grade: Liz Harding 80 Nett
B Grade:
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 74 Nett
Putting Competition sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Ros Anderson 27
B Grade: Libby Plumley 31
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 32
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Ros Anderson 74 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 71 Nett
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Helen Spencer
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters & Blinds - Michele Blizzard
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
Ball winners: Libby Plumley 71 nett, Ros Anderson 74 nett, Marg Kinlyside 74 nett and Justine Makeham 75 Nett on a c/b from Gail Hanigan 75 nett.

Saturday 13/04/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds
Winners on the Day:
Div 1: Rachel Dorman 38 pts
Div 2: Jackie Sheridan 44 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Rachel Dorman
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jackie Sheridan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - 
Ball winners: Jackie Sheridan  44 pts, Rachel Dorman 38 pts, Leanne Slater 36 pts, Liz Harding 34 pts on a c/b from Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts
12 players

Saturday 6/04/2024 - Single Stroke, 2nd round of GolfNSW Medals (Sat)
Sponsored by Cachewise - Justine and Simon Makeham
Medal winners:
A Grade -
B Grade - Libby Plumley 75 nett
C Grade - Estelle Roberts 80 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 70 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 75 nett
NTP's -
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Ros Anderson
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Sandra Holmes
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Liz Harding 70 nett, Libby Plumley 75 nett and Sandra Holmes 77 nett on a c/b from Ros Anderson 77 nett
9 players

Wednesday 3/04/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Div 1: Liz Harding 35 pts
Div 2: Trish Miller 34 pts
16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Ros Anderson
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Libby Plumley
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts 
Ball winners: Liz 35 pts, Trish 34 pts, Sandra Holmes 32 pts, Lorraine Regan 31 pts and Cathy Aiken 31 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson 31 pts
15 players

Saturday 30/03/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 33 pts
Div 2: Marg Kinlyside 30 pts
No NTP's
Bal winners: Maxine 33 pts, Cathy Aiken 32 pts, Trish Miller 31 pts and Ros Anderson 31 pts
11 players

SUNDAY 24-03-2024 - Single Stroke 3rd round Ladies Championships
Daily event - Sponsored by Donges IGA
Div 1 Winner - Helen Spencer 71 nett
Div 2 Winner - Tilla Davis 78 nett
Ball comp winners - Helen Spencer 71, Rachel Dorman 72, Ros Anderson 72, Leanne Slater 73, Cathy Aiken 74, Helen Hamblin 75 and Lorraine Regan 78c/b Tilla Davis
NTP's Sponsor Pat Hatton Pro Shop 
A Grade - Rachel Dorman
B Grade - Cathy Aiken
C Grade - Estelle Roberts


             Runner-Up Leanne Slater 89, 90, 89 = 268
A Grade - Handicap Winner   Helen Spencer 221
               Runner-Up           Rachel Dorman 223

B Grade - Champion  Scratch Winner    Camille Carberry 101, 102, 106 = 309
                               Runner-Up           Helen Hamblin 101, 109, 101 = 311  
       Handicap Winner  Jackie Sheridan 225
          Runner-Up           Pauline Collier 236  

C Grade - Champion Scratch Winner       Margaret kinlyside 119, 118, 112 = 349
               Runner-Up  Estelle Roberts 112, 125, 118 = 355
               Handicap Winner  Mylan Davidson 228
               Runner-Up           Fiona Tanner 243

CENTENNIAL BOWL 54 hole best nett score Helen Spencer 221

BETTIE BOOKER SALVER 54 hole best nett Senior Vets Michele Blizzard 231                                
Saturday 23/03/2024 - Single Stroke 2nd round Ladies Championships 
Daily event: Sponsored by Donges IGA
Div 1 Winner - Leanne Slater 74 nett c/b Ros Anderson
Div 2 Winner - Pauline Collier 73 nett 
Ball comp winners - Pauline Collier  73, Leanne Slater  74, Jackie Sheridan  74, 
Ros Anderson  74, Camille Carberry  75, Karen Hamilton Gibbs  76, Rache Dorman 76
A Grade Leanne Slater sponsor Gail Hanigan
B Grade Tilla Davis sponsor Elegant Timber and Shutters and Blinds
C Grade Cathy Johnson sponsor Uplands Pty Ltd 

A Grade - Leanne Slater 179, Ros Anderson 180 and Helen Spencer 182
B Grade - Camille Carberry 203, Jackie Sheridan 205 and Pauline Collier 207
C Grade - Margaret Kinlyside 237, Estelle Roberts 237 and Mylan Davidson 242
HANDICAP SCORES after 2 rounds
A Grade - Leanne Slater 149, Helen Spencer 150 and Rachel Dorman 151
B Grade - Jackie Sheridan 145, Camille Carberry 151 and Pauline Collier 153
C Grade - Mylan Davidson 144, Fiona Tanner 162 and Margaret Kinlyside 171

Wednesday 20/03/2024 - Single Stableford - 4BBB Aggregate
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Helen Hamblin/Justine Markham 62 pts on a c/b from Liz Harding/Estelle Roberts 62 pts
NTP's -
A Grade: 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Michele Blizzard
B Grade: 7th sponsored by Elegant, Timbers - Libby Plumley
C Grade: 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Justine Makeham 32 pts, Ros Anderson 32 pts and Liz Harding 32 pts
12 players

Sunday 17/03/2024 - Single Stroke, First round  Ladies Championships
Daily event: Sponsored by Donges IGA
Div 1 Winner - Helen Spencer 72 nett
Div 2 Winner - Jackie Sheridan 71 nett c/b Mylan Davidson 

Scratch Leaders
A Grade: Liz Harding 87
B Grade: Jackie Sheridan 101 on a c/b from Helen Hamblin 101
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 112
Nett Leaders
A Grade: Helen Spencer 72 nett
B Grade: Jackie Sheridan 71 nett
C Grade: Mylan Davidson 71 nett
NTP's - Sponsored by Pat Hatton Pro shop 
A Grade 16th - Leanne Slater
B Grade 7th - Camille Carberry
C Grade 13th - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners - Jackie Sheridan 71 nett, Mylan Davidson 71 nett, Helen Spencer 72 nett, Liz Harding 73 nett, Leanne Slater 74 nett, Rachel Dorman 75 nett, Camille Carberry 75 nett and Libby Plumley 76 nett
25 players

Saturday 16/03/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Rachel Dorman 32 pts
Div 2: Sandra Holmes 36 pts
A Grade: 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Michele Blizzard
B Grade: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Pauline Collier
C Grade: 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Carolyn Shaw
Ball winners: Sandra Holmes 36 pts, Carolyn Shaw 33 pts, Penny Greaves 33 pts and Rachel Dorman 32 pts
13 pts

Wednesday 13/03/2024 - Single Stroke, 1st Round of Golf NSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners:
A Grade: Liz Harding 78 nett
B Grade: Jackie Sheridan 79 nett
C Grade: Elise Bunny 73 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Chris Keevil 24
B Grade: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 30
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 34
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 72 nett
Div 2: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 71 nett
A Grade: 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Liz Harding 
B Grade: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jackie Sheridan 
C Grade: 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Marg Kinlyside
Ball winners: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 71 nett, Cathy Aiken 72 nett, Elise Bunny 73 nett and Ros Anderson 74 nett
14 players

Saturday 9/03/2024 - Single Stroke - 1st round of Golf NSW Medals (Saturday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners:
A Grade: Chris Keevil 96
B Grade: Rachel Dorman 88
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 101
Putting sponsored by Cachewise: 
A Grade: Chris Keevil 30
B Grade: Libby Plumley 29
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 31
Winners on the day: 
Div 1: Rachel Dorman 66 net
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 69 nett
NTP's:A Grade 16th sponsored by Gail Hanigan - Chris Keevil
B Grade 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
C Grade 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners:Rachel Dorman 66 nett, Estelle Roberts 69 nett, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 70 
nett, Katrina Ferris (Bathurst) 77 nett and Leanne Slater 77 nett
16 players 

Wednesday 6/03/2024 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Gail Hanigan
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Chris Keevil 31pts on a c/b from Leanne Slater 31 pts and Maxine McCormack 31 pts
Div 2: Cathy Aiken 35 pts
NTP's: A Grade 16th sponsored by Leanne Slater - Maxine McCormack
B Grade 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
C Grade 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Cathy Aiken 35 pts, Sandra Holmes 32 pts, Chris Keevil 31 pts and Leanne Slater 31 pts
14 players

Summer Competition
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners: 1st Pauline Collier 177 pts, 2nd Ros Andersion 175 pts, 3rd Justine Makeham 172 pts and 4th Leanne Slater 167 pts.
Qualifiers all received a ball - Cathy Aiken, Helen Spencer, Liz Harding, Noela Hardman, Cath Johnson, Gail Hanigan, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Chris Keevil, Michele Blizzard, Suzanne Manning and Estelle Roberts

Saturday 2/03/2024 - 4 Ball Aggregate Stableford
Sponsored by Leanne Slater
Winners on the day: Helen Hamblin/Jackie Sheridan 68 pts from Suzanne Manning/Tilla Davis 64 pts.
NTP's: A Grade 16th sponsored by Leanne Slater - 
B Grade: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
C Grade: 13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
Ball winners: Jackie Sheridan 38 pts, Ros Anderson 36 pts, Suzanne Manning 34 pts and Justine Makeham 32 pts
14 players

Summer Competition Results.
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners: 1st Pauline Collier 177 pts, 2nd Ros Anderson 175 pts, 3rd Justine Makeham 172 pts and 4th Leanne Slater 167 pts.
Qualifiers: Cathy Aiken, Helen Spencer, Liz Harding, Noela Hardman, Cath Johnson, Gail Hanigan, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Chris Keevil, Michele Blizzard, Suzanne Manning and Estelle Roberts.

Wednesday28/02/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts and Libby Plumley 33 pts, Chris Keevil 33 pts and Justine Makeham 33 pts
11 players

Saturday 24/02/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops  Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Tilla Davis 37 pts, Cathy Aiken 34 pts, Maxine McCormack 32 pts and Leanne Slater 31 pts
14 players

Wednesday 21/02/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Helen Hamblin 35 pts, Estelle Roberts 33 pts and Libby Plumley 32 pts.
11 players

Saturday 17/02/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Trish Miller 38 pts, Cheryl Minehan 38 pts, Rachel Dorman 37 pts and Carolyn Shaw 37 pts.
17 players

Wednesday 14/02/2024 - Medley Stableford 
Best scores: Estelle Roberts 35 pts, Marie Inwood 35 pts and Ros Anderson 34 pts
8 players

Saturday 10/02/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services 
Winners on the day: Helen Spencer 32 pts, Michele Blizzard 32 pts, Cathy Aiken 30 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 30 pts and Camille Carberry 30 pts
13 players

Wednesday 7/02/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Cathy Aiken 37 pts, Trish Miller 34 pts, Carolyn Shaw 32 pts and Ros Anderson 32 pts.
13 players

Saturday 3/02/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford 
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Cath Johnson 36 pts, Leanne Slater 34 pts, Ros Anderson 33 pts and Pauline Collier 33 pts 
10 players

Wednesday 31/01/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Elise Bunny 38 pts, Liz Harding 38 pts, Cheryl Minehan 38 pts and Cathy Aiken 37 pts
15 players

Saturday 27/01/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Estelle Roberts 36 pts, Cathy Aiken 35 pts and Pauline Colier 35 pts 
13 players

Friday 26/01/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Liz Harding 35 pts, Ros Anderson 35 pts, Chris Keevil 35 pts and Cathy Aiken 34 pts
9 players

Wednesday 24/01/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 37 pts, Estelle Roberts 35 pts and Justine Makeham 35 pts.
9 players

Saturday 20/01/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Rachel Dorman 38 pts, Liz Harding 38 pts, Joy McCormick 37 pts and Leanne Slater 35 pts.
17 players

Saturday 13/01/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services 
Winners on the day: Pauline Collier 37 pts, Jackie Sheridan 29 pts and Liz Harding 27 pts.
3 players

Wednesday 10/01/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Pauline Collier 37 pts, Michele Blizzard 36 pts, Leanne Slater 35 pts and Gail Hanigan 34 pts
15 players

Saturday 6/01/2024 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Liz Harding 37 pts, Maxine McCormack 36 pts, Marg Kinlyside 35 pts and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 33 pts on c/b from Helen Hamblin 33 pts.
16 players

Wednesday 3/01/2024 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Pauline Collier 35 pts, Helen Hamblin 35 pts and Cathy Aiken 32 pts.
7 players 

Saturday 30/12/2013 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Cath Johnson 37 pts, Ros Anderson 37 pts, Leanne Slater 34 pts and Trish Miller 34 pts.
16 players

Saturday 23/12/2023 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Pauline Collier 39 pts, Justine Makeham 37 pts, Ros Anderson 37 pts and Noela Hardman 34 pts
10 players

Wednesday 20/12/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Annette Alexander 35 pts, Gail Hanigan 34 pts, Liz Harding 26 pts and Noela Hardman 26 pts
4 players  - Well done, Annette!

Saturday 16/12/2023 - 4BBB Christmas Hamper
Sponsored by Milne's Quality Meats
Winners on the day: Marg Kinlyside and Sandra Holmes 46 pts, Pauline Collier and Ros Anderson 42 pts and Lorraine Regan and Chris Keevil 41 pts on a c/b from Liz Harding and Rachel Dorman 41 pts.
Single Stableford Summer Comp
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Chris Keevil 37 pts, Sandra Holmes 37 pts, Pam Stolhand 35 pts, Rachel Dorman 35 pts, Marg Kinlyside 34 pts and Ros Anderson 34 pts
23 players

Wednesday 13/12/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Leanne Slater 40 pts, Ros Anderson 38 pts, Chris Keevil 37 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 36 pts, Noela Hardman 35 pts and Libby Plumley 35 pts
Well played ladies!
13 players

Saturday 9/12/2023 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Pauline Collier 34 pts, Ros Anderson 34 pts, Chris Keevil 33 pts and Liz Harding 31 pts
10 players

Wednesday 6/12/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Justine Makeham 38 pts, Ros Anderson 36 pts, Gail Hanigan 35 pts and Noela Hardman 35 pts
15 players

Saturday 2/12/2023 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day: Justine Makeham 39 pts, Pauline Collier 32 pts, Helen Spencer 32 pts, and Camille Carberry, Noela Hardman, Gail Hanigan and Ros Anderson all on 31 pts.
16 players

Wednesday 22/11/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Libby Plumley 35 pts, Helen Hamblin 33 pts, Gail Hanigan 31 pts and Liz Harding 31pts.
8 players

Saturday 18/11/2023 - 2 Person Open Ambrose
Sponsored by the Watson Family
Best scores for lady pairings: Leanne Slater/ Jackie Sheridan 69.75, Michele Blizzard/Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 70.5 and Liz Harding/Ros Anderson 70.75
16 lady players

Wednesday 15/11/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Gail Hanigan 37 pts, Chris Keevil, 36 pts, Maxine McCormack 35 pts, Carolyn Shaw 33 pts, Noela Hardman 33 pts and Liz Harding 33 pts.
12 players

Saturday 11/11/2023 - Summer Comp Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Pauline Collier 34 pts, Trish Miller 34 pts, Michele Blizzard 33 pts and Joy McCormick 33 pts
9 players

Wednesday 8/11/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Justine Makeham 37 pts, Libby Plumley 35 pts and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 35 pts.
13 players 

Saturday 4/11/2023 - 4BBB v Par
Sponsored by Amcal Pharmacy - David Hamblin
Winners: Larraine Nicolls and Tilla Davis +7
Runners-up: Betty Stanton and Noela Hardman +6
16 players

Wednesday 1/11/2023 - Medley Stableford
Best scores: Helen Hamblin 39 pts, Michele Blizzard 37 pts, Noela Hardman 37 pts,
Leanne Slater 36 pts, Sandra Holmes 36 pts and Liz Harding 36pts.
21 players

Wednesday 25/10/2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers:
Winners on the Day:
Div 1: Gail Hanigan 38 pts
Div 2: Betty Stanton 36 pts on a c/b from Sandra Holmes and Cath Johnson both 36 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Gail 38 pts, Betty 36 pts, Sandra 36 pts, Cath 36 pts, Leanne Slater 36 pts and Helen Hamblin 36 pts
19 players

Saturday 21/10/2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by IGA
Winner on the day:
Betty Stanton 40 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Betty 40 pts, Pauline Collier 39 pts and Estelle Roberts 36 pts
10 players

WEDNESDAY 18/10/2023 Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Div 1 Winner - Michele Blizzard 37 ptd
Div 2 Winner - Sandra Holmes 38 pts
Ball comp winners - Sandra 38, Michele 37, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 37 and Leanne Slater 36 pts.
NTP 7th  Elegant Timber Shutters and Blinds Sandra Holmes
NTP 13th Uplands Pty Ltd drive and chip Justine Makeham
12 players

SATURDAY 14/10/2023 4BBB medley
Col and Michele Blizzard sponsors PINK SHIRT DAY BREAST CANCER 
Trish Miller and Cath Johnson lost on a count back to Ryan  Terry and 
Brendan McMillan 46 tps. Chris Keevil best ladies 39 pts on c/b Cath Johnson. 
NTP  Elegant Timber Shutters and Blinds 7th - Cathy Johnson
NTP Uplands Pty Ltd 13th - Maxine McCormack 

Wednesday 11/10/2023 Single Stableford
Donges IGA sponsor
Div 1 Winner - Lorraine Regan 38 pts
Div 2 Winner - Helen Hamblin 37 pts
Ball comp winners - Lorraine Regan  38, Helen Hamblin 37, Betty Stanton 36 and Jan Broderick 36
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th A grade Justine Makeham
Uplands Pty Ltd NTP 13th drive & chip C Grade Marg Kinlyside 
13 players
6 club comp 

Saturday 7/10/2023 Single Stableford ballsweep
4 players winner Caroline Shaw 


Sunday 8/10/2023
Div 1 - Handicap Winners Leanne Slater and Cheryl Minehan 80.5

Div 2 - Scratch Winners Trish Miller and Noela Hardman 103
            Handicap Winners Michele Blizzard and Camille Carberry 80.5


Young were represented by Liz, Leanne, Justine, Michele, Cathy, Trish, Noela, Cheryl, Camille, Libby, Betty, Pauline and Suzanne over the three days.

Friday 6/10/2023
Div 1 - Leanne Slater 1st 9 handicap 40.5
Div 2 - Cheryl Minehan 3rd 18 hole gross 99 and VWGA open winner 81
           Camille Carberry runner up 18 hole handicap 82 
Div 3 - Betty Stanton 3rd 18 hole handicap 81 

Saturday 7/10/2023
Div 1 - Michele Blizzard runner up 18 hole gross 90 
Div 2 - Trish Miller 3rd 18 hole gross 97
           Cathy Aiken runner up 18 hole handicap 82
Div 3 - Libby Plumley 1st 18 hole gross 103
           Suzanne Manning 3rd 18 hole handicap 79
           Pauline Collier 1st 9 handicap 39.5

B Grade Winner - Libby Plumley
C Grade Winner - Betty Stanton

Div 1 - Michele Blizzard runner up 36 hole handicap 163
Div 2 - Cheryl Minehan runner up 36 hole handicap 168

Ryie Cup (2 days nett) South West ladies 
Leanne Slater, Michele Blizzard, Maryanne Fitzgerald and Evelyn Shea 637

Wednesday 4/10/2023 no ladies played wet

Monday 2/1023 Medley Stableford ball sweep
1st Chris Keevil 42 pts
2nd Rachael Dorman 40 pts

Sunday 1/10/23 Single Stableford
Sponsored by Terry Bros Carpet Court
1st Chris Keevil 37 pts
2nd Cath Aiken 30 pts

Saturday 30/09/2023 Glub Scramble 4 person ambrose

Wednesday 27/09/2023 Single Stableford
Sponsored by Young Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 40pts
Div 2: Helen Hamblin 41 pts 
7th sponsored by Elegant Timber Shutters and Blinds Helen Hamblin
13th second shot sponsored by Uplands P/L Justine Makeham
Ball winners: Helen Hamblin 41, Leanne Slater 40, Larraine Nicolls 36, Camille Carberry 36, Joy McCormick 36 and Betty Stanton 34 o/cb Michele
19 players 

Saturday 23/09/23 - 4BBB Aggregate
Sponsored by Janine Hobson and Young Eyes
4BBB Winners on the day:
Michele Blizzard and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 73 pts
Runners-up: Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 68 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Maxine McCormack
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Joy McCormick
Ball winners: Michele Blizzard 37 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 36 pts, Estelle Roberts 34 pts, Cathy Aiken 34 pts and Pammie McCloy 34 pts
18 players

Wednesday 20/09/23 - 4BBB
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
4BBB - Cheryl Minehan and Betty Stanton 50 pts, followed by Jan Broderick and Betty 45 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Justine Makeham 
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Cheryl Minehan 
Ball winners: Cheryl Minehan 44 pts, Helen Hamblin 39 pts, Justine Makeham 37 pts and Karen Hamltoin-Gibbs - 36 pts
14 players

Wednesday 13/09/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Gail Hanigan 44 pts
Div 2: Pammie McCloy 35 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Sandra Holmes 
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Gail Hanigan
Ball winners: Gail 44 pts, Justine Makeham 41 pts, Pammie 35 pts and Helen Hamblin 35 pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormack
15 players

Saturday 9/09/23 - Single Stableford - Maureen Perkins Memorial Day
Sponsored by Errol Perkins and Amber Roles
Winners on the day:
A Grade: Liz Harding 33 pts on a c/b from Justine Makeham 33 pts
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 35 pts
C Grade: Betty Stanton 33 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Larraine Nicolls (card draw)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Noela Hardman (card draw)
Ball winners: Cathy 35 pts, Karen Hamiliton-Gibbs 34 pts, Betty 33 pts, Liz 33 pts, Justine 33 pts and Marg Kinlyside 32 pts on a c/b from Pammie McCloy 32 pts
21 players, including Amber. Thank you for the day, Amber. 

Wednesday 6/09/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Jan Broderick 39 pts
Div 2: Betty Stanton 40 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Libby Plumley
13th sponsored y Uplands P/L - A Grade, no players
Ball Winners: Betty 40 pts, Jan 39 pts, Marg Kinlyside 37 pts and Noela Hardman 36 pts
14 players

Saturday 2/09/23 - 4BBB v Par 
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Winners on the day:
Team event: Betty Stanton and Pammie McCloy +11
Individual: Justine Makeham +4
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Justine Makeham
Ball winners: Justine +4, Betty Stanton +2, Pauline Collier +1, Pammie McCloy +1, Camille Carberry +1 and Noela Hardman square on a c/b from Trish Miller, Cathy Aiken and Sandra Holmes all on square
21 players

Wednesday 30/8/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 41 pts
Div 2: Helen Hamblin 37 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Justine 41 pts, Trish Miller 40 pts, Helen 37 pts, Estelle Roberts 36 pts and Gail Hanigan 34 pts
13 players

Saturday 26/8/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 33 pts on a c/b from Helen Spencer 33 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 36 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Estelle 36 pts, Liz 33 pts, Helen 33 pts and Sandra Holmes 33 pts
13 players

Wednesday 23/8/23 - Single Stroke - 6th round of GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal Winners:
A Grade - no players
B Grade - Trish Miller 80 nett
C Grade - Estelle Roberts 87 nett
Putting competition sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade - Justine Makeham 30 putts
B Grade - Gail Hanigan 31 putts
C Grade - Sandra Holmes 30 putts
Winners on the day:
Div 1 -  Liz Harding 74 nett
Dib 2 - Marg Kinlyside 75 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Marg Kinlyside
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Noela Hardman
Ball winners: Liz Harding 74 nett, Marg Kinlyside 75 nett, Gail Hanigan 75 nett and Justine Makeham 76 nett
11 players

Saturday 19/8/23 - Ball Sweepstake
Winner on the day:
Justine Makeham 34 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jill Graham (Gundagai)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
5 players

Saturday 12/8/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Camille Carberry and Estelle Roberts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Lorraine Regan 43 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 40 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Cathy Aiken 
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Sandra Holmes
Ball winners: Lorraine Regan 43 pts, Estelle Roberts 40 pts, Chris Keevil 35 pts, Sandra Holmes 34 pts and Cathy Aiken 33 pts on a c/b from Liz Harding 33 pts
16 players

Wednesday 9/8/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Lorraine Regan 40 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 31 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - 
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Lorraine Regan 40 pts, Cathy Aiken 36 pts, Justine Makeham 34 pts and Estelle Roberts 31 pts
13 players

Saturday 5/8/23 - Single Stroke - 6th round GolfNSW Medals 
Sponsored by Estelle Roberts
Medal winners: 
A Grade: Justine Makeham 78 nett
B Grade: Libby Plumley 82 nett
C Grade: Suzanne Manning 82 nett in a c/b from Pauline Collier
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 31 putts
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 30 putts
C Grade: Tilla Davis 32 putts
Winner on the day:
Cathy Aiken 76 nett
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters & Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts 
Ball winners: Cathy Aiken 76 nett and Justine Makeham 78 nett
8 players

Saturday 29/7/23 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Michele Blizzard
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding and Gail Hanigan 38 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 38 pts
NTP's - 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Julianne Corbett
Ball winners: Cathy Aiken 31 pts and Liz Harding 29 pts
6 players

Wednesday 26/7/23 - Single Stroke - 5th round of GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Cheryl Minehan
Medal winners:
B Grade: Noela Hardman 83 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 31 putts
B Grade: Sandra Holmes 29 putts
C Grade: Pammie McCloy 35 putts
Winner on the day: Gail Hanigan 76 nett
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman 
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Gail Hanigan 76 nett and Liz Harding 78 nett
8 players

Saturday 22/7/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Jan Broderick and Maxine McCormack
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 37 pts Div 2: Estelle Roberts 32 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Trish Miller
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Liz Harding 37 pts, Noela Hardman 34 pts, Camille Carberry 33 pts and Cathy Aiken 33 pts.
14 players

Wednesday 19/7/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Camille Carberry
Winner on the day: Libby Plumley 36 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - no A grade players
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Libby 36 pts, Lorraine Regan 31 pts and Sandra Holmes 29 pts
10 players

Saturday 15/7/23 - Single Par
Sponsored by Kate Cooper and Sheila Traynor
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Gail Hanigan -1 on a c/b from Liz Harding -1
Div 2: Pauline Collier - 5 on a c/b from Suzanne Manning - 5
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Justine Makeham
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
Ball winners: Gail Hanigan - 1, Liz Harding - 1, Libby Plumley - 4, Cathy Aiken - 5 and Pauline Collier - 5.
15 players  

Saturday 1/7/23 - Single Stroke - 5th round of GolfNSW Medals (Saturday)
Ball Sweepstake 
Medal Winners -
A Grade: Liz Harding 69 Nett
B Grade:  -
C Grade: Pauline Collier 83 Nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 29
B Grade: -
C Grade: Suzanne Manning 31
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Tilla Davis
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Justine Makeham
Ball winners: Liz 69 nett and Pauline 83 nett
5 players

Saturday 24/6/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cheryl Minehan and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 36 pts Div 2: Camille Carberry 36 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Gail Hanigan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Michele Blizzard (card draw)
Ball winners: Justine 36 pts, Camille 36 pts, Suzanne Manning 35 pts, Liz Harding 34 pts and Lorraine Regan 31 pts on a c/b from Joy McCormick and Pammie McCloy both with 31 pts
18 players

Wednesday 21/6/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lyn Quay and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Trish Miller 38 pts Div 2: Helen Hamblin
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - not struck
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Helen Hamblin
Ball winners: Trish 38 pts, Noela Hardman 33 pts and Michele Blizzard 32 pts
11 players

Saturday 17/6/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Noela Hardman 33 pts Div 2: Tilla Davis 33 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - not struck
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Libby Plumley
Ball winners: Noela 33 pts, Tilla 33 pts, Leanne Slater 32 pts, Suzanne Manning 32 pts and Libby Plumley 31pts on a c/b from Chris Keevil, Liz Harding and Trish Miller all with 31 pts
18 players

Wednesday 14/6/23 - Single Stroke - 4th round of GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Sheila Traynor
Medal winners:
A Grade: Kate Cooper 77 nett
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 74 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 76 nett
Putting competition sponsored by Cachewise
A Grade: Liz Harding 32 putts
B Grade: Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 30 putts
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 39 putts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Gail Hanigan
Winner on the day: Cathy Aiken 74 nett
Ball winners: Cathy 74 nett, Estelle 76 nett and Kate 77 nett
8 players

Saturday 10/6/23 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds
Winners on the day:
Jacquie Sheridan and Suzanne Manning 40 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Marg Kinlyside
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Suzanne 36 pts, Liz Harding 35 pts and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 28 pts
8 players

Wednesday 7/6/23 - Single Par
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winner on the day: Jacquie Sheridan square
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Justine Makeham
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Libby Plumley
Ball winners: Jacquie square, Justine Makeham -1 and Gail Hanigan -1
10 players

Saturday 3/6/23 - Single Stroke - 4th round of GolfNSW Medal (Saturday)
Sponsored by Trish Miller and Gail Hanigan
Medal winners:
A Grade: Liz Harding 74 nett
B Grade: Libby Plumey 85 nett
C Grade: Tilla Davis 76 nett
Putting competition sposored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 32 putts
B Grade: Trish Miller 30 putts
C Grade: Lorraine Regan 31 putts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 74 Div 2: Estelle Roberts 73
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Michele Blizzard
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Sharon Wilder
Ball winners: Estelle 73, Lorraine Regan 73, Liz Harding 74, Trish Miller 76, Tilla Davis 76 and Jackie Sheridan 79
19 players

Wednesday 31/5/23 - Single Stableford 
Sponsored by Gail Hanigan and Lorraine Regan
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 34 pts Div 2: Helen Hamblin 34 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Betty Stanton
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Helen Hamblin
Ball winners: Liz 34 pts, Helen 34 pts, Lorraine Regan 32 pts and Trish Miller 31 pts
14 players

Sunday 28/5/23 - Stroke - Foursomes Championships
Sponsored by the Stolhand Family and Lady Golfers
Scratch Winners: Leanne Slater and Liz Harding 140
Scratch Runners-up: Justine Makeham and Helen Hamblin 148
Div 1:  Winners - Trish Miller and Noela Hardman 116
   Runners-up - Ros Anderson and Michele Blizzard 126
Div 2:  Winners - Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 117.5
   Runners-up - Betty Stanton and Marg Kinlyside 120.5
6 Balls

Wednesday 24/5/23 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Winners: Helen Hamblin and Liz Harding 46 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored bu Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Hamblin
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Lz Harding
Ball winners: Helen 42 pts, Liz 37 pts, Noela Hardman 35 pts, Joy McCormick 34 pts, Lorraine Regan 31 pts, Leanne Slater 31 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts both 31 pts.
20 players

Sunday 21/5/23 - Ladies Open Tournament
Sponsored by Young Services Club
Scratch winner: Pip Bleyer (Temora GC) 89
Scratch runner-up: Ros Anderson 90
Handicap winner: Michele Blizzard 74
Handicap runner-up: Noeline McAlister (Mollymook GC) 77
Stableford winner: Liz Harding 30 pts
Visitors trophy (non trophy winner): Jennie Blake (Federal GC) 29 pts
Longest Drive: Sally Keatinge (Gundagai GC)
Nearest the Pin: Monica Lo Heni (Latrobe GC)
Scratch winner: Trish Miller 96
Scratch runner-up: Kate Cooper 98 on a c/b from Cathy Aiken 98
Handicap winner: Cathy Aiken 77
Handicap runner-up: Catherine Ellerton (Federal GC) 79
Stableford winner: Noela Hardman 32 pts
Visitor's Trophy (non-trophy winner): Jilly Graham (Gundagai GC) 28 pts
Longest drive: 
Nearest the Pin:
Scratch winner: Camille Carberry 99
Scratch runner-up: Betty Stanton 103
Handicap winner: Pauline Collier 71
Handicap runner-up: Jennifer Quelch (Mollymook GC) 75
Stableford winner: Helen Hamblin 32 pts
Visitors Trophy (non-trophy winner): Anna Seaniger (Federal GC) 28 pts
Longest drive: Estelle Roberts
Nearest the Pin: Estelle Roberts

Visitor's Best Score: Leanne Farrell ( (Boorowa GC) 28 pts
44 players

Saturday 20/5/23 - Tournament 2 Lady Ambrose
Sponsored by South West Credit Union
Winners: Ros Anderson and Michele Blizzard 68.5
Runners-up: Liz Harding and Camille Carberry 71
Visitors: Catherine Ellerton and Anna Seaniger 71.5 (both from Federal GC ACT)
40 players

Wednesday 17/5/23 - Single Stroke, 3rd round of GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Trish Miller and Jan Broderick
Medal  Winners:
A Grade: Kate Cooper 76 nett
B Grade: Trish Miller 81 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 75 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Kate Cooper 30 putts
B Grade: Sandra Holmes 31 putts
C Grade: Larraine Nicolls 33 putts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 74 net Div 2: Estelle Roberts 75 nett
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Justine 74 nett, Estelle 75 nett, Liz Harding 75 nett, Ros Anderson 76 nett, Kate Cooper 76 nett and Sandra Holmes 78 nett.
15 players

Saturday 13/5/23 - Single Par
Sponsored by Noela Hardman and Libby Plumley
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Michele Blizzard -2 Div 2: Tilla Forrest -1 on a c/b from Camille Careberry -1
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Noela Hardman
AISSUR Bowl: Today's results - Tilla Davis 5 pts, Camille Carberry 4 pts, Michele Blizzard 3 pts, Liz Harding 2 pts and 1pt to all other players.
Therefore, the Winner of the AISSUR Bowl is Michele Blizzard 8 pts and runner-up is Tilla Forrest 6pts on a c/b from Liz Harding 6 pts.
Ball winners: Tilla -1, Camille -1, Michele - 2, Liz Harding - 4, Libby Plumley - 4 on a c/b from Leanne Slater and Kate Cooper both - 4.
17 players

Wednesday 10/5/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Libby Plumley and Marg Kinlyside
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 34 pts Div 2: Helen Hamblin 37 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Kate Cooper
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts 
Ball winners: Helen Hamblin 37 pts, Marg Kinlyside 33 pts, Pauline Collier 32 pts, Liz Harding 31 pts and Cath Johnson 30 pts on a c/b from Estelle Roberts, Kate Cooper, Noela Hardman and Leanne Slater all with 30 pts.
14 players

Saturday 6/5/23 - Single Stroke, third round of GolfNSW Medals (Saturday)
Sponsored by Ros Anderson
Medal Winners:
A Grade: Michele Blizzard 71 net
B Grade: Libby Plumley 80 nett
C Grade: Tilla Davis 79 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Michele Blizzard 71 nett Div 2: Betty Stanton 75 nett
AISSUR Bowl sponsored by Lesley Watson, 1st Round:
Winner: Michele Blizzard 71 nett, 2nd: Liz Harding 73 nett and 3rd: Betty Stanton 75 nett on a c/b from Leanne Slater 75 nett. Hence the points are: Michele 5, Liz 4, Betty 3, Leanne 2 and all other players receive 1 point. Second round next week Par comp.
Putting competition sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Michele Blizzard 26 putts      B Grade: Trish Miller 30 putts  C Grade: Pauline Collier 26 putts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Tilla Davis
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Ros Anderson
Ball winners: Michele Blizzard 71 nett, Liz Harding 73 nett, Betty Stanton 75 nett, Leanne Slater 75 nett,
Ros Anderson 79 nett on a c/b from Marg Kinlyside and Tilla Davis both 79 nett.
14 players

Wednesday  3/5/23 - Single Stableford
Winner on the day:
Libby Plumley 32 pts, followed by Betty Stanton 26 pts
Only 2 players completed the round!

Saturday 29/4/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winner on the day:
Liz Harding 35 pts, followed by Betty Stanton 33 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
Ball winners: Liz 35 pts, Betty 33 pts and Tilla Davis 29 pts on a c/b from Libby Plumley 29pts
8 players

Wednesday 26/4/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Betty Stanton and Kate Cooper
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 37 pts Div 2: Helen Hamblin 35 pts
NTP's: 7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Leanne 37 pts, Helen 35 pts, Cheryl Minehan 33 pts, Cathy Aiken 32 pts and Lorraine Regan 32 pts
16 players

Saturday 22/4/23 - 4BBB Stableford (draw for partners)
Sponsored by Suzanne Manning
Winners on the day:
Cheryl Minehan and Camille Carberry 41 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs and Cathy Aiken 40 pts on a c/b from Leanne Slater and Liz Harding 41 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Trish Miller
Ball winners: Cheryl Minehan 34 pts, Liz Harding 33 pts, Sandra Holmes 32 pts, Camille Carberry 32 pts, 
14 players

Wednesday 19/4/23 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds
Winners on the day: 
Sandra Holmes and Marg Kinlyside 43 pts
Noela Hardman and Betty Stanton 42 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Ros Anderson
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Cathy Aiken
Ball winners: Marg Kinlyside 35 pts, Estelle Roberts 34 pts, Cathy Aiken 34 pts and Helen Spencer 31 pts
12 players

Wednesday 12/4/23 - Stroke, Second Round of Golf NSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal Winners:
A Grade: 
B Grade: Trish Miller 85 nett
C Grade: Helen Hamblin 74 nett
Putting sponsored by Cachewise:
A Grade: Liz Harding 31 putts
B Grade: Betty Stanton 32 putts
C Grade: Helen Hamblin 35 putts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 70 nett
Div 2: Helen Hamblin 74 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Helen Hamblin
Ball winners:
Liz 70 nett, Helen 74 nett and Betty 81 nett
8 players

Saturday 8/4/23 - Single Stableford
Winners on the day:
Justine Makeham 33 pts, Helen Spencer 32 pts and Libby Plumley 30 pts
5 players

Saturday 1/4/23 - Stroke, Second Round of Golf NSW Medals (Saturday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal Winners:
A Grade - Liz Harding 79 nett
B Grade - Camille Carberry 84 nett
C Grade - Tilla Davis 77 nett
Putting sponsored by  Cachewise:
A Grade - Michele Blizzard 26 putts
B Grade - Betty Stanton 31 putts
C Grade - Pauline Collier 33 putts
Winners on the Day:
Div 1 - Helen Spencer 75 nett
Div 2 - Estelle Roberts 74 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Michele Blizzard
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Kate Cooper
Ball winners:
Estelle 74 nett, Helen Spencer 75 nett, Helen Hamblin 75 nett, Betty Stanton 77 nett, Tilla Davis 77 nett.
18 players

Sunday 25/3/23 - Stroke, Final Round of Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade:
Scratch winner: Justine Makeham (86/92/86) 264
Scratch runner-up: Liz Harding  (86/93/90) 269
Handicap winner: Michele Blizzard  (76/72/81) 229 nett
Handicap runner-up: Cathy Aiken  (76/86/75) 237 nett
B Grade:
Scratch winner: Noela Hardman  (97/100/108) 305
Scratch runner-up: Lorraine Regan (103/107/100) 310
Handicap winner: Libby Plumley (77/84/79)  240 nett
Handicap runner-up: Camille Carberry (79/77/86) 242 nett
C Grade:
Scratch winner: Betty Stanton (108/104/104) 316
Scratch runner-up: Helen Hamblin (110/117/111) 338
Handicap winner: Marg Kinleyside (90/83/76) 249 nett
Handicap runner-up: Tilla Davis (77/91/81) 249 nett

Winner of the Centennial Bowl for the best nett score over 54 holes - Justine Makeham 213 nett
Winner of the Senior Veteran's Bette Booker Trophy - Betty Stanton 223 nett

Daily competition -
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 70 nett
Div 2: Jackie Sheridan 72 nett
NTP's sponsored by Cachewise -
7th - Liz Harding
13th - not struck
16th - Helen Hamblin
Ball winners - Justine 70 nett, Jackie 72 nett, Cathy Aiken 74 nett, Betty Stanton 74 nett, Lorraine Regan 75 nett and Helen Hamblin 75 nett
19 players

Saturday 25/3/23 - Stroke, Second Round of Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade: Justine Makeham (86/92) 178, Liz Harding (86/93) 179, Helen Spencer (90/94) 184 and Michele Blizzard (94/90) 184
B Grade: Noela Hardman (97/100) 197, Lorraine Regan (103/107) 210 and Libby Plumley (102/109) 211
C Grade: Betty Stanton (108/104) 212, Helen Hamblin (110/117) 227 and Estelle Roberts (115/112) 227

Daily competition -
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day -
Div 1: Michele Blizzard 72 nett
Div 2: Betty Stanton 73 nett
NTP's -
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Betty Stanton
16th sponsored by Cachewise: Cathy Aiken
Ball winners: Michele Blizzard 72 nett, Betty Stanton 73 nett, Justine Makeham 76 nett, Camille Carberry 77 nett, Noela Hardman 77 nett, Estelle Roberts 79 nett on a c/b from Ros Anderson 79 nett
21 players

Sunday 19/3/23 - Stroke, First Round of Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court

A Grade: Liz Harding 86, Justine Makeham 86 and Helen Spencer 90 
B Grade: Noela Hardman 97, Trish Miller 102 and Libby Plumley 102
C Grade: Betty Stanton 108, Pauline Collier 108 and Tilla Davis108

Daily Competiton
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Div 1: Winner - Justine Makeham 69 nett.  Runner-up - Liz Harding 74 nett on a c/b from Noela Hardman 74 nett
Div 2: Winner - Helen Hamblin 73 nett        Runner-up- Pauline Collier 75 nett
NTP's sponsored by Cachewise -
7th - Cheryl Minehan
13th - Tilla Davis
16th - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Justine 69 nett, Helen 73 nett, Liz 74 nett, Noela Hardman 74 nett, Pauline 73 nett and Michele Blizzard 76 nett on a c/b from Cathy Aiken 76 nett.
21 players

Saturday 18/3/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winner on the day - 
Leanne Slater 34 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
Ball winners: Leanne 34 pts, Kate Cooper 31 pts, Ros Anderson 31 pts on a c/b from Sandra Holmes
9 players

Harden Tournament 15/3/23
Winners on the day -
Div 1: Scratch winner - Liz Harding 85 Handicap winner - Kate Cooper 79
Div 2: Stableford winner - Jackie Sheridan 32 pts
Div 3: Stableford winner - Cath Johnson 34 pts
Nearest the Pin winner: Cathy Aiken13 players from Young

Saturday 11/3/23 - Stroke, First Round of Golf NSW Medals (Saturday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal Winners -
A Grade: Michele Blizzard 73 nett B Grade: Libby Plumley 72 nett
Winners on the day -
Div 1: Libby Plumley 72 nett on c/b from Noela Hardman 72 nett Div 2: Larraine Nicolls 73 nett
Putting competition sponsored by Cachewise -
A Grade: Michele Blizzard 27 putts  B Grade: Betty Stanton 32 putts  C Grade: Larraine 36 putts
Nearest the Pins -
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Larraine Nicolls
13th sposored by Uplands P/L: Ros Anderson
Ball winners: Libby 72 nett, Noela 72 nett, Larraine 73 nett and Michele 73 nett
12 players

Wednesday 8/3/23 - Stroke, First Round of Golf NSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal Winners -
A Grade: Kate Cooper 81 nett      B Grade: Cathy Aiken 71 nett    C Grade: Betty Stanton 74 nett
Winners on the day -
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 71 nett            Div 2: Libby Plumley 73 nett
Putting competerition sponsored by Cachewise -
A Grade: RosAnderson 30 putts  B Grade: Libby Plumley 25 putts C Grade: Larraine Nicolls 35 putts
Nearest the Pins:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Leanne Slater
15 players

Saturday 4/3/23 - Opening Day 4BBB Aggregate
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Larraine Nicolls and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 67 pts
Tilla Davis and Ros Anderson 66 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds -
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L -
Ball winners: Tilla 38 pts, Larraine 34 pts, Leanne Slater 34 pts, Jackie Sheridan 33 pts, Karen 33 pts and Liz Harding 31 pts
18 players 

Summer Competition November '22 to February '23
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services - Tony Pullen
Cathy Aiken and Justine Makeham
Ros Anderson
Third place:
Libby Plumley and Estelle Roberts

18 players qualified (playing 5 rounds or more)

Wednesday 1/3/23 - Opening Day 2 Person Ambrose
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Justine Makeham and Patricia Murphy (Harden) 68.5
Liz Harding and Larraine Nicolls 69
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Ros Anderson
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - 
Ball winners: Justine and Trish, Liz and Larraine and Michele Blizzard and Trish Miller
18 players

Saturday 25/02/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services 
Winners on the day:
Leanne Slater 37 pts, Sandra Holmes 35 pts, Justine Makeham 34 pts and Larraine Nicolls 32 pts.
13 players

Saturday 18/02/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Pauline Collier 34 pts and Estelle Roberts 32 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken, Kate Cooper and Liz Harding all with 32 pts
10 players

Saturday 11/02/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Jacky Sheridan 36 pts, Pauline Collier 34 pts, Larraine Nicolls 33 pts and Liz Harding 32 pts on a c/b from Estelle Roberts, Justine Makeham and Cathy Aiken all with 32 pts
14 players

Saturday 4/02/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding 35 pts, Jacky Sheridan 34 pts, Maxine McCormack 31 pts, Ros Anderson 31 pts and Sandra Holmes 31 pts
14 players

Saturday 28/01/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Michele Blizzard 38 pts, Kate Cooper 38 pts, Estelle Roberts 36 pts, and Larraine Nicolls 32 pts
12 players

Saturday 21/01/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding 41 pts, Trish Miller 39 pts, Camille Carberry 34 pts, Tilla Davis 34 pts, Jacky Sheridan 34 pts
and Cathy Aiken 34 pts.
17 players

Saturday 7/01/23 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Camille Carberry 36 pts, Estelle Roberts 36 pts, Sandra Holmes 36 pts and Noela Hardman 32 pts
10 players

Saturday 31/12/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Sandy Anderson 35 pts, Michele Blizzard 33 pts, Cathy Aiken 33 pts, Libby Plumley 33 pts, Justine Makeham 32 pts, Gail Hanigan 32 pts
14 players

Saturday 23/12/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Tilla Davis 41 pts, Helen Spencer 39 pts and Cathy Aiken 39 pts
8 players

Saturday 17/12/22 - 4BBB Stableford and Single Stableford
Sponsored by Milne's Country Meats and Christmas Hampers Sponsored by Phil Mitchell
Results for 4BBB -
Winners - Libby Plumley and Gail Hanigan 50 pts!, 
Runners Up - Camille Carberry and Cath Johnson 45pts
Results for Single Stableford -
Libby Plumley 43 pts!, Camille Carberry 41 pts, Maxine McCormack 39 pts, Noela Hardman 38 pts on a c/b from Michelle Blizzard 38 pts, Gail Hanigan 37 pts, Justine Makeham 36 pts and Helen Spencer 35 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson 35 pts
Great scores, ladies! Merry Christmas!
23 players

Saturday 10/12/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Justine Makeham 41 pts, Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Estelle Roberts 36 pts, Ros Anderson 36 pts, Sandra Anderson 34 pts and Libby Plumley 34 pts
14 players

Saturday 3/12/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Justine Makeham 39 pts, Noela Hardman 34 pts, Ros Anderson 34 pts, Helen Spencer 34 pts and Camille Carberry 34 pts
9 players

Saturday 27/11/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Ros Anderson 40 pts, Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Larraine Nicolls 35 pts, Sandra Holmes 35 pts and Noela Hardman 33 pts
14 players

Saturday 19/11/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Hilltops Vegetation Services
Winners on the day:
Gail Hanigan 36 pts, Maxine McCormack 33 pts and Pauline Collier 32 pts
5 players

Saturday 5/11/22

The Final of the Wirral Cup completed.

Camille Carberry defeated Libby Plumley 6 up

Congratulations, Camille!


Wednesday                                                                           Saturday

Best Scratch Scores

Div 1: Liz Harding 84 Div 1: Liz Harding/ 
  Leanne Slater 86
Div 2: Kate Cooper 89 Div 2: Cathy Aiken 90
Div 3: Estelle Roberts 106 Div 3: Camille Carberry 105
Liz Harding Liz Harding
Div 1: Liz Harding 59.5 Div 1: Liz Harding 59.5
Div 2: Trish Miller 65 Div 2: Michele Blizzard/
  Cathy Aiken 66.5
Div 3: Betty Stanton 65.5 Div 3: Betty Stanton 65.5
Div 1: Liz Harding 13 Div 1: Liz Harding 11
Div 2: Cathy Aiken 4 Div 2: Michele Blizzard/
   Trish Miller 2
Div 3: Betty Stanton 2 Div 3: Betty Stanton 3
Div 1: Ros Anderson 4 Div 1: Maxine McCormack 5
Div 2: Libby Plumley 4 Div 2: Cheryl Minehan/
  Trish Miller/
   Sandra Holmes 2
Div 3: Betty Stanton/Estelle Roberts 5 Div 3: Betty Stanton 7

Greatest Reduction in Handicap Sponsored by Lesley Watson
Pauline Collier (for the second time)

      Mid-Week Match Play Sponsored by Ros Anderson
Winner: Maxine McCormack
Runner-Up: Leanne Slater

Wirral Cup Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Yet to be completed

Wednesday 19/10/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Jan Broderick and Joy McCormick
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 42 pts, followed by Liz Harding 41 pts
Div 2: Betty Stanton 38 pts, followed by Estelle Roberts 36 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Leanne Slater
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Lorraine Regan
Ball winners: Leanne, Liz and Betty
11 players

Saturday 15/10/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Jenelle Connelly 
Winners on the day:
Pammie McCloy 32 pts, followed by Liz Harding 29 pts on a c/b from Leanne Slater and Michelle Blizzard  29 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Trish Millet
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Pammie 32 pts and Liz 29 pts
8 players

Wednesday 12/10/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by IGA
Winners on the day:
Div 1 - Cathy Aiken 36 pts on a c/b from Justine Makeham 36 pts
Div 2 - Betty Stanton 31 pts followed by Cath Johnson 26 pts 
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Jan Broderick
Ball winners: Cathy 36 pts, Justine 36 pts, Maxine McCormack 33 pts and Betty 31 pts
12 Players

Wednesday - 29/9/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cecile Rhodes and Amber Roles
Winners on the day:
Div 1 - Trish Miller 38 pts, followed by Justine Makeham 35 pts
Div 2 - Libby Plumley 33 pts, followed by Betty Stanton 29 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Trish Miller
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Trish 38 pts, Justine 35 pts, Libby 33 pts, Betty 29 pts and Liz Harding 28 pts on a c/b from Cheryl Minhan 28 pts

Saturday 17/9/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Pammie McCloy
Winner on the day:
Cathy Aiken 29 pts, followed by Liz Harding 27 pts and Justine Makeham 26 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Pammie McCloy (card draw)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Justine Makeham
Ball winners: Cathy 29 pts, Liz 27 pts and Justine 26 pts
9 players

Wednesday 14/9/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Gail Hanigan and Penny Greaves
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Gail Hanigan 34 pts, followed by Kate Cooper 30 pts
Div 2: Marg Kinleyside 37 pts followed by Betty Stanton 30 pts
7th sponsoredby Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Trish Miller
Ball winners: Marg 37 pts, Gail 34 pts, Pauline Collier 31 pts, Kate 30 pts on a c/b from Betty 30 pts
13 players

Wednesday 7/9/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 37 pts, followed by Gail Hanigan 35 pts on a c/b from Liz Harding 35 pts
Div 2: Trish Miller 36 pts, followed by Pammie McCloy 33 pts on a c/b from Lorraine Regan 33 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Lorriane Regan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Justine, Trish, Gail and Liz on a c/b from Jan Broderick 35 pts
13 players

Saturday 3/9/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Penny Greaves
Winners on the day:
Gail Hanigan 35 pts followed by Betty Stanton 31 pts on a c/b from Noela Hardman 31 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Suzanne Manning
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Maxine McCormack
Ball winners: Gail, Betty and Noela
9 players

Wednesday 31/8/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 37 pts followed by Gail Hanigan 34 pts
Div 2: Betty Stanton 29 pts on a c/b from Pammie McCloy 29 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Joy McCormick
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Kate Cooper
Ball winners: Justine, Gail, Liz Harding 33 pts and Betty
14 players

Saturday 27/8/22 - Single Stroke - 6th round GolfNSW Medals
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Medal winners:
A grade: Justine Makeham 78 nett
B grade: Libby Plumley 79 nett
C grade: Pammie McCloy 82 nett
Winners on the day:
Suzanne Manning 76 nett on a c/b from Jan Broderick 76 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Liz Harding
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Justine Makeham
Ball winners: Suzanne and Jan 
8 players

Wednesday 10/8/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Joy McCormick
Winner: Maxine McCormack 34 pts
Runner-Up: Liz Harding 32 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jan Broderick
13th sponsred by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Maxine 34 pts, Liz 32 pts and Trish Miller 30 pts
10 players

Saturday 30/7/22 - 4BBB 
Sponsored by Cachewise - Justine and Simon Makeham
Winners: Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 45 pts
Runners-up: Camille Carberry and Pauline Collier 43 pts
In the Single Stableford event - 
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Betty Stanton
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Maxine McCormack
Ball winners: Camille Carberry 35 pts, Cathy Aiken 35 pts, Maxine McCormack 33 pts, Pammie McCloy 33 pts and Libby Plumley 31 pts on a c/b from Gail Hanigan 31 pts
18 players

Saturday 23/7/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 41 pts, followed by Gail Hanigan 32 pts
Div 2: Camille Carberry 31 pts, followed by Suzanne Manning 29 pts on a c/b from Pauline Collier and Betty Stanton both with 29 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Justine Makeham
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Libby Plumley
Ball winners: Maxine 41 pts, Gail 32 pts, Camille 31 pts and Cathy Aiken 30 pts
14 players

Wednesday 20/7/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lorraine Regan
Winners on the day:
Libby Plumley 37 pts, followed by Maxine McCormack 35 pts and Betty Stanton 32 pts.
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Lorraine Regan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
9 players

Saturday 16/7/22 - Pinehurst Foursomes
Sponsored by Cheryl Minehan
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding and Pauline Collier 69.75 nett 
Runners up:
Libby Plumley and Noela Hardman 76.625 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Trish Miller
Ball winners: Libby Plumley, Noela Hardman, Liz Harding and Pauline Collier
12 players

Wednesday 13/7/22 - Single Stroke 5th round of GolfNSW Medal (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lyn Quay
Medal winners:
A Grade: Kate Cooper 72 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 71 nett
Winners on the day:
Estelle 71 nett followed by Kate 72 nett
7th sponsosored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Penny Greaves
Ball winners: Estelle and Kate
7 players

Saturday 9/7/22 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Young Eyes
Winners on the day:
1st : Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 41 pts
2nd : Maxine McCormack and Gail Hanigan 39 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Maxine McCormack
Ball winners: Estelle 35 pts, Liz 34 pts, Maxine 34 pts and Tilla Davis 33 pts
14 players

Wednesday 6/7/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Libby Plumley and Liz Harding
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 34 pts, followed by Cathy Aiken 29 pts
Div 2: Libby Plumley 38 pts, followed by Betty Stanton 32 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Libby 38 pts, Liz 34 pts and Betty 32 pts
11 players

Wednesday 29/6/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Noela Hardman and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 36 pts, followed by Trish Miller 34 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken 34 pts
Div 2: Libby Plumley 33 pts, followed by Marg Kinlyside 30 pts and Cheryl Minehan 28 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - not won
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Trish Miller
Ball winners: Maxine 36 pts, Trish 34 pts and Cathy 34 pts
11 players

Saturday 25/6/22 - 4Ball Twister
Sponsored by Leanne Slater
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding and Gail Hanigan followed by Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 55 pts and Maxine McCormack and Trish Miller 53 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Betty Stanton
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Liz Harding 37 pts, Maxine McCormack 36 pts, Estelle Roberts 34 pts, Betty Stanton 32 pts, Cathy Aiken 32 pts and Trish Miller 29 pts
12 players

Wednesday 22/6/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Gail Hanigan
Winner on the day:
Trish Miller 36 pts, followed by Liz Harding 32 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Penny Greaves
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Trish 36 pts and Liz 32 pts
8 players

Saturday 18/6/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Libby Plumley
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 34 pts followed by Trish Miller 31 pts
Div 2: Marg Kinlyside 31 pts on a c/b from Libby Plumley 31 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Pauline Collier
Ball winners: Liz 34 pts, Marg 31 pts, Libby 31 pts, Trish 31 pts, Tilla Davis 30 pts, Kate Cooper 30 pts on a c/b from Suzanne Manning and Penny Greaves both 30 pts
19 players

Wednesday 15/6/22 - Single Stroke - 4th round of GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Trish Miller and Sandra Holmes
Medal winners: A/B Grade - Kate Cooper 77 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 81 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 69 nett, followed by Liz Harding 71 nett on a c/b from Kate Cooper 71 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 78 nett, followed by Sandra Holmes 79 nett on a c/b from Penny Greaves 79 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Marg Kinlyside
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Maxine 69 nett, Liz 71 nett, Kate 71 nett and Libby 78 nett
13 players

Saturday 4/6/22 - Single Stroke - 4th round of GolfNSW Medals
Medal winner: Michele Blizzard 71 nett
Winner on the Day: Michele Blizzard 71 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Michele Blizzard
Ball winners: Michele 71 nett and Liz Harding 75 nett
6 players

Sunday 29/5/22 - Foursomes Championships - 27 holes
Scratch winners: Liz Harding and Leanne Slater (92/46) 138
Scratch runners-up: Kate Cooper and Michele Blizzard (100/50) 150
Handicap winners: Betty Stanton and Marg Kinlyside (83.5/39.5) 123
Handicap runners-up: Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts (77/47) 124
16 players

Saturday 28/5/22 - Ball Sweepstakes
Winner: Liz Harding 36 pts
Runner-up: Cathy Aiken 29 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Cathy Aiken
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Penny Greaves
Ball winners: Liz 3 balls and Cathy 2 balls!
5 players

Wednesday 25/5/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Betty Stanton
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding 36 pts followed by Kate Cooper 34 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Kate Cooper
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Jan Broderick
Ball winners: Liz 36 pts and Kate 34 pts
8 players

Saturday 21/5/22 - 2 Person Medley Ambrose Keno qualifier
Sponsored by Christobel and James French
In the Ladies division the winners were:
Kate Cooper and Ros Anderson with 70.25

Wednesday 18/5/22 - Stroke - 3rd round of the GolfNSW Medals (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken and Marg Kinlyside
Medal winners:
A grade: Leanne Slater 77 nett
B Grade: Betty Stanton 82 nett
C Grade: Marg Kinlyside 78 nett
Winners on the day:
1st Div: Liz Harding 75 nett
2nd Div: Penny Greaves 69 nett 
7th sposored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Amber Roles
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Jackie Sheridan
Ball winners: Penny 69 nett, Liz 75 nett, Leanne 77 nett, Marg 78 nett and Ros Anderson 79 nett
16 players

Sunday 15/5/22 - Individual Stroke and Stableford - Final Day Open Tournament
Sponsored by Young Services Club
Div 1 winners:
Scratch winner: Liz Harding 89; Runner-up: Leanne Slater 90
Handicap winner: Kate Cooper 76 on a c/b from Runner-up: Virginia Drogemuller 76 
Stableford winner: Monica Lo Heni 32 pts
Visitor's Trophy (non-trophy winner): Trish Lentfer 29 pts
Longest Drive: Lisa Watson
NTP 10th: Judy Gorton (courtesy of Leanne Slater!)
Div 2 winners:
Scratch winner: Cathy Aiken 97; Runner-up: Maxine McCormack 99
Handicap winner: Louise Hufton 81 on a c/b from Runner-up: Jenny Blake 91 
Stableford winner: Amber Roles 29 pts
Visitor's Trophy (non-trophy winner): Jill Graham 26 pts
Longest Drive: Jenny Twaloh
NTP 7th: Jen Fletcher
Div 3 winners:
Scratch winner: Tilla Davis 101; Runner-up: Penny Greaves 105
Handicap winner: Estelle Roberts 77 on a c/b from Runner-up: Marg Kinlyside 77
Stableford winner: Jenny Twaloh 32 pts
Visitor's Trophy (non-trophy winner): Karen Hancock 26 pts
Longest Drive: Marg Kinlyside
NTP 13th: Tilla Davis
50 players with ladies from Heritage, Melbourne; Woodlands, Melbourne; Forbes, Grenfell, Boorowa, Gundagai, Temora, Federal ACT and Yowani ACT

Saturday 14/5/22 - 4BBB Stableford - Day 1 Open Tournament
Sponsored by South West Slopes Credit Union
4BBB winners:
Libby Plumley and Suzanne Manning 40 pts, followed by Tilla Davis and Pauline Collier 39 pts on a c/b from Michele Blizzard and Ros Anderson 39 pts
Ball winners: Pauline 35 pts, Suzanne 34 pts, Penny Greaves 32 pts, Michele 32 pts, Ros 31 pts, Maxine McCormack, 29 pts, Leanne Slater 28 pts, Liz Harding 28 pts, Trish Lentfer 28 pts and Monica Lo Heni 28 pts
32 players including ladies from Federal ACT and Yowani ACT

Wednesday 11/5/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Estelle Roberts and Larraine Nicolls
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Ros Anderson 39 pts
Div 2: Suzanne Manning 30 pts
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Suzanne Manning
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Kate Cooper
Ball winners: Ros 39 pts, Lorraine Regan 31 pts, Kate Cooper 30pts and Suzanne Manning 30pts
14 players

Saturday 7/5/22 - Single Par - final round Aissur Bowl
Sponsored by Liz Harding and Aissur Bowl sponsored by Lesley Watson
Winner on the day; Tilla Davis +1, follwed by Liz Harding -2 and Camille Carberry -2
Aissur Bowl points on the day: Tilla 5, Liz 4. Camille 3, Penny Greaves 2. rest of players 1
Aissur Bowl winner; Liz Harding 9 points and runner-up Camille Carberry 6 pts.
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Sutters and Blinds - Michelle Blizzard
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Camille Carberry
Ball winners; Tilla, Liz and Camille
9 players

Saturday 30/4/22 - Single Stroke - 3rd round GolfNSW Medals and 1st round of Aissur Bowl
Medal round sponsored by Ros Anderson and Aissur Bowl sponsored by Lesley Watson
Medal winners:
A Grade: Justine Makeham 94 nett
B Grade: Libby Plumley 79 nett
Winner on the day and Aissur Bowl winner: Liz Harding 76 nett
Aissur Bowl points: Liz 5, Lobby Plumley 4, Camille Carberry 3, Betty Stanton 2, rest of players 1
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Camille Carberry
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Betty Stanton
Ball winners; Liz 76 nett, and Libby 79 nett
8 players

Wednesday 20/4/22 - 4Ball Twister
Sponsored by Leanne Slater
Winners: Suzanne Manning and Cecile Rhodes 53 pts
Winners on the day;
Div1: Leanne Slater 34 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson 34 pts
Div 2: Suzanne Manning 37 pts from Estelle Roberts 35 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Jackie Sheridan
13th sonsored by Uplands P/L: Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Suzanne 37 pts, Estelle 35 pts, Leanne 34 pts and Ros 34 pts
12 players

Saturday 16/4/22 - Single Stableford
There were not enough players to enable a competition, but best scores were:
Pauline Collier 40 pts, Marg Kinlyside 31 pts, Cathy Aiken 31 pts and Estelle Roberts 31 pts.
7 players, including 2 visitors

Wednesday 13/4/22 - Single Stroke - 2nd Round of GolfNSW Medal
Sponsored by
Medal Winners -
A Grade: Leanne Slater 75 nett
B Grade:
C Grade: Margaret Kinlyside 83 nett
Winner on the day -
Betty Stanton 71 nett
NTP's -
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Suzanne Manning
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Liz Harding
Ball winners: Betty 71 nett, Liz 73 nett and Leanne 75 nett
11 players

Saturday 9/4/22 - Single Stableford in conjuction with Brian Gales Memorial 4BBB
Winners: Sharon Wilder 34 pts, Cath Johnson 33 pts and Liz Harding 32 pts on a c/b from Chris Keevil and Joy McCormick both 32pts.
4BBB -
highest score mixed - Tilla Davis with Ronald Thompson 43
highest score ladies - Chris Keevil and Carolyn Shaw 41

Wednesday 6/4/22 - Single Par
Sonsored by Kate Cooper
Winners on the day:
Liz Harding -1, Justine Makeham - 2 and Sandra Holmes -2
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Maxine McCormick
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Sandra Holmes
10 players

Saturday 2/4/22 - Stroke 2nd Round of GolfNSW Medal -
Sponsored by Karen Hamilton-Gibbs and Trish Miller
Medal winners on the day:
A Grade: Justine Makeham 80 nett
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 78 nett
C Grade: Pammie McCloy 82 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Kate Cooper 73 nett
Div 2: Amber Roles 77 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Amber Roles
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Pammie McCloy
Ball winners: Kate 73 nett, Amber 77 nett, Leanne Slater 77 nett, Cathy Aiken 78 nett
12 players

Wednesday 30/3/22 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by lady golfers
Winners on the day:
Ros Anderson 34 pts on a c/b Liz Harding 34 pts and Cheryl Minehan 31 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Penelope Greaves
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Kate Cooper
Ball comp. winners: Ros, Liz and Cheryl
10 players

Sunday 27/3/22 - Final Round of the Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade
Scratch winner: Leanne Slater 89/86/88 - 263
Scratch runner-up: Liz Harding 90/86/88 - 264
Handicap winner: Ros Anderson 72/78/76 - 226 nett
Handicap runner-up: Justine Makeham 77/75/76 - 228 nett

B Grade
Scratch winner: Cathy Aiken 90/86/104 - 280
Scratch runner-up: Kate Cooper 97/93/98 - 288
Handicap winner: Amber Roles 80/74/71 - 225 nett
Handicap runner-up: Lorraine Regan 72/76/80 - 228 nett

C Grade
Scratch winner: Margaret Kinlyside 106/109/108 - 323
Scratch runner-up: Camille Carberry 105/115/107 - 327
Handicap winner: Tilla Davis 75/76/83 - 234 nett
Handicap runner-up: Estelle Roberts 79/75/83 - 237 nett

Winner of the Senior Veteran's Bette Booker Trophy - Margaret Kinleyside 227 nett

Winner of the Centennial Bowl for the best nett score over 54 holes - Cathy Aiken 217 nett

Daily competition:
Sponsored by Cachewise - Justine and Simon Makeham
Div 1: Amber Roles 71 nett
Div 2: Pauline Collier 73 nett
16th A Grade - Leanne Slater
7th B Grade - Amber Roles
13th C Grade - Suzanne Manning
Ball winners: Amber 71 nett, Pauline 73 nett, Michele Blizzard 73 nett, Leanne Slater 73 nett, Maxine McCormack 73 nett, Ros Anderson 76 nett and Margaret Kinlyside 76 nett

Saturday 26/3/22 - 2nd Round of Ladies Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade (0 - 20) leaders: Leanne Slater 89/86 - 175, Liz Harding 90/86 - 176 and Ros Anderson 88/94 - 182
B Grade (21 - 30) leaders: Cathy Aiken 90/86 - 176, Kate Cooper 97/93 - 190 and Libby Plumley 94/110 - 204
C Grade (31 - 54) leaders: Tilla Davis 107/108 - 215, Margaret Kinlyside 106/109 - 215, Camille Carberry 105/115 - 220 and Estelle Roberts 112/108 - 220

Daily competition:
Sponsored by Maureen Perkins
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 66 nett
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 75 nett on a c/b from Betty Stanton 75 nett
NTP's -
16th A Grade - Maxine McCormack
7th B Grade - Libby Plumley
13th C Grade - Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Cathy 66 nett, Leanne Slater 71 nett, Kate Cooper 72 nett, Amber Roles 74 nett, Estelle 75 nett, Betty 75 nett, Tilla Davis 76 nett, Lorraine Regan 76 nett on a c/b from Liz Harding and Justine Makeham

Sunday 20/3/22 - 1st Round of Ladies Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade (0 - 20) leaders: Ros Anderson 88, Leanne Slater 89 and Liz Harding 90
B Grade (21- 30) leaders: Cathy Aiken 90, Libby Plumley 94 ans Lorraine Regan 96
C Grade (31 - 54) leaders: Camille Carberry 105, Marg Kinleyside 106 and Tilla Davis 107
Leaders in the 54 hole nett for Seniors - Bette Booker Trophy: Libby Plumley 65 nett, Lorraine Regan 72 nett and Marg Kinleyside 74 nett

Daily competition:
Sponsored by Cachwise (Justine and Simon Makeham)
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 69 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 65 nett
NTPs -
16th A Grade: Liz Harding
7th B Grade: Sandra Holmes
13th C Grade: Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Libby 65 nett, Cathy 69 nett, Lorraine 72 nett, Ros 72 nett, Jackie Sheridan 73 nett, Camille 74 nett, Marg 74 nett and Leanne 74 nett.

Saturday 19/3/22 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Leanne Slater and Michelle Blizzard 46 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cecile Rhodes -
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Tilla Davis
Ball winners:
Leanne 40 pts, Penelope Greaves 33 pts, Ros Anderson 33 pts, Kate Cooper 31 pts on a c/c from Cathy Aiken 31 pts
12 players

Wednesday 16/3/22 - Stroke - 1st round of Wednesday GolfNSW Medal
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Medal Winners on the day were:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 76 nett
B Grade: Kate Cooper 67 nett
C Grade: Joy McCormick 86 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Kate Cooper 67 nett
Div 2: Jan Broderick 72 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds – Kate Cooper
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L – Estelle Roberts
Ball comp. winners:
Kate 67 nett, Jan 72 nett , Leanne, 76 nett, Liz Harding 79 nett and Maxine McCormick 79 nett.

Saturday 12/3/22 - Opening Day Stroke - 1st round of GolfNSW Medal
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Medal winners on the Day:
A Grade: Ros Anderson 74 nett
B Grade: Trish Miller 74 nett
C Grade: Tilla Davis 83 nett
Daily winners:
Div 1: Trish Miller 74 nett on a c/b from Ros Anderson 74 nett
Div 2: Amber Rolls 75 nett
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Estelle Roberts
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Ros Anderson
Ball winners:
Trish 74 nett, Ros 74 nett, Amber 75 nett, Jackie Sheridan 77 nett, Cheryl Minehan 79 nett on a c/b from Liz Harding 79 nett

Wednesday 9/3/22 - Opening Day Single Stableford -
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Jan Broderick 40 pts
Div 2: Jackie Sheridan 37 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Tilla Davis
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Leanne Slater
Ball comp winners:
Jan 40 pts, Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Jackie 37 pts, Leanne Slater 35 pts, Libby Plumley 35 pts, and Justine Makeham 34 pts on a c/b from Michelle Blizzard 34 pts.
21 players

Saturday 5/3/22 - Opening Day Single Stableford -
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 33 pts
Div 2: Suzanne Manning 34 pts on a c/b from Tilla Davis
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Michelle Blizzard
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Cecile Rhodes
Ball comp. winners:
Suzanne 34 pts, Tilla 34 pts, Maxine 33 pts, Penny Greaves 33 pts, Leanne Slater 32 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson and Justine Makeham both 32 pts
16 players

Summer Competition Results -
1st Suzanne Manning 107 pts, 2nd Liz Harding 104 pts and 3rd Justine Makeham 103 pts.
Thanks to the generosity of Cathy Aiken, the following players all won a ball: Helen Spencer 101 pts, Ros Anderson 101 pts, Michelle Blizzard 97 pts, Penny Greaves 95 pts, Joy McCormick 94 pts, Tilla Davis 93 pts, Jackie Sheridan 88 pts, Larraine Nicolls 88 pts, Maureen Perkins 87 pts, Pauline Collier 87 pts, Cathy Aiken 86 pts, and Cath Johnson 84 pts.
16 players qualified.

Wednesday 2/3/22 - Opening Day 4BBB Aggregate -
Sponsored by the Lady Golfers
Winners were Kate Cooper and Sandra Holmes 67 pts, 2nd Maxine McCormack and Amber Roles 65 pts and 3rd Michelle Blizzard and Larraine Nicolls 64 pts
Ball winners: Larraine 35 pts, Sandra 35 pts, Liz Harding 34 pts, Maxine 33 pts, Amber 32 pts and Kate 32 pts.
20 players.

Saturday 26/2/22 - Single Stableford - Summer Comp -
10 players - Best scores
Kate Cooper 34 pts, Suzanne Manning 33 pts on  a c/b from Ros Anderson, and Liz Harding 32 pts on a c/b from Jackie Sheridan 32 pts

Wednesday 23/2/22 - Medley Stableford -
22 players - Best scores
Marie Inwood 38 pts, Maureen Perkins 37 pts on a c/b from Michelle Blizzard 37 pts, Ros Anderson 36 pts, Liz Harding 35 pts on c/b from Leanne Slater 35pts and Jan Broderick 35 pts.

Saturday 19/2/22 - Single Stableford - Summer Comp - 
14 players - Best scores
1st -  Justine Makeham 36 Pts c/b from Suzanne Manning 36 pts, Elizabeth Harding 34 pts c/b from Joy McCormick 34 pts, Balls went down to 32 points.

Wednesday 16/2/22 - Medley Stableford -
15 players - Best scores
Jacky Sheridan 35 pts, Carolyn Shaw 33 pts, Liz Harding 33 pts and Lyn Quay 32 pts.

Wednesday 9/2/22 - Medley Stableford -
18 players - Best scores
Jacky Sheridan 38 pts, Kate Cooper 35 pts, Ros Anderson 34 pts, and Chris Keevil 33 pts on  a c/b from Jan Broderick 33 pts

Saturday 5/2/22 - Single Stableford - Summer Comp - 
1st - Justine Makeham 39 pts, from Liz Harding 38 pts, Ros Anderson 33 pts, and Tilla Davis 32 pts, Balls went down to 31 points. 
16 Players

Wednesday 3/2/22 - Medley Stableford -
18 players - Best scores
Marie Inwood 35 pts, Ros Anderson 35 pts, Amber Roles 34 pts, Libby Plumley 33 pts and Cecile Rhodes and Leanne Slater 31pts

Saturday 29/1/22
Event today washed out. No competition results..

Wednesday 26/1/22 - Medley Stableford -
23 players - Best scores
Trish Miller 40 pts, Marie Inwood 39 pts, Cath Johnson 37 pts and Noela Hardman, Justine Makeham and Ros Anderson all 36 pts.

Saturday 22/1/22
20 players
Cathy Aiken 40 pts, Penny Greaves 34 pts and Cathy Johnson, Libby Plumley, Helen Spencer and Michele Blizzard all 33 pts.

Wednesday 19/1/22 - Medley Stableford -
19 players - Best scores:
Amber Roles 51 pts (Wow! Well done, Amber!) Liz Harding 36 pts, Kate Cooper 34 pts, Jackie Sheridan 33 pts and Cathy Aiken 33 pts.

Saturday 15/1/22 - Single Stableford -
6 Players
Suzanne Manning 38 pts, Trish Miller 25 pts, Penny Greaves 32pts, Maureen Perkins 29 pts, Liz Harding 29 pts and Jackie Sheridan 27 pts.

Wednesday 12/1/22 - Medley Stableford -
12 players - Best scores:
Wendy Tuckerman, Cathy Aiken and Ros Anderson all with 32 pts.

Wednesday 5/1/22 - Medley Stableford -
13 Players - Best scores:
Maureen Perkins 32 pts, Sharon Wilder 32 pts, Estelle Roberts 31 pts and Penny Greaves 31 pts

Saturday 1/1/22 - Single Stableford -
5 Players
Noela Hardman 37 pts, Estelle Roberts 36 pts, Cath Johnson 33 pts, Cathy Aiken 26 pts on a c/b from Larraine Nicolls 26 pts

Wednesday  29/12/21 - Medley Stableford -
7 Players - Best scores:
Noela Hardman 38 pts, Suzanne Manning 34 pts and Amber Roles 33 pts on a c/b from Justine Makeham 33 pts

Wednesday 22/12/21 - Medley Stableford -
9 Players - Best scores:
Noela Hardman 39 pts, Penny Greaves 34 pts and Cathy Aiken 30 pts on a c/b from Liz Harding 30 pts

Saturday 18/12/21 - 4BBB Stableford -
Winners - Libby Plumley and Liz Harding 48 pts, followed by Cathy Aiken and Estelle Roberts 43 pts and Noela Hardman and Lorraine Regan 42 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson and Penny Greaves 42 pts.

Single Stableford -
Winner - Noela Hardman 38 pts, Penny Greaves 37 pts on a c/b from Maureen Perkins and Estelle Roberts 37 pts and Liz Harding 36 pts
15 players

Wednesday 15/12/21  - Medley Stableford -
12 Players - Best scores:
Joy McCormick 37 pts, Trish Miller 36 pts, Amber Roles 35 pts on a c/b from Penelope Greaves 35 pts
12 players

Saturday 11/12/21 - Single Stableford - Summer Comp - 
1st - Michele Blizzard 38 pts, from Ros Anderson 35 pts, Helen Spencer 34 pts and  Lorraine Regan 33 pts, Balls went down to 31 points. 
17 Players

Wednesday 8/12/21 - Medley Stableford -
9 Players - Best scores:
Lynnette Quay 38 pts, on a c/b from Liz Harding, Ros Anderson 35 pts and Noela Hardman 34 pts
9 players

Saturday 4/12/21 - Single Stableford - Summer Comp - First Round -
1st - Noela Hardman 40 pts on a countback from Lorraine Regan 40 pts, Helen Spencer 37 pts, and Ros Anderson 32 pts.
Balls went down to 32 points. 11 Players

Wednesday 1/12/21 - Medley Stableford -
16 Players - Best scores:
Chris Keevil 36 pts, Sandra Holmes 35 pts and, Liz Harding, Ros Anderson, Amber Roles and Trish Miller all with 33 pts

2021 Lady Golfers Trophy Presentation
WEDNESDAY                                                                     SATURDAY

                                                       Scratch Score -
Div 1: Liz Harding 84 (14/4)                                                Div 1: Helen Spencer 81 (10/4)
Div 2: Noela Hardman 95 (14/4)                                         Div 2: Justine Makeham 90 (21/3)
Div 3: Joy McCormick 112 (17/3)                                        Div 3: Estelle Roberts 104  (28/3)
                                                        Consistency -
Liz Harding                                                                         Cathy Aiken
                                                           Eclectic -
Div 1: Liz Harding 61                                                          Div 1: Leanne Slater 64
Div 2: Betty Stanton 65.5                                                    Div 2: Cathy Aiken 63
Div 3: Estelle Roberts 70.5                                                 Div 3: Estelle Roberts 68.5
                                                            Birdies -
Div 1: Liz Harding  9                                                           Div 1: Liz Harding  6
Div 2: Cathy Aiken  3                                                          Div 2: Cathy Aiken 5
Div 3: Pammie McCloy, Larraine Nicolls,                            Div 3: No winners
Jackie Sheridan and Pauline Collier  1 each
                                                           Gobbles -
Div 1: Leanne Slater  2                                                       Div 1: Maxine McCormack,
                                                                                            Michele Blizzard, Helen Spencer, 
                                                                                            Kate Cooper, Leanne Slater and
                                                                                            Liz Harding  1 each
Div 2: Betty Stanton  6                                                        Div 2:  Cathy Aiken  5
Div 3: Lynn Quay  4                                                            Div 3:  Pammie McCloy  6
                             Greatest Reduction in Handicap Sponsored by Lesley Watson
                                                       Amber Roles - 20!
                                 Mid-Week Match Play Sponsored by Ros Anderson
                                               Winner - Justine Makeham
                                             Runner-up - Sandy Anderson      
                                       Wirral Cup Sponsored by Helen Spencer
                                                  Winner - Liz Harding
                                               Runner-up - Penelope Greaves
Wednesday 24/11/21 Single Stableford -
Sponsored by Donges IGA
Winner: Betty Stanton with 38 pts, followed by Penolope Greaves with 36 pts on a c/b from Amber Roles
8 players

Saturday 6/11/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Janine Hobson, Young Eyes.
Winners and Runners-up:
Div 1: Helen Spencer 36 pts followed by Noela Hardman 35 pts
Div 2: Tilla Davis 40 pts, followed by Penolope Greaves 37 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Pauline Collier
13th sponsord by Uplands P/L: Tilla Davis
Ball winners: Tilla 40 pts, Penolope 37 pts, Cath Johnson 36 pts, Helen 36 pts, Noela 35 pts and Suzanne Manning 35 pts
19 players

Wednesday 3/11/21 - 4BBB
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Winners on the day: 8
Helen Spencer and Cecile Rhodes +9 followed by Cathy Aiken and Maxine McCormack + 8
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Maureen Perkins
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Larraine Nicolls
Ball winners: Cecile +3, Helen +2, Cheryl Minehan +2, Justine Makeham +1, Cathy Aiken +1 and Amber Roles +1
19 players

Saturday 30/10/21 - Par 3 Tournament
Sponsored by Young Services Club
Scratch Winners and Runners-up:
A Grade: Maxine McCormack 67 and Liz Harding 68
B Grade: Trish Miller 71 and Lorraine Regan 73
C Grade: Hazel Taylor 79 and Larraine Nicolls 81
Net Winners and Runners-up:
A Grade Cathy Aiken 55 and Michelle Blizzard 56
B Grade: Tilla Davis 50 and Maureen Perkins 51
C Grade: Lyn Quay 44 and Carolyn Shaw 51
5th - Liz Harding
7th - Marg Kinleyside
13th - Michelle Blizzard
Balls down to 52 nett.
30 players

Wednesday 27/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lorraine Regan and Cecile Rhodes
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Jan Broderick 38 pts, followed by Maxine McCormack 36 pts and  Cathy Aiken 35 pts
Div 2: Joy McCormick 38 pts folllowed by Amber Roles with 36 pts.
7th sponsored by Elegant timbers, Timbers, and Blinds: Cheryl Minehan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Betty Stanton (card draw)
Ball winners: Jan and Joy 38 pts, Amber and Maxine 36 pts and Cathy 35 pts!
28 players

Saturday 23/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Donges IGA
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Chris Keevil 38 pts
Div 2: Larraine Nicolls 38 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Helen Spencer
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Maxine McCormack
Ball winners: Chris, Larraine, Trish Miller 36 pts, Cath Johnson 26pts, Camille Carberry 35 pts, Suzanne Manning 35 pts and Maxine McCormack 34 pts on a c/b from SheilaTraynor, Helen Spencer and Jan Broderick all on 34 pts.
23 players

Wednesday 20/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 39 pts on a c/b from Leanne Slater 39 pts
Div 2: Maureen Perkins 39 pts
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Joy McCormack
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Liz Harding
Ball winners: Justine, Leanne, Maureen all on 39 pts, Estelle Roberts 37 pts, Maxine McCormack 35 pts and Jan Broderick 35 pts
19 players

Wednesday 13/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Donges IGA
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 36 pts, from Leanne Slater 34 pts
Div 2: Amber Roles 36 pts, from Joy McCormick 31pts on a c/b from Maureen Perkins
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds:
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Cathy Aiken
Ball winners: Amber, Cathy, Leanne, Penelope Greaves 32 pts, Jan Broderick 31 pts on a c/b from Joy McCormick, Maxine McCormack and Maureen Perkins all also 31 pts
15 players

Saturday 9/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Helen Spencer
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Leanne Slater 39 pts, followed by Liz Harding 38 pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormack 38 pts
Div 2: Cathy Aiken 40 pts, followed by Sandra Holmes 36 pts on a c/b from Libby Plumley 36 pts
Div 3: Cath Johnson 41 pts followed by Suzanne Manning 38 pts.
No NTP's
Ball winners: Cath, Cathy, Leanne, Liz, Suzanne, Maxine and Sandra
AND.. due to the generosity of Helen, all those present at the time also received a ball. Thank you, Helen!
23 players

Wednesday 6/10/21 - Medley Stableford
The ladies played in the Medley and achieved great scores!
The winner on the day was:
Lyn Quay 31 pts, 2nd Joy McCormick 30 pts, 5th Jan Broderick 29 pts and 6th Amber Roles 28pts
Well done!
18 players

Saturday 2/10/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Penny Greaves and Cecile Rhodes
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 29 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken 29 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 33 pts from Tilla Davis 27 pts
No NTP's
Ball winners: Estelle 33 pts, Maxine 29 pts and Cathy 29 pts
11 players

Saturday 25/9/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Pammie McCloy and Gail Hanigan
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 41 pts from Noela Hardman 35 pts on a c/b from Justine Makeham also on 35 pts
Div 2: Estelle Roberts 41 pts from Jackie Sheridan 39 pts
No NTP's
Ball winners: Estelle 41 pts, Liz 41 pts, Jackie 39 pts and Maureen Perkins 37 pts on a c/b
13 players

Wednesday 22/9/21 - Medley Stableford
The ladies played in the Medley Stableford, but great results from the ladies!
The winner of the competition was:
Maureen Perkinswith 34 pts, followed by Noela Hardman 32 pts, Justine Makeham 31 pts and Tilla Davis 30 pts on a countback
Great work ladies! You excelled!
14 players

Saturday 18/9/21 - Single Stableford
Winners on the day:
Justine Makeham with 33 pts, followed by Penelope Greaves 28 pts and Cathy Aiken 27 pts.
6 players

Wednesday 15/9/21 - Medley Stableford
The ladies played in the Medley Stableford, but the results are worth noting!
The winner of the competition was:
Tilla Davis with 34 pts on a countback from Liz Harding.
Carhy Aiken came 4th with 31 pts and Joan Coddington had 30 pts
Well done ladies!

Saturday 11/9/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Tester Porter Services
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Cathy Aiken 36 pts, from Lorraine Regan 35 pts
Div 2: Tilla Davis 29 pts from Sandra Holmes 28 pts
Div 3: Larraine Nicolls 34 pts from Amber Roles 31 pts
24 Players

Saturday 14/8/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Pammie McCloy
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Maxine McCormack 26pts on a c/b from Noela Hardman also with 26pts
Div 2: Maureen Perkins 25pts from Camille Carberry and Pammie McCloy each with 24pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds:
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Cathy Aiken
12 players

Wednesday 11/8/21 - Medley Stableford
Best scores by the ladies:
Penny Greaves 29 pts, Maureen Perkins 27pts and Lorraine Regan 25 pts

Saturday 7/8/21 - Stroke - 6th round GolfNSW medal
Sponsored by Sandy Anderson
Medal winners:
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 80 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 84 nett
Winner on the day:
Cathy Aiken 80 nett, followed by Pammie McCloy and Libby Plumley both with 80 nett.
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds:
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L:
10 players

Saturday 31/7/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken
Winner on the day:
Camille Carberry with 2 -6 pts, followed by Estelle Roberts and Jackie Sheridan both with 25 pts.
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Jackie Sheridan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Estelle Roberts
7 Players

Wednesday 14/7/21 -
Due to the wet weather, two ladies competed in the Wednesday Medley Competition.
Penny Greaves came 2nd with 30 pts and Betty Stanton had 22 pts.
Well done ladies for sticking with it!

Saturday 10/7/21 - Single Par
Sponsored by Sandra Holmes and Trish Miller
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Cathy Aiken +2
Div 2: Libby Plumley -2
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Sandra Holmes
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Pammie McCloy
Ball winners: Cathy, Libby, Liz Harding -3 and Maxine McCormack -3
14 Players

Wednesday 7/7/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Trish Miller and Sheila Traynor
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Liz Harding 34 pts from Cheryl Minehan and Cathy Aiken both with 31 pts
Div 2: Larraine Nicolls 33 pts from Tilla Davis 28 pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Cathy Aiken
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Estelle Roberts
Ball winners: Liz, Larraine and Cheryl
11 Players

Saturday 3/7/21 - Stroke - 5th round GolfNSW medal
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken and Joy McCormick
Medal winners:
A Grade: Leanne Slater 79 nett
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 75 nett
C Grade: Suzanne Manning 69 nett
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Penny Greaves 75 nett
Div 2: Suzanne Manning 69 nett
NTP Winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Pammie McCloy (card draw!)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Liz Harding
Ball winners: Suzanne, Penny, Cathy, Libby Plumley 76 nett and Pammie McCloy 77 nett
16 players

Wednesday 30/6/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Cathy Aiken and Suzanne Manning
Winners on the day:
Div 1 - Cheryl Minehan 39 pts from Liz Harding 38 pts
Div 2 - Maureen Perkins 36 pts from Libby Plumley and Sandra Holmes both with 35 pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Cecile Rhodes
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Liz Harding
Ball winners: Cheryl 39 pts, Liz 38 pts, Maureen 36 pts, Libby 35 pts, Sandra 35 pts, Jan Broderick 33 pts and Cathy Aiken 32 pts
23 players

Saturday 26/6/21 - No Play due to bad weather

Wednesday  23/6/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Gail Hanigan
Winners on the day:
Div 1 -
18 holes Nett winner: Sandra Holmes 36 pts
18 holes Nett runner-up: Penny Greaves 36 pts
Best Front 9 Nett winner: Cheryl Minehan 16 pts
Best Back 9 Nett winner: Maxine McCormack 18 pts
Div 2 -
18 holes Nett winner: Libby Plumley 38 pts
18 holes Nett runner-up: Estelle Roberts 35 pts
Best Front 9 Nett winner: Lyn Quay 16 pts
Best Back 9 Nett winner: Tilla Davis 18 pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Jackie Sheridan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Noela Hardman
Ball winners: All players who did not win a prize, won a ball, thanks to the generosity of Gail Hanigan.
15 players

Saturday 19/6/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Noela Hardman and Estelle Roberts
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 39 pts
Div 2: Cecile Rhodes 35 pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers,Shutters and Blinds - Noela Hardman (card draw)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Sandy Anderson
Ball winners: Justine 39 pts, Sandy Anderson 38 pts, Cecile 35 pts, Penny Greaves 33 pts, and Michelle Blizzard 33 pts.
18 players

Wednesday 16/6/21 - 4BBB Aggregate Stableford and Individual
Sponsored by Kate Cooper and Hazel Taylor
Winners on the day:
Maxine McCormack and Lorraine Regan with 65 pts, followed by Betty Stanton and Noela Hardman 64 pts on a c/b from Libby Plumley and Liz Harding 64 pts.
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Kate Cooper
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Libby Plumley 34 pts and Betty Stanton 34 pts
8 players
Results of the Quarter-final of the Mid-week Match Play, sponsored by Ros Anderson:
Amber Roles d Pammie McCloy, Sandy Anderson d Tilla Davis, Justine Makeham d Liz Harding and Kate Cooper d Marg Kinleyside.

Saturday 12/6/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by
Winners on the day:
Div 1: Justine Makeham 35 pts
Div 2: Maureen Perkins 35 pts:

NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Pauline Collier
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L:  Jill Graham (Gundagai GC)
Ball winners: Justine, Maureen, Estelle Roberts 35 pts, Libby Plumley 34 pts and Helen Spencer 33pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormack.
19 players

Saturday 5/6/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 4th round of Medal.
Sponsored by Sheila Traynor and Suzanne Manning
Medal Winners:
A Grade: no players
B Grade: Cathy Aiken 76 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 89 nett
Stroke winners:
Div 1: Michelle Blizzard 94/74 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 107/77 nett
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Pauline Collier (card draw)
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L - Justine Makeham (card draw)
Ball winners: Michelle, Liz, Cathy and Libby
13 players

Wednesday 2/6/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Betty Stanton and Pammie McCloy
Div 1: Cheryl Minehan 44 pts, followed by Kate Cooper 42 pts
Div 2: Amber Roles 42 pts, followed by Jackie Sheridan 40 pts
NTP winners:
7th sponsored by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Jackie Sheridan
13th sponsored by Uplands P/L: Betty Stanton
Ball winners: Cheryl, Amber, Kate, Jackie and Betty 39 pts
16 players

Sunday 30/5/21 - 27 hole Foursomes
Sponsored by Stolhand Family (Scratch) and Lady Golfers
Scratch winners: Liz Harding/Leanne Slater 137
Scratch runners-up: Cheryl Minehan/Sandy Anderson 143
Handicap winners: Suzanne Manning/Cecile Rhodes 110.5
Handicap runners-up: Maureen Perkins/Penny Greaves 112.5
Ball comp winners: Cheryl/Sandy, Suzanne/Cecile and Maureen/Penny.
20 players

Saturday 29/5/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Winner - Penny Greaves 36 pts, followed by Justine Makeham 32 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Maureen Perkins (card draw)
13th donated by Uplands P/L: Justine Makeham
Ball comp winners: Penny and Justine
7 players

Wednesday 26/5/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Estelle Roberts and Lyn Quay
Div 1 Winner: Liz Harding 37 pts
Div 2 Winner: Penny Greaves 36 pts
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Lyn Quay (card draw)
13th donated by Uplands P/L: Jan Broderick
Ball comp winners: Liz 37 pts, Penny 36 pts, Libby Plumley 35 pts, Estelle Roberts 34 pts, Lyn Quay 34 pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormack and Jan Broderick both 34 pts
18 players.

Sunday 23/5/21 - Harden Open Ladies Tournament
On Sunday 10 ladies played in the Harden Open Tournament, they excelled!
Helen Spencer was Div 1 Scratch winner.
Cecile Rhodes was Div 2 Scratch runner-up.
Wendy Tuckerman won the Div 1 Stableford.
Libby Plumley was runner up in the Div 2 handicap.
Penny Geaves won the Div 2 stableford.
Sandy Anderson was the Nearest the Pin Winner.


Saturday 22/5/21 - Keno Two Person Qualifier
2 Lady Team:
1st: Cheryl Minehan/Sandy Anderson    2nd Cathy Aiken/Noela Hardman
Mixed Team:
1st: Liz and Grant Harding     2nd Mark and Joy McCormick

Wednesday 19/5/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 3rd Round Medal (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Maxine McCormack and Jan Broderick
Medal winners:
A Grade: Liz Harding 76 nett
B Grade: Betty Stanton 81 nett
C Grade: Pammie McCloy 79 nett
Stroke Winners:
Div 1: Liz Harding 76 nett
Div 2: Amber Roles 72 nett
Ball Comp winners: Amber 72 nett, Marg Kinlyside 73 nett, Cecile Rhodes 74 nett, Liz and Maureen Perkins both on 76 nett.
18 players
Draw for Mid-Week Match play, sponsored by Ros Anderson - to be completed by 16 June:
Amber Roles v Pammie McCloy
Tilla Davis v Sandy Anderson
Liz Harding v Justine Makeham
Marg Kinleyside v Kate Cooper

Sunday 16/5/21 - Scratch and Stableford - Open Golf Tournament
Sponsored by Young Services Club
Div 1: 
Scratch winner - Helen Spencer 89     Scratch Runner-up - Jeanette Elliot (Harden CC) 90
Handicap winner - Ros Anderson 76   Handicap Runner-up - Kate Cooper 78
Stableford winner - Leanne Slater 30 pts
Longest drive - Di Lovell (Federal GC)   NTP - Sandy Anderson
Div 2:
Scratch winner - Cathy Aiken 95         Scratch Runner-up - Trish Miller 97
Handcap winner -  Jan Broderick 77   Handicap Runner-up - Trish Moerkerken (Cowra GC) 78
Stableford winner - Cheryl Minehan 29 pts
Longest drive - Helen Moriarty (Cowra GC)  NTP - Robyn Lyall (Forbes GC)
Div 3:
Scratch winner - Maureen Perkins 102   Scratch Runner-up - Tilla Davis 107
Handicap winner - Suzanne Manning 75 on a c/b from Joy McCormack 75
Stableford winner - Pammie McCloy 34 pts
Longest drive - Suzanne Manning    NTP - Veronica Robellato (Forbes GC)
Ball comp winners: Judy Gorton (Temors GC), Marg Kinleyside, Veronica Robellato (Forbes GC), Miletta Nicolls (Federal GC), Libby Plumley, Louise Hufton (Gundagai GC), Cecile Rhodes, Pauline Collier and
Michele Blizzard.
52 players.

Saturday 15/5/21 - 4BBB and Individual - Open Golf Tournament
Sponsored by South West Slopes Credit Union.
1st place - Camille Carberry/Michele Blizzard 42 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken/Penny Greaves and Maureen Perkins/Amber Roles also on 42 pts.
NTP winners:
7th -  Mandy Williams (Federal GC)
13th - Amber Roles
Ball comp winners: Penny Greaves 35 pts; Trish Miller, Sandy Anderson and Amber Rolls all 34 pts;
Camille Carberry and Cathy Johnson 32 pts; and Ros Anderson, Betty Stanton, Liz Harding and Pammie McCloy all on 31 pts.

Wednesday 12/5/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Marg Kinleyside and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Div 1: Kate Cooper 34 pts on a c/b from Cathy Aiken
Div 2: Amber Rolls 39 pts
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds: Helen Spencer
13th drive and chip donated by Uplands P/L: Amber Roles
Ball comp winners: Amber 39 pts, Penny Greaves 36 pts, Kate and Cathy 34 pts, Leanne Slater 31 pts, and Trish Miller 30 pts on a c/b from Maureen Perkins and Marg Kinleyside also 30 pts.
19 Players

Saturday 8/5/21 - Single Par
Sponsored by
Par winners:
Div 1: Cheryl Minehan +2
Div 2: Libby Plumley +4
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Libby Plumley
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Estelle Roberts
Ball Comp winners: Libby +4, Cheryl +2, Maxine McCormack square, Estelle Roberts square, Michelle Blizzard -2 and Jan Broderick -2
Winner: Libby Plumley 7 points, followed by Helen Spencer 6 points and Cheryl Minehan 5 points.
Congratulations Libby!

Wednesday 5/5/21 - South West Ladies Golf Scratch Teams
A Grade winners team: Leanne Slater, Liz Harding, Maxine McCormack and Noela Harding.
Other prize winners:
A Grade Scratch runner-up - Liz Harding 83
A Grade handicap runner-up on a c/b - Maxine McCormack 74 nett
B Grade Scratch winner - Noela Hardman 90
B Grade 1st nine holes handicap - Pammie McCloy 34 nett

Saturday 1/5/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 3rd Round Medals - (Saturday)
Sponsored by Ros Anderson
Medal Winners:
A Grade: Helen Spencer 73 nett
B Grade: Noela Hardman 79 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 82 nett
Stroke Winners:
Div 1: Helen Spencer 73 nett from Leanne Slater 76 nett
Div 2: Cecile Rhodes 75 nett from Libby Plumley 77 nett
Ball Comp Winners: Helen 73 nett, Cecile 75 nett, Leanne 76 nett, Libby 77 nett and Michelle Blizzard 78 nett.
16 Players

Wednesday 28/4/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Sandra Holmes and Liz Harding
Div 1: Sandra Holmes 36 pts
Div 2: Joy McCormick 36 pts on a c/b from Jackie Sheridan 36 pts
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Leanne Slater
Ball Comp Winners - Sandra and Joy 36 pts, Jackie Sheridan 36 pts, Leanne Slater and Jan Broderick 35 pts, and Maureen Perkins 34 pts.
20 Players

Wednesday 21/4/21 - 6 Up Stableford (Teams of 3)
Sponsored by  Leanne Slater (thank you for the Choccys!)
Winners were: Liz Harding/Cathy Aiken/Pammied McCloy 78 pts
NTP Winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Leanne Slater
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
Ball Comp Winners - (6 extra balls donated by Leanne) -Trish Miller 38 pts, Cathy Aiken 38 pts, Liz Harding 36 pts, Helen Spencer 35 pts, Lorraine Regan 35 pts. Penny Greaves 32 pts, Marg Kinleyside 31 pts, Cecile Rhodes 30 pts, Sandra Holmes 29 pts, Ros Anderson 29 pts. Suzanne Manning 28 pts, Jan Brocerick 28 ptsn a c/b from Maxine McCormick and Leanne Slater both on 28 pts.
21 Players

Saturday 17/4/21  - Brian Gales Memorial 4 Ball Medley
Sponsored by Marg Gales and family and the Keevil Family
Single Stableford - Joy McCormick 40 pts, Ros Anderson 35 pts and Noela Hardman 34 pts.
Lady/Lady team - Sandy Anderson/Pauline Collier 44 pts, Maureen Perkins/Suzanne Manning 37 pts on a c/b from Camille Carberry/Pammie McCloy 37 pts

Wednesday 14/4/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 2nd Round Medal - (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Cecile Rhodes and Lorraine Regan
Medal winners:
A Grade: Liz Harding
B Grade: Betty Stanton
Stroke winners:
Div 1: Noela Hardman 72 nett on a c/b from Liz Harding 72 nett
Div 2: Libby Plumley 75 nett
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Estelle Roberts
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Noela Hardman
Ball comp winners: Noela 72 nett, Liz 72 nett and Libby 75 nett
Liz Harding had an Eagle on the 8th hole!
11 Players

Saturday 10/4/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 2nd Round Medals - (Saturday)
Sponsored by Liz Harding and Larraine Nicolls
Medal winners:
A Grade: Helen Spencer 71 nett
B Grade: Tilla Davis 81 nett
C Grade: Estelle Roberts 86 nett
Stroke winners:
Div 1: Noela Hardman 71 nett on a c/b from Helen Spencer 71 nett
Div 2: Jackie Sheridan 78 nett
NTP winners:
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cathy Aiken
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Helen Spencer
Ball Comp winners: Noela 71 nett, Helen 71 nett, Liz Harding 75 nett, Ros Anderson 77 nett and Penny Greaves 77 nett.
17 Players

Wednesday 7/4/21 - Single Par
Sponsored by Penny Greaves and Pammie McCloy
Winners were:
Div 1: Trish Miller - with square
Div 2: Libby Plumley - with -1 on a c/b from Betty Stanton -1
Ball Comp winners: Trish Miller square, Libby Plumley -1, Betty Stanton -1, Joy McCormick -2 and Noela Hardman -2 on a c/b from Liz Harding -2
NTP winners -
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Betty Stanton
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Ros Anderson
15 Players

Saturday 3/4/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winner on the day was Noela Hardman with 34 pts
Ball winners - Noela, Justine Makeham 33 pts and Suzanne Manning 31 pts on a c/b from Helen Spencer
NTP winners -
7th - Donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Spencer
13th - Donated by Uplands P/L - Suzanne Manning
9 Players

Wednesday 31/3/21 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Div 1 - Leanne Slater 35 pts, followed by Liz Harding 34 pts
Div 2 - Lyn Quay 35 pts, followed by Maureen Perkins 34 pts
Ball winners - Leanne, Liz, Lyn and Maureen!
NTP winners -
7th - Donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Helen Spencer
13th - Donated by Uplands P/L - Pammie McCloy (card draw!)

Sunday 28/3/21 - Final Round of the Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court

A Grade
Scratch winner: Helen Spencer 85/88/86 - 259
Scratch runner/up: Liz Harding 87/96/87 - 270 c/b from Leanne Slater 90/91/89 - 270!
Handicap winner: Leanne Slater 76/77/78 - 228 nett
Handicap runner/up: Wendy Tuckerman 78/78/84 - 240 nett
B Grade
Scratch winner: Justine Makeham 90/102/93 - 285
Scratch runner/up: Noela Hardman 106/102/97 - 305
Handicap winner: Betty Stanton 76/87/74 - 236 nett
Handicap runner/up: Trish Miller 77/80/81 - 239 nett

C Grade
Scratch winner: Estelle Roberts 115/121/104 - 340
Scratch runner/up: Pammie McCloy 115/112/119 - 346
Handcap winner: Pauline Collier 90/79/78 - 247 nett
Handcap runner/up on a c/b: Joy McCormick 84/83/78 - 247 nett

Winner of the Senior Veterans Bette Booker Trophy - Estelle Roberts 232 nett

Winner of the Centennial Bowl for the best nett score over 54 holes - Justine Makeham 222 nett.

Congratulations to all winners and well played everyone!

Daily Competition:
Div 1 - Justine Makeham 72 nett             NTP - Michelle Blizzard
Div 2 - Cathy Aiken 74 nett on a c/b from Betty Stanton and Noela Hardman     NTP - Cathy Aiken
Div 3 - Estelle Roberts 68 nett                 NTP - Joy McCormick
Ball winners - Estelle 68 nett, Jackie Sheridan 71nett, Justine 72 nett, Cathy, Betty and Noela 74 nett, Liz Harding and Leanne Slater 75 nett

Saturday 27/3/21 - 2nd Round of the Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade (0-20) leaders: Helen Spencer 85/88 - 173, Leanne Slater 90/91 - 181, Liz Harding 87/96 - 183
B Grader (21-30) leaders: Justine Makeham 90/102 - 192, Trish Miller 99/103 - 202, Noela Hardman 106/102 -  208
C Grade (31-54) leaders: Pammie McCloy 115/112 - 227, Estelle Roberts 115/121 - 236, Pauline Collier 115/114 - 239

Daily Competition:
Div 1 - Leanne Slater 77 nett                  NTP - Leanne Slater
Div 2 - Trish Miller 80 nett                       NTP - Tilla Davis
Div 3 - Pauline Collier 79 nett                 NTP - Annette Alexander
Ball winners - Leanne 77 nett, Wendy Tuckerman 78 nett, Helen Spencer 79 nett, Michelle Blizzard, Trish Miller, Noela Hardman and Pammie McCloy all 80 nett, Justine Makeham 81 nett

Sunday 21/3/21 - 1st Round of the Championships
Sponsored by Donges IGA and Terry Bros Carpet Court
A Grade (0-20) leaders: Helen Spencer 85, Liz Harding 87, Leanne Slater 90
B Grade (21-30) leaders: Justine Makeham 90, Trish Miller 99, Betty Stanton 102
C Grade (31-54) joint leaders: Pammie McCloy, Larraine Nicolls and Estelle Roberts all on 115
Leaders in the 54 hole nett for Seniors - Bette Booker trophy - Libby Plumley 75 nett, Betty Stanton 76 nett, Larraine Nicolls and Estelle Roberts 79 nett

Daily competition:
Div 1 - Justine Makeham 69 nett    NTP - Michelle Blizzard
Div 2 - Betty Stanton 76 nett           NTP - Jan Broderick
Div 3 - Libby Plumley 76 nett          NTP - Pauline Collier
Ball winners - Justine 69 nett, Liz Harding 75 nett, Helen Spencer 76 nett, Leanne Slater 76 nett, Betty Stanton 76 nett, Libby Plumley 76 nett, Trish Miller 77 nett and Wendy Tuckerman 78 nett

Saturday 20/3/21 - 4BBB Stableford
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Winners - Maureen Perkins and Jackie Sheridan 43 points
NTP winners -
7th donated by Elegant Timbers Shutters and Blinds - Pammie McCloy (card draw)
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Cathy Aiken
Ball winners - Jackie Sheridan, Justine Makeham, Larraine Nicolls and Suzanne Manning

Draw for the 1st Round of the Championships - Sunday 21/3/21 -
Off the 1st Tee -
9.00 - Wendy Tuckerman, Liz Harding, Ros Anderson
9.08 - Michelle Blizzard, Leanne Slater, Helen Spencer
9.16 - Sandra Holmes, Noela Hardman, Trish Miller
9.24 - Cheryl Minehan, Cathy Aiken,  Camille Carberry
9.32 - Penny Greaves, Jackie Sheridan, Libby Plumley
9.40 - Betty Stanton, Tilla Davis, Justine Makeham
9.48 - Cecile Rhodes, Jan Broderick
9.56 - Pauline Collier, Joy McCormick, Estelle Roberts
10.04 - Cath Johnson, Pammie McCloy, Sheila Traynor
10.12 - Suzanne Manning, Larraine Nicolls

Wednesday 17/3/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 1st Medal Round - (Wednesday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners -
A Grade - Liz Harding 73 nett
B Grade - Betty Stanton 77 nett
C Grade - Pammie McCloy 83 nett
Stroke event winners -
Div 1 - Liz Harding 73 nett
Div 2 - Joy McCormick 75 nett
NTP winners -
7th donated by Elegant Timbers Shutters and Blinds - Joy McCormick
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Cathy Aiken
Ball Comp winners - Liz Harding 73 nett, Joy McCormick 75 nett, Betty Stanton 77 nett, Cheryl Minehan 79 nett and Larraine Nicolls 79 nett
15 players

Saturday 13/3/21 - Stroke - Golf NSW 1st Medal Round - (Saturday)
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Medal winners -
A Grade - Leanne Slater 71 nett
B Grade - Justine Makeham 75 nett
C Grade - Pauline Collier 85 nett
Stroke event winners -
Div 1 - Leanne Slater 71 nett
Div 2 - Pammie McCloy 73 nett
NTP winners -
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Cecile Rhodes
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Leanne Slater
Ball Comp winners - Leanne Slater 71, Pammie McCloy 73, Justine Makeham 75, Liz Harding 75, Ros Anderson 77 and Cathy Aiken 77 on a c/b from Helen Spencer
19 players

Wednesday 10/3/21 - Single Stableford -
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Div 1 - Ros Anderson 33 pts
Div 2 - Lyn Quay 34 pts.
NTP Winners -
7th donated by Elegant Shutters, Timbers and Blinds - Betty Stanton
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Kate Cooper
Ball Comp winners - Lyn Quay, Ros Anderson, Jackie Sheridan and Liz Harding
14 players

Saturday 6/3/21 - Single Stableford Opening Day -
Sponsored by Lady Golfers
Div 1 - Cathy Aiken 37 pts
Div 2 - Joy McCormick 36 pts
NTP Winners -
7th donated by Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds - Leanne Slater
13th donated by Uplands P/L - Pammie McCloy (card draw)!

Ball Comp Winners - Cathy 37, Joy 36, Larraine Nicolls 34, Leanne Slater 34, Justine Makehan 34, Michelle Blizzard 32 and Lorraine Regan 3218 Players

SUMMER COMP RESULTS  - best 5 rounds, 21 players qualified and all recieve a ball.
1st - Pauline Collier, 2nd - Justine Makeham, 3rd - Liz Harding, 4th - Kate Cooper, and 5th - Helen Spencer.
Thank you to Liz for organising the results and to Elegant Timbers, Shutters and Blinds for sponsoring the balls to the 21 winners. Well done everyone!

Wednesday 3/3/21 - 4 Ball Aggregate Stableford -
Trophy Donors - Lady Golfers
24 players

1st - Jackie Sheridan and Cecile Rhodes 65 pts, followed by Sandra Holmes and Shirley Roberts 64 pts and 3rd - Cathy Aiken and Penny Greaves 61 pts.

Ball Comp winners - Jackie Sheridan (33), Sandra Holmes (33), Cathy Aiken (32), Cecile Rhodes (32),
Helen Spencer (31), Liz Harding (31) and Shirley Roberts (31)

NTP was a card  draw -
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th  - Marg Kinleyside
Uplands P/L Drive & Chip 13th  - Cathy Aiken

Saturday 27/2/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp - Last Round -
1st - Camille Carberry 39 pts on a countback from Pauline Collier 39 pts. 
Chris Keevil, Sheila Traynor, Estelle Roberts & Carolyn Shaw all had 33 pts.
Balls went down to 33 points.  
18 Players

Wednesday 24/2/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Leanne Slater 37 pts on a c/b from Trish Miller 37 pts, Betty Stanton 34 pts and Cathy Aiken 32 pts on a c/b from Jacky Sheridan 32 pts.
18 Players

Saturday 20/2/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Jackie Sheridan 36 pts on a countback from Kate Cooper 36 pts & Maureen Perkins 36 pts.
Balls went down to 32 points.  
24 Players

Wednesday 17/2/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Lyn Quay 36 pts, Gail Hanigan 35 pts, Ros Anderson 34 pts and Marg Kinleyside 33 pts on a c/b from Maxine McCormick and Marie Inwood 33 pts
26 Players

Saturday 13/2/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Joy McCormick 36 pts on a c/b, from Justine Makeham 36 pts & Helen Spencer 33 pts.
Balls went down to 30 points on a countback.  
30 Players

Wednesday 10/2/21 Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Kate Cooper 39 pts, Chris Keevil 38 pts, Libby Plumley 36 pts and Cathy Aiken 35 pts. 23 Players

Saturday 6/2/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Ros Anderson 35 pts, from Liz Harding 33 pts & Helen Spencer 33 pts.  
11 Players

Wednesday 3/02/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Marie Inwood 38 pts, Penny Greaves & Maxine McCormack 35 pts and Cathy Aiken and Leanne Slater 34 pts
22 Players

Saturday 30/01/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Justine Makeham 39 pts, from Michele Blizzard 38 pts, Pauline Collier 36 pts & Tilla Davis 36 pts.  22 Players

Wednesday 27/1/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Gail Hanigan 36 pts from Helen Spencer 36 pts, Liz Harding 35 pts from Penny Greaves 35 pts and Leanne Slater 34 pts.
18 Players

Saturday 23/01/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Cathy Aiken 36 pts, from Estelle Roberts and Penny Greaves 35 pts
13 Players

Wednesday 20/01/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Kate Cooper 40 pts, Maxine McCormack 38 pts, and Ros Anderson and Penny Greaves 37 pts.
19 Players

Saturday 16/01/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Liz Harding 37 pts, from Kate Cooper 36 pts and Jackie Sheridan 25 pts.
10 Players

Wednesday 13/01/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Lorraine Regan and Tilla Davis 36 pts, and Kate Cooper 33 pts
12 Players

Saturday 9/01/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Lorraine Regan 41 pts, from Tilla Davis and Helen Spencer 35 pts and Penny Greaves 34 pts
16 Players

Wednesday 6/01/21 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Helen Spencer 39 pts, Maureen Perkins 38 pts, Jan Broderick 35 pts and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts on a c/b from Wendy Tuckerman and Cecile Rhodes.
18 Players

Saturday 2/01/21 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Sandy Anderson 36 pts on a c/b from Maureen Perkins 36 pts, Michele Blizzard 34 pts, Ros Anderson 32 pts and Cath Aiken 31 pts
8 Players

Wednesday 30/12/20 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Ros Anderson 37 pts, Jan Broderick 35 pts and Estelle Roberts and Michelle Blizzard 33 pts.
10 Players.

Saturday 26/12/2020 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -
1st - Pauline Collier 37 pts, from Libby Plumley 32 pts, and from Janine Hobson 32 pts. Balls to 32 points on c/b.
6 Players

Wednesday 23/12/20 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best scores: Helen Spencer 32 pts, Ros Anderson 28 pts and Betty Stanton 24 pts.
3 Players!

Saturday 19/12/20 - Medley 4BBB -
Justine Makeham/Sandy Anderson 41 pts, Ros Anderson/Michelle Blizzard 40 pts and Estelle Roberts/Cathy Aiken 36 pts on a c/b from Jacky Sheridan/ Maureen Perkins, Pauline Collier/Tilla Davis and Sandy Anderson/Cecile Rhodes.
Single Stableford Summer Comp -
Liz Harding 33 pts, Libby Plumley 32 pts, Gail Hanigan 29 pts and Leanne Slater 23 pts.

Wednesday 16/12/20 - Pro's Comp Single Stabeford -
Best scores: Betty Stanton 37 pts, Liz Harding 31 pts and Trish Miller 30 pts on a c/b from Cecile Rhodes
7 Players

Saturday 12/12/20 - Par 3 Championship -
Scratch Winners - A Grade: Katrina Ferris (Bathurst) 64,  B Grade: Libby Plumley 69,  C Grade: Carolyn Shaw 76
Scratch Runners-up - A Grade: Liz Harding 67, B Grade: Lorraine Regan 71, C Grade: Larraine Nicolls 84
Nett Winners - A Grade: Chris Keevil 55, B Grade: Betty Stanton 48, C Grade: Sheila Traynor 48
Nett Runners-up - A Grade: Gail Hanigan 56, B Grade: Camille Carberry 48, C Grade: Estelle Roberts 57
Balls down to 52
26 players

Wednesday 9/12/20 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -
Best Scores: Marie Inwood 37 pts, Larraine Nicolls 36 pts on a c/b from Libby Plumley and Jan Broderick 35 pts on a c/b from Penny Greaves and Cecile Rhodes
18 players

Saturday 5/12/2020 - Single Stablefrod Summer Comp -
1st - Joan Coddington 38 pts, on a c/b from Chris Keevil 38 pts, and from Suzanne Manning 34 pts. Balls to 31 pts on a c/b.
13 players

Wednesday 2/12/20 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford -

Best scores: Cathy Aiken 35 pts, Chris Keevil 35 pts and Cecile Rhodes 34 pts, on a c/b from Michele Blizzard and Penny Greaves

12 Players

Saturday 28/11/20 - Single Stableford Summer Comp -

Two brave players! Tilla Davis 30 pts and Liz Harding 27 pts

Wednesday 25/11/2020 - Pro's Comp Single Stableford

Best scores: Liz Harding 36 pts, Jan Broderick 35 pts, and Trish Miller 33 pts on a c/b from Ros Anderson and Chris Keevil.

15 Players

Saturday 21/11/2020 - Single Stablefrod Summer Comp -
1st - Justine Makeham 35 pts, from Marie Inwood  32 pts. Balls to 32 pts 
6 players

Wednesday 18 November 2020 - Pro's Comp Single Stabeford

Best scores: Marie Inwood 37 pts, then Chris Keevil 34 pts and Trish Miller 32 pts

12 Players

Wednesday 11 November 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Cheryl Minehan
23 players

Division 1 

Winner:  Ros Anderson 38 pts
Second:  Helen Spencer 36 pts

Division 2

Winner:  Maureen Perkins 36 pts
Second:  Suzanne Manning 35 pts

Ball comp winners:  Ros Anderson (38), Helen Spencer (36), Maureen Perkins (36), Cathy Aiken (35), Suzanne Manning (35), Jan Broderick (34), Libby Plumley (34), Liz Harding (32) on countback Betty Stanton (32)

Saturday 7 November 2020 - 4bbb par and individual

Trophy donor:  David Hamblin and Amcal Pharmacy
29 players including Allison Ryan of Kurri Kurri and Helen Smith of Canberra

4bbb winners:  Jan Broderick and Pam Stolhand +8
Individual winner:  Gail Hanigan +4

Ball comp winners:  Gail Hanigan (+4), Jan Broderick (-1), Pam Stolhand (-1), Helen Spencer (-1), Marie Inwood (-2), Cecile Rhodes (-2), Sandy Anderson (-2), Ros Anderson (-3), Joan Coddington (-3) on countback Justine Makeham and Maureen Perkins

Wednesday 4 November 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Lady Golfers
10 players

Division 1:  Gail Hanigan 33 pts
Division 2:  Suzanne Manning 34 pts

Ball comp winners:  Suzanne Manning (34), Gail Hanigan (33) and Lynne Page (32)

Wednesday 28 October 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Maureen Perkins
19 players

Division 1 (0-19):  Liz Harding 32 pts
Division 2 (21-29):  Cecile Rhodes 33 pts
Division 3 (30-45):  Suzanne Manning 38 pts

Ball comp winners:  Suzanne Manning (38), Cecile Rhodes (33), Liz Harding (32), Ros Anderson (31) and Betty Stanton (30) on c/b Cathy Aiken


Wednesday 21 October 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Lady Golfers
21 players

Division 1 (0-21):  Helen Spencer 38 pts
Division 2 (22-29):  Betty Stanton 39 pts
Division 3 (30-45):  Pammie McCloy 30 pts

Ball comp winners:  Betty Stanton (39), Helen Spencer (38), Maureen Perkins (37), Jan Broderick (35), Cheryl Minehan (35) and Libby Plumley (34)

Saturday 17 October 2020 - 4bbb medley stableford and individual stableford

Trophy donors:  Michele & Col Blizzard
26 lady golfers

Medley fourball won by Zac Williams & Hagon Williams - 51 pts
Ladies best fourball score returned- Cheryl Minehan & Sandy Anderson - 46 pts

Ladies' individual event won by Cheryl Minehan - 38 pts
Runner-up Libby Plumley - 35 pts on countback

Ball comp winners to 33 pts on countback

Donations to Breast Cancer (over three days) totalled $245.90

Wednesday 14 October 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Lady Golfers
14 players
10 players - medley ball sweepstake

Division 1:  Leanne Slater 41 pts
Division 2:  Betty Stanton 36 pts on countback Cecile Rhodes

Ball comp winners:  Leanne Slater (41), Liz Harding (39), Betty Stanton (36) and Cecile Rhodes (36)

Three day Not the South West Championship Event

Trophies donated by Gail Hanigan

Sunday 11 October 2020 - Foursomes

Division 1:
Scratch winners:  Liz Harding & Lynne Page 46
Handicap winners:  Michele Blizzard & Kate Cooper 37.75 nett

Division 2:
Scratch winners:  Sandra Holmes & Tilla Davis 51
Handicap winners:  Estelle Roberts & Cathy Aiken 37.75 nett

All other players won a golf ball

Saturday 10 October 2020 Stableford

Division 1: 
Winner:  Sandy Anderson 39 pts
First 9:  Michele Blizzard 19 pts 
Second 9:  Maxine McCormack 19 pts 

Divison 2:
Winner:  Libby Plumley 40pts
First 9:  Sandra Holmes 16 pts
Second 9:  Cathy Aiken 20 pts

Division 3:
Winner:  Janine Hobson 39 pts
First 9:  Lynne Page 19 pts
Second 9:  Pauline Collier 19 pts

Ball comp winners:  Libby Plumley (40), Janine Hobson (39), Sandy Anderson (39), Lynne Page (38), Michele Blizzard (38), Estelle Roberts (37), Gail Hanigan (36) on countback Tilla Davis

Friday 9 October 2020 - 9 hole stableford

Division 1
Winner:  Lorraine Regan 17 pts
Second:  Maxine McCormack 17 pts

Division 2
Winner:  Annette Alexander 15 pts
Second:  Libby Plumley 15 pts

Division 3
Winner:  Lyn Quay 16 pts
Second:  Estelle Roberts 16 pts

Wednesday 7 October 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Donges Supa IGA
11 players

Division 1:  Helen Spencer 36 pts on c/b Gail Hanigan 36 pts
Division 2:  Betty Stanton 34 pts on c/b Libby Plumley and Estelle Roberts

Ball comp:  Helen Spencer (36), Gail Hanigan (36) and Betty Stanton (34) on countback Libby Plumley (34) and Estelle Roberts (34)

Sunday 4 October 2020 - 2 day 2 Ladies Ambrose Handicap

Sponsored by Terry Brothers Carpet Court

36 Holes Nett 

1st - Liz Harding & Helen Spencer 139.5 

Sunday 4 October 2020- Day 2

18 Holes Nett 

1st - Marie Inwood & Chris Keevil 69

2nd - Pammie McCloy & Estelle Roberts 74

12 Players

Saturday 3 October 2020- Day 1

18 Holes Nett 

1st - Sandra Anderson & Cheryl Minehan 68

2nd - Kate Cooper & Pauline Collier 71.25

20 Players

Sunday 27 September 2020 - Ladies Foursomes Championship

Trophy donors scratch event:  Pam, Samantha and Christabel Stolhand
Trophy donor handicap event:  Lady Golfers
26 players

Scratch event:

Championship Winners:  Michele Blizzard and Kate Cooper 89 + 47 = 136
Runners-up:  Liz Harding and Leanne Slater 94 + 43 = 137 on countback Chris Keevil and Marie Inwood 94 + 43 = 137

Handicap event:

Division 1 winners:  Sandy Anderson and Cecile Rhodes 69.5 + 42.25 = 111.75
Runners-up:  Chris Keevil and Marie Inwood 78 + 35 = 113

Division 2 winners:  Cheryl Minehan and Tilla Davis 80.5 + 36.25 = 116.75
Runners-up:  Larraine Nicolls and Estelle Roberts 80.5 + 39.75 = 120.25

Ball comp winners:  Michele Blizzard & Kate Cooper (107.75), Sandy Anderson & Cecile Rhodes (111.75), Chris Keevil & Marie Inwood (113), Cheryl Minehan & Tilla Davis (116.75)

Wednesday 23 September 2020 - Single Par

Trophy donors:  Cecile Rhodes and Lady Golfers x 2
24 players

Division 1:  Lorraine Regan +2
Division 2:  Cecile Rhodes +1
Division 3:  Estelle Roberts +1

Ball comp winners:  Lorraine Regan (+2), Estelle Roberts (+1), Cecile Rhodes (+1), Jenelle Connelly (Square), Lynne Page (Square), Betty Stanton (-1) and Cathy Aiken (-2)

Sunday 20 September 2020 - Mixed Foursomes Championship

Scratch winners:  Helen Spencer & James French 119
Runners-up:  Liz Harding & Grant Harding 128

Handicap winners:  Lynne Pagce & Ian Page 110
Runners-up:  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs & Wayne Honeman 110.5

Saturday 19 September 2020 - Honor Oliver Memorial Day

Trophy donors:  Oliver family

4bbb Winners:  Cathy Aiken & Andrew Aiken 49 pts
Runners-up:  Trish Miller and Colin Miller 46 pts on c/b

Individual winner:  Liz Harding 38 pts

Mixed fourball match play

Andrew & Cathy Aiken -v-  Colin & Michele Blizzard
Michael & Leanne Slater -v- Geoff Connelly & Estelle Roberts
Colin & Trish Miller -v- Ian Tierney & Tilla Davis
Mark & Jackie Sheriday -v- Bill Oliver & Chris Keevil

Wednesday 16 September 2020 - Stroke - Golf NSW 5th round

Trophy donors:  Maureen Perkins, Hazel Taylor & Jenelle Connelly
21 players

Division 1 (0-22):  Helen Spencer 65 nett
Division 2 (23-29):  Cecile Rhodes 64 nett
Division 3 (30-45):  Maureen Perkins 71 nett

Medal winners:

Division 1:  Liz Harding 71 nett
Division 2:  Cathy Aiken 73 nett

Ball comp winners:  Cecile Rhodes (64), Helen Spencer (65), Jacki Sheridan (70), Maureen Perkins (71), Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (71) and Liz Harding (71)

Saturday 12 September 2020 - 4bbb stableford and individual

Trophy donor:  Tester Porter Services
22 players

Winners 4bbb stableford:  Pammie McCloy & Cathy Aiken 47 pts on countback Tilla Davis & Sandy Anderson, Jackie Sheridan & Maureen Perkins and Kate Cooper & Cecile Rhodes

Single event:  Cecile Rhodes 39 pts (Cathy Aiken 43 pts but having won fourball event not eligible and Jackie Sheridan 41 pts declined trophy)

Ball comp winners:  Cathy Aiken (43), Jackie Sheridan (41), Cecile Rhodes (39), Gail Hanigan (38), Sandra Holmes (38), Sandy Anderson (37), Maxine McCormack (37)

Mid-week match play final:  Leanne Slater defeated Cheryl Minehan

Wednesday 9 September 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Margaret Kinlyside, Lyn Quay and Lady Golfers
22 players

Division 1 (0-23):  Leanne Slater 33 pts c/b Liz Harding and Maxine McCormack
Division 2 (24-30):  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 41 pts
Division 3 (31-45);  Larraine Nicolls 45 pts

Ball comp winners:  Larraine Nicolls (45), Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (41), Cecile Rhodes (37), Betty Stanton (37), Maureen Perkins (36), Jacki Sheridan (34) and Tilla Davis (34)

Saturday 5 September 2020 - Golf NSW Medal - Stroke

Trophy donors:  Pammie McCloy, Hazel Taylor, Chris Keevil
21 players

Division 1 (0-20):  Liz Harding 74 nett on countback Helen Spencer & Gail Hanigan
Division 2 (21-30):  Camille Carberry 69 nett
Division 3 (31-45):  Jacki Sheridan 68 nett

Ball comp winners:  Jacki Sheridan (68), Camille Carberry (69), Suzanne Manning (70), Cecile Rhodes (70), Cathy Aiken (71) and Estelle Roberts (72) on c/b Libby Plumley

Medal winners:

Division 1:  Helen Spencer 74 nett
Division 2:  Justine Makeham 73 nett
Division 3:  Jackie Sheridan 68 nett

Wednesday 2 September 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donor:  Helen Spencer
24 players

Division 1 (0-23):  Winner:  Liz Harding 39 pts  Runner-up:  Leanne Slater 38 pts
Division 2 (24-31):  Winner:  Penny Greaves 39 pts  Runner-up:  Libby Plumley 35 pts
Division 3 (32-45):  Winner:  Larraine Nicolls 36 pts (countback)  Runner-up:  Jacki Sheridan 36 pts

Ball comp winners:  Liz Harding (39), Penny Greaves (39), Leanne Slater (38), Sandy Anderson (36), Larraine Nicolls (36), Jacki Sheridan (36) and Libby Plumley (35)

Chocolates all round.

Mid-week match play

Leanne Slater defeated Suzanne Manning 1 up
Cheryl Minehan defeated Pammie McCloy 3 & 1

Final to be played on or before 30 September 2020

Wirral Cup Final

Cathy Aiken defeated Liz Harding

Saturday 29 August 2020 - Second round Aissur Bowl - Par Event

Trophy donor:  Helen Spencer event of the day
Aissur Bowl:  Life Member - Lesley Watson

20 players

Division 1 (0-20):  Liz Harding +3
Division 2 (21-31):  Sandra Holmes +4
Division 3 (32-45):  Jacki Sheridan +2

Ball comp winners:  Sandra Holmes (+4), Liz Harding (+3), Jacki Sheridan (+2), Leanne Slater (+2), Cheryl Minehan (+1) and Tilla Davis (Square)

Aissur Bowl

Winner:  Liz Harding 7 pts (3 pts first round/4 pts second round)
Runner up:  Sandra Holmes (1 pt first round/5 pts second round) on countback Libby Plumley (5 pts first round/1 pt second round)

Wednesday 26 August 2020 - Golf NSW Medal

Trophy donors:  Gail Hanigan, Liz Harding and Lady Golfers
18 players

Division 1 (0-21):  Helen Spencer 76 nett on countback Liz Harding
Division 2 (22-30):  Betty Stanton 73 nett
Division 3 (31-45):  Estelle Roberts 74 nett

Medal winners:
Division 1:  Liz Harding 76 nett
Division 2:  Betty Stanton 73 nett

Ball comp winners:  Betty Stanton (73), Estelle Roberts (74), Jacki Sheridan (75), Penny Greaves (76), Helen Spencer (76) c/b Liz Harding

Saturday 1 August 2020 - Golf NSW Medal and first round Aissur Bowl

Trophy donors:  Kate Cooper, Pauline Collier and Lady Golfers
24 players

Division 1 (0-19):  Michele Blizzard 73 nett
Division 2 (20-29):  Cathy Aiken 75 nett
Division 3 (30-45):  Libby Plumley 72 nett

Ball comp winners:  Libby Plumley (72), Michele Blizzard (73), Liz Harding (74), Leanne Slater (74), Cathy Aiken (75), Tilla Davis (75) and Estelle Roberts (75)

Medal winners

Division 1:  Michele Blizzard 73 nett
Division 2:  Sandy Anderson 76 nett
Division 3:  Tilla Davis 75 nett

Aissur Bowl Leaders

Libby Plumley       5 pts
Michele Blizzard   4 pts
L:iz Harding          3 pts

All other players received 1 pt.  Final round Aissur Bowl to be held on Saturday - par event

Wednesday 29 July 2020 - 4bbb stableford

Trophy donors:  Penny Greaves and Lorraine Regan
19 players

Winners:  Betty Stanton and Lyn Quay - 40 pts

Ball comp winners:  Betty Stanton (35), Pauline Collier (31), Pammie McCloy (31), Maxine McCormack (31), Jacki Sheridan (30) and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (30) on counback Lyn Quay and Helen Spencer

Saturday 25 July 2020 - Keno Ambrose qualifying round

Ladies:  Kate Cooper and Cecile Rhodes

Mixed:  Grant Harding and Liz Harding

Wednesday 22 July 2020 - Golf NSW Medal - Stroke

20 players

Division 1:  Lorraine Regan 70 nett
Division 2:  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 78 nett
Division 3:  Cecile Rhodes 69 nett on c/b Pammie McCloy

Medal winners:

Division 1:  Lorraine Regan 70 nett
Division 3:  Pammie McCloy 69 nett

Ball comp winners:  Cecile Rhodes (69), Pammie McCloy (69), Lorraine Regan (70), Leanne Slater (73), Suzanne Manning (77) and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (78) on c/b Betty Stanton, Jacki Sheridan and Larraine Nicolls

Mid-week Match play

Pammie McCloy/Libby Plumley; Penny Greaves/Cheryl Minehan, Leanne Slater/Maureen Perkins, Suzanne Manning/Liz Harding - to be played on or before 12 August 2020

Saturday 18 July 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Penny Greaves, Sandra Holmes & Lady Golfers
18 players

Division 1 (0-25):  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 36 pts
Division 2 (26-32):  Libby Plumley 34 pts
Division 3 (33-45):  Cecile Rhodes 35 pts

Ball comp winners:  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (36), Cecile Rhodes (35), Liz Harding (35), Libby Plumley (34) and Sheila Traynor (31)

Wirral Cup:  Liz Harding def Helen Spencer 4 & 3, Kate Cooper def Camille Carberry 1 up

Wednesday 8 July 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Sandra Holmes, Jan Broderick & Lady Golfers
20 players

Division 1 (0-22):  Gail Hanigan 35 pts
Division 2 (23-30):  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 33 pts
Division 3 (31-45):  Jacki Sheridan 35 pts

Ball comp winners:  Jacki Sheridan (35), Gail Hanigan (35), Larraine Nicolls (34), Libby Plumley (34), Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (33) and Estelle Roberts (33)

Saturday 4 July 2020 - Golf NSW Medal Third Round

Trophy donors:  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs & Lady Golfers
16 players

Division 1 (0-25):  Maxine McCormack 73 nett
Division 2 (26-45):  Cathy Aiken 75 nett

Ball comp winners:  Maxine McCormack (73), Liz Harding (75), Cathy Aiken (75), Penny Greaves (77) and Kate Cooper (78)

Medal winners: 
Division 1 Helen Spencer
Division 2 Maureen Perkins
Division 3 Camille Carberry

Wirral Cup first round to be played on or before 1 August 2020:

Liz Harding/Helen Spencer
Kate Cooper/Camille Carberry
Penny Greaves/Suzanne Manning
Cathy Aiken/Maureen Perkins

Wednesday 1 July 2020 - Fourball Aggregate

Trophy donors:  Larraine Nicolls & Pammie McCloy
20 players

Winners:  Cheryl Minehan (38) and Liz Harding (37) = 75 pts

Ball comp winners:  Cheryl Minehan (38), Liz Harding (37), Penny Greaves (34), Jan Broderick (34), Maureen Perkins (34) and Cathy Aiken (34)

Saturday 27 June 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Larraine Nicolls, Camille Carberry & Liz Harding
21 players

Division 1 (0-24):  Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34 pts
Division 2 (25-31):  Sandra Holmes 35 pts on countback Libby Plumley
Division 3 (32-45):  Suzanne Manning 38 pts

Ball comp winners:  Suzanne Manning (38), Sandra Holmes (35), Libby Plumley (35), Karen Hamilton-Gibbs (34), Maxine McCormack (33), Gail Hanigan (32) on c/b Liz Harding

Wednesday 24 June 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Lynne Page and Lady Golfers
11 players

Division 1 (0-25):  Penny Greaves 36 pts
Division 2 (26-45):  Pammie McCloy 33 pts

Ball comp winners:  Penny Greaves (36), Pammie McCloy (33) and Libby Plumley (31)

Saturday 20 June 2020 - 4 Ball Twister Stableford

Trophy donors:  Cachewise and Justine & Simon Makeham
20 players

Winners:  Pammie McCloy & Libby Plumley 62 points from Sandra Holmes & Maxine McCormack 60 pts

Ball comp winners:  Sandra Holmes (35), Libby Plumley (35), Liz Harding (33), Maxine McCormick (33) and Larraine Nicolls (32) on countback Michele Blizzard



Wednesday 17 June 2020 - Par

Trophy donors:  Betty Stanton, Estelle Roberts and Lady Golfers
18 players

Division 1 (0-22):  Maxine McCormack Square on c/b Ros Anderson
Division 2 (23-27):  Justine Makeham -1
Division 3 (28-45):  Jacki Sheridan -5 on c/b Pammie McCloy and Libby Plumley

Ball comp winners:  Maxine McCormack (Square), Ros Anderson (Square), Gail Hanigan (-1), Justine Makeham (-1) and Cathy Aiken (-2)

Saturday 13 June 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Jan Broderick, Libby Plumley and Lady Golfers
18 players

Division 1 (0-20) - Liz Harding 33 pts
Division 2 (21-30) - Camille Carberry 36 pts
Division 3 (31-45) - Pammie McCloy 35 pts

Ball comp winners:  Camille Carberry (36), Pammie McCloy (35), Libby Plumley (34), Liz Harding (33) and Larraine Nicolls (32)

Wednesday 10 June 2020 - Stableford

Trophy donors:  Suzanne Manning and Maxine McCormack
13 players

Division 1 (0-23):  Gail Hanigan 37 pts
Division 2 (24-45):  Jacki Sheridan 30pts on c/b Pammie McCloy

Ball comp winners:  Gail Hanigan (37), Liz Harding (33), Kate Cooper (30) and Jacki Sheridan (30) on countback Pammie McCloy and Helen Spencer

Saturday 6 June 2020 - Stroke:  2nd Medal Round

Trophy donors:  Lynne Page, Suzanne Manning and Lady Golfers
21 players

Division 1(0 - 19):  Lorraine Regan 72 nett
Division 2 (20 - 31):  Cheryl Minehan  74 nett
Division 3 (32 - 45):  Sheila Traynor 80 nett on c/b Pauline Collier and Larraine Nicolls

Ball comp winners:  Lorraine Regan (72), Maxine McCormack (73), Cheryl Minehan (74), Helen Spencer (74), Kate Cooper (75) and Gail Hanigan (75)

Division 1 Medal:  Helen Spencer 74 nett
Division 2 Medal:  Maureen Perkins 81 nett
Division 3 Medal:  Pauline Collier 80 nett

Wednesday 3 June 2020 - Stroke:  2nd Medal Round

Trophy donors:  Libby Plumley and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
12 players

Division 1:  Leanne Slater 71 nett
Division 2:  Penny Greaves 78 nett

Ball comp winners:  Leanne Slater (71), Liz Harding (74). Cheryl Minehan (75) and Penny Greaves (78) c/b Kate Cooper

Division 1 Medal:  Leanne Slater 71 nett
Division 2 Medal:  Cheryl Minehan 75 nett

Saturday 30/5/2020 - Single Par

Trophy donors:  Lorraine Regan, Leanne Slater and Lady Golfers
26 players including Katrina Ferris from Bathurst

Division 1 (0 - 19) -  Leanne Slater -2
Division 2 (20 - 29) - Penny Greaves +1
Division 3 (30 - 45) - Jackie Sheridan +2

Ball comp winners: Jackie Sheridan +2, Penny Greaves +1, Suzanne Manning +1, Joy McCormick -1, Leanne Slater -2, Lynne Page -2, Pammie McCloy -2, Helen Spencer -3 c/b Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Kate Cooper, Libby Plumley & Trish Miller 


Wednesday 27/5/2020

Trophy donors:  Pammie McCloy, Kate Cooper and Lady Golfers
22 players including Glenda Cooper from Grenfell

Division 1 (0-20) - Leanne Slater 39 pts
Division 2 (21-30) - Cheryl Minehan 36 pts
Division 3 (31-45) - Joy McCormick 31 pts

Ball comp winners:  Leanne Slater (39), Cheryl Minehan (36), Kate Cooper (34), Cathy Aiken (34), Liz Harding (32), Libby Plumley (32) and Joy McCormick (31)

Saturday 23/5/2020 - Single Stableford

Trophy donors:  Maxine McCormack, Gail Hanigan and Lady Golfers

20 players

Division 1 (0 - 19) - Liz Harding 37 pts
Division 2 (20 - 29) - Libby Plumley 30 pts
Division 3 (30 - 45) - Camille Carberry 33 pts c/b Tilla Davis

Ball comp winners:  Liz Harding (37), Gail Hanigan (35), Kate Cooper (35), Michele Blizzard (35), Camille Carberry (33) and Tilla Davis (33)


29/03/2020 - Championships final round

Division 1 (0-18):  Ros Anderson 68 nett
Division 2 (19-26):  Lorraine Regan 69 nett on c/b Jan Broderick
Division 3 (27-45):  Tilla Davis 70 nett

Ball competition:  Ros Anderson (68), Lorraine Regan (69), Jan Broderick (69), Helen Spencer (69), Tilla Davis (70) and Penny Greaves (72)

Championships results

Scratch - trophies donated by Donges Supa IGA

Club Champion:  Helen Spencer 81/80/78 = 239
Runner-up:  Liz Harding 86/83/86 = 255

Division 2:  Cathy Aiken 101/101/99 = 301
Runner-up:  Sandy Anderson 106/100/96 = 302

Division 3:  Tilla Davis 118/101/101 = 320
Runner-up:  Suzanne Manning 106/123/108 = 337

Nett - trophies donated by Terry Bros Carpet Court

Division 1:  Ros Anderson 74/75/68 = 217
Runner-up:  Leanne Slater 81/72/73 = 226

Division 2:  Maureen Perkins 75/73/74 = 222
Runner-up:  Sandra Holmes 82/72/81 = 235

Division 3:  Jacki Sheridan 78/81/84 = 243
Runner-up:  Larraine Nicolls 89/82/80 = 251

Senior Veterans - Best 54 hole nett:  Lorraine Regan 83/75/69 = 227

Golf NSW Centennial Bowl - Best 54 hole nett:  Helen Spencer 71/70/68 = 209

Saturday 28/03/2020 - Championships second round

Division 1 (0-18):  Liz Harding 71 nett on c/b Helen Spencer
Division 2 (19-25):  Sandra Holmes 73 nett
Division 3 (26-45):  Tilla Davis 69 nett

Ball competition:  Tilla (69), Estelle Roberts (70), Liz (71), Helen (71), Leanne Slater (72), Sandra Holmes (73) on c/b Maureen Perkins

21 players

Championship Leaders:

Division 1: Helen Spencer 81/80 - 161  Liz Harding 86/83 - 169  Ros Anderson 91/92 - 183
Division 2:  Sandra Holmes 106/96 - 202  Maureen Perkins 102/100 - 202  Cathy Aiken 101/101 - 202
Division 3:  Tilla Davis 118/101 - 219  Jacki Sheridan 110/113 - 223  Estelle Roberts 120/105 - 225

Draw for final round

10.00  Suzanne Manning, Larraine Nicolls, Penny Greaves
10.07  Tilla Davis, Jacki Sheridan, Estelle Roberts
10.14  Sandy Anderson, Pammie McCloy, Justine Makeham
10.21  Sandra Holmes, Maureen Perkins, Cathy Aiken
10.28  Lorraine Regan, Gail Hanigan, Jan Broderick
10.35  Leanne Slater, Michele Blizzard, Kate Cooper
10.42  Helen Spencer, Liz Harding, Ros Anderson

Play well

Sunday 22/03/2020 - Championships first round

Division 1 (0-17):  Helen Spencer 71 nett
Division 2 (18-27):  Maureen Perkins 75 nett
Division 3 (28-45):  Suzanne Manning 72 nett

Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th (B Grade) - No winner
Keith Simmons Engineering drive and chip NTP 13th (C Grade) - Larraine Nicolls

Ball comp:  Helen (71) Suzanne (72) Ros Anderson (74) Maureen (75) Liz Harding (75) Cathy Aiken (77) Jacki Sheridan (78) c/b Cheryl Minehan & Michele Blizzard

26 players

Championship leaders:

Division 1:  Helen Spencer 81, Liz Harding 86, Ros Anderson 91
Division 2:  Cheryl Minehan 100, Cathy Aiken 101, Maureen Perkins 102
Division 3:  Suzanne Manning 106, Jacki Sheridan 110, Tilla Davis 118 

Saturday 21/03/2020 - 4BBB and Individual Stableford

Winners - Liz Harding and Estelle Roberts 45 pts 2nd Marie Inwood and Michele Blizzard 43 pts
Ball comp winners - Marie Inwood 41, Leanne Slater 36, Tilla Davis 36, Estelle Roberts 32, Liz Harding 30, Maureen Perkins 30 c/b Kate and Maxine
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Sandra Holmes
Keith Simmons Engineering drive and chip NTP 13th (C Grade)  
22 players

Wednesday 18/03/2020 - Golf NSW Medal - Stroke

Division 1:  Helen Spencer 73 nett
Division 2:  Cheryl Minehan 72 nett
Division 3:  Larraine Nicolls 73 nett
Ball comp winners:  Cheryl (72), Larraine (73), Helen (73), Jacki Sheridan (75), Pammie McCloy (75), Libby Plumley (75) and Leanne Slater (76)

Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Sandra Holmes
Keith Simmons Engineering Drive & Chip 13th Jacki Sheridan

Medal winners yet to be determined (pending confirmation of player entry)

23 players

Championship draw:

10.00  Libby Plumley, Margaret Kinlyside, Sandra Holmes
10.07  Cathy Aiken, Maureen Perkins, Cheryl Minehan
10.14  Pammie McCloy, Sandy Anderson, Betty Stanton
10.21  Jan Broderick, Noela Hardman, Lorraine Regan
10.28  Ros Anderson, Liz Harding, Gail Hanigan, Helen Spencer
10.35  Wendy Tuckerman, Michele Blizzard, Leanne Slater, Kate Cooper
10.42  Suzanne Manning, Estelle Roberts, Camille Carberry
10.49  Pauline Collier, Jacki Sheridan, Tilla Davis, Larraine Nicolls

Saturday 14/03/2020 - Golf NSW Medal - Stroke

Division 1:  Liz Harding 76 nett on c/b Helen Spencer
Division 2:  Maureen Perkins 72 nett
Division 3:  Tilla Davis 74 nett
Ball comp winners:  Maureen (72), Tilla (74), Penny Greaves (75), Liz (76), Helen (76), Ros Anderson (77) on c/b Suzanne Manning & Jacki Sheridan

Medal winners:  Division 1:  Helen 76 nett  Division 2:  Maureen Perkins 72 nett  Division 3:  Tilla Davis 74 nett

20 players

Wednesday 11/03/2020 - Single Stableford & 4 Ball Agg Stableford

Opening Day

4 Ball Aggregate Stableford

1st - Estelle Roberts & Gail Hanigan 62 points from Larraine Nicolls & Helen Spencer 60 points.

Ball comp winners - Helen Spencer 35, Kate Cooper 34, Lorraine Regan 33, Gail Hanigan 32, Glenda Cooper 31, Estelle Roberts 30, Ros Anderson 29 points.
NTP 7th -
NTP 13th -

Thank you to the Grenfell Country Club ladies for coming to play and making it a great day. 
24 players

Saturday 7/03/2020 - Single Stableford Opening Day
Lady golfers vouchers
Div 1 Leanne Slater 31 pts
Div 2 Lorraine Regan 34 pts
Div 3 Camille Carberry 34 pts
Ball comp winners - Carmille Carberry 34, Lorraine Regan 34, Penny Greaves 32, Leanne Slater 31, Helen Spencer 29, Chris Keevil 31, Pam Stolhand 31 c/b Pauline Collier
NTP 13th
Ntp 7th 
22 players

SUMMER COMP RESULTS - best 5 rounds, 27 players  qualified all receive a ball
1st Camille Carberry, 2nd Helen Spencer, 3rd Liz Harding 4th Jackie Sheridan and 5th Michelle Blizzard. Thanks Liz for doing these results.

Wednesday 4/03/2020 - Single Stablefor4ball Aggregate Opening Day
postponed till ne3xt week - RAIN 

Saturday 29/2/2020 - Summer Comp Single Stableford
1st - Larraine Nicolls 37 pts, 2nd - Helen Spencer 35 pts on c/b, 3rd - Michele Blizzard 35 pts.   Balls went down to 32 points. 

Wednesday 26/02/2020 - Pro's comp Single Stableford
Best scores Kate Cooper and Jackie Sheridan 36 pts
25 players

Saturday 22/2/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Best scores Ros Andersion, Sandy Anderson, Helen Spencer and Pam Stolhand 34 pts
23 players

Wednesday 19/2/2020 - Pro's comp Single Stableford
Best scores and 1st Marie Inwood 38 pts, Cathy Aiken and Ros Anderson 33 pts
23 players

Saturday 15/2/2020 - Summer Comp Single Stableford
1st - Gail Hanigan 37 pts, 2nd - Liz Harding 34 pts, 3rd - Libby Plumley 34 pts.   Balls went down to 30 points.  25 players.

Wednesday 12/2/2020
 - Pro's comp  Single Stableford
Best scores and 1st Maureen Perkins 41 pts, Trish Miller 35 and Michele Blizzard 34 
24 players

Saturday 8/2/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Sandy Pronk 32, Pammie McCloy 32 pts
10 players

Wednesday 5/2/2020 - Pro's comp Single Stableford
25 ladies best scores Penny Greaves 39 pts, Helen Spencer, Jan Broderick and Estelle roberts 36 

Saturday 1/2/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Maxine McCormack 36 pts, Penny Greaves 33 pts 11 players

Wednesday 29/1/2020 - Pro's comp Single Stableford
17 ladies played best scores Liz Harding 37 pts and Chris Keevil 35 pts

Saturday 25/1/2020 - Single Stableford Australia Day Medal
Div 1 - Noela Hardman 38 pts, runner-up Chris Keevil 34 pts c/b Liz and Helen 
Div 2 - Maureen Perkins 37 pts, runner-up Lynne Page 33 pts
19 players

Wednesday 22/1/2020 - Pro's comp Single Stableford
21 ladies played best scores Kate Cooper, Chris Keevil and Lynn
e Quay 34 pts each

Saturday 18/1/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Camille Carberry 39 pts from Ros Anderson 35 pts, 16 players

Wednesday 15/1/2020 - Single Stableford medley
28 ladies  best scores Chris Keevil 38 pts  and Sandra Holmes 37 pts

Saturday 11/1/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
1st Lorraine Ragean 37 pts from Maureen Perkins 35 pts and Libby Plumley 35 pts. 28 players with a visitor from Grenfell

Wednesday 8/1/2020 - Single Stableford Medley
22 ladies, best score Kate Cooper 40 pts and Gail Hanigan 39 pts

Saturday 4/1/2020 - Single Stableford Summer comp
1st - Tilla Davis 36 pts, from Michele Blizzard 35 pts, Cathy Aiken 34 pts & Noela Hardman 32 pts.  Balls went down to 32 points. 10 players

Wednesday 1/1/2020  - Single Stableford medley
10 ladies best score Sandra holmes 36 pts

Saturday 28/12/2019 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
1st Noela Hardman 39 pts from Lynne Quay 36
9 players

Saturday 21/12/2019 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Tilla Davis 1st 36 pts
4 players

Wednesday 18/12/2019 - Single Stableford medley
14 ladies best scores Trish Miller 39 ptd and Gail hanigan 37 pts

Saturday 14/12/2019 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Sandra Holmes 40 pts 1st, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 36 pts and Lynne Page 36 pts
17 players

Wednesday 11/12/2019 - Single stableford Medley
Karen Hamilton-/Gibbs 45 pts,

Saturday 7/12/2019 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Helen Spencer 35 pts c/b, from Justine Makeham 35 pts.  Balls went down to 32 points. 17 players

Wednesday 4/12/2019 - Single Stableford medley
22 ladies palyed  scores Mauren Perkins 38 pts, Ros Anderson 36 pts

Saturday 30/11/2019 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Chris Keevil 37 pts c/b Libby Plumley, Helen spencer 35, ros anderson 35 balls to 33 pts c/b
19 players
Wednesday 27/11/2019 - Single Stableford Medley

Saturday 23/11/2019 - Single Stableford Summer comp
Liz Harding, Maxine McCormick and Carolyn shaw 35 pts
9 players

Wednesday 20/11/2019 - Single Stableford Medley
9 ladies played best scores Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 41 pts, Lynne Page 39 pts

Saturday 16/11/2019 - Suimmer Comp Single Stableford
1st Jackie Sheridan 41 pts, 2nd Liz Harding 39 pts, 3rd Camille Carberry 38 pts , Helen Spencer 37 pts,  20 players.

Wednesday 13/11/2019 - Singe Stableford Medley
28 ladies played, best scores Karen 41pts, Joy 39 pts and Michele 37 pts

Saturday 9/11/2019 - Summer Comp Single Stableford
1st - Camille Carberry 37 pts, 2nd - Tilla Davis 35 pts, 3rd - Cathy Aiken 33 pts. Balls to 31 pts. 23players

Sunday 3/11/2019 - 9 holes and Presentation Day
Captains team consisting of Liz, Maureen, Kate, Tilla, Larraine, Lorraine, Jackie, Lynne P, Sharon, Jenelle and Betty won by 2 points over Presidents team Leanne, Margaret, Ros, Karen, Michele, ?Suzanne, Noela, Maxine, Pauline, Cheryl, Lynne Q and Trish. The winners received a ball kindly donated by Elegant Timber Shutters and Blinds thnak you Grant Harding.


BEST SCRATCH SCORE - Div 1 Liz Harding 81, Div 2 Kate Cooper 88, Div 3 Libby Plumley 106
CONSISTENCY - Loraine Regan
ECLECTIC - Div 1 Liz Harding 52, Div 2 Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 51, Div 3 Estelle Roberts 49
BIRDIE - Div 1 Liz Harding 18, Div 2 Noela Hardman 4,Div 3 Maureen Perkins 2
GOBBLE - Div 1 Gail Hanigan 7, Div 2 Betty Stanton 5, Div 3 Maureen Perkins 3

BEST SCRATCH SCORE - Div 1 Liz Harding 79, Di v2 Noela Hardman 90,
Div3 Joan Coddington 100
CONSISTENCY - Helen Spencer
ECLECTIC -  Div 1 Liz Harding 52, Div 2 Libby plumley 52, Div 3 Larraine Nicolls 53
BIRDIE - Div 1 Helen Spencer 14, Div 2 Libby Plumley 4 + 1 eagle,  Div 3 Larraine Nicolls 6
GOBBLE - Div 1 Liz Harding 7, Div 2 Sandra Holmes 3, Div 3 Suzanne Manning 6

Pauline Collier with 8

Winner - Penny Greaves, runner-up Pammie McCloy

Winner - Liz Hrding, runner-up Pam Stolhand

Saturday 2/11/2019 - 4bbb
Amcal Pharmacy and David Hamblin sponsors
Winners -
Ball comp winners -

Wednesday 30/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Donges Supa IGA vouchers
Div 1 winner - Lorraine Regan 39 pts
Div 2 winner - Cheryl Minehan 37 pts
Div 3 winner - Lynne Page 38 pts
Ball Comp winnrs - Margaret kinlyside 37, Gail Hanigan 36, Jan Brodercik 35, Betty Stanton 34, Karen Hamilt-Gibbs 34, Penny Greaves 33 and jackie Sheridan 33 c/b Leanne Slater
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Gail Hanigan
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP Larraine Nicolls
19 players and 6 Pro's comp with 2 visitors

Saturday 26/10/2019  - Single Stableford
Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 winner - Marie Inwood 36 PTS
Div 2 winner - Maxine McCormack 34 pts
Div 3 winnrs -  Pauline Collier 35 pts c/b Suzanne Manning
Ball Comp winners - Suzanne 35, Kate 35, Chris 34, Sandy 32, Lynne 32 and Penny 32
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP Larraine Nicolls
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th
18 players

Helen Spencer, Liz Harding,  Leanne Slater, Sharon Wilder  and the 5 players bellow played  tese tweo days.  Joan had 37 pts on saturday did collect a prize.  All players had better results on Sunday, niot sure on results.

Joan Coddington, Helen Smith, Noela Hardman, Cheryl Minehan and Tilla Davis played in this event.
Wednesday 23/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Maria Hanrahan, Penny Greaves and Lady Golfeers vouchers
Div 1 - Liz Harding 36 pts
Div 2 - Karen hamilton-Gibb 42 pts
Div 3 - Larraine Nicolls 36 pts c/b Lynne Page
Ball comp winners - Cathy Aiken 39, Sandra Holmes 38, Trish Miller 36, Lynne Page 36, Penny Greaves 36, Betty Stanton 36 and lkeanne Slater 35.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Larraine Nicolls
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Gail Hanigan
24 players and 5 Pro's comp

Saturday 19/10/2019 - Medley 4BBB and Individual
Col & Michele Blizzard sponsors
Winners - Pam Stolhand & Joan Coddington 45 pts
Ladies winner - Marie Inwood 37 pts
22 ladies palyed

Wednesday 16/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Laura Caldwell Bridges Finance sponsor
Div 1 - Gail Hanigan 37 pts
Div 2 - Libby Plumley 40 pts
Div 3 - Jackie Sheridan 36 pts
Ball comp winners - Betty Stanton 36, Liz harding 36, Lorraine Regan 35, Karen Hamilton-Gibb 34,
Noela Hardman 34 and Lynne page 33
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Noela Hardman
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Libby Plumley
19 players and 6 Pro's comp

Saturday 12/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Chris Keevil 34 pts, Maxine McCormack 33 and Lynne page 32
10 players

Div 2 - Handicap runners-up Camille Carberry and Tilla Davis 77
                            Third - Larraine Nicolls and Suzanne Manning 78



Friday 11/10/2019
Div 1 - Liz Harding 3rd scratch 89
Div 2 - Kate Cooper 3rd scratch 98
9 hole handicap 2nd 9 Div 3 Pauline Collier 40

Saturday 12/10/2019
Div 2 - Kate Cooper 3rd scratch 99
9 hole handicap 1st 9 Camille Carberry 38
36 hole event
Kate Cooper handicap runner-up 157

Wednesday 9/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Donges Supa IGA vouchers
Div 1 winner - Liz Harding 34 pts
Div 2 winner - Cathy Aiken 34 pts
Div 3 winner - Estelle Roberts 38 pts
Ball comp winners - Joy McCormick 37, Sandra Holmes 33, Lynne Quay 33, Lorraine Regan 31, Betty Stanton 31 and Gail Hanigan 31 c/b Jackie and Jan
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Leanne Slater
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Margaret Kinlyside
22 players and 2 Pro's comp
Congratulations Marie Inwood EAGLE ON THE 10TH

Wednesday 2/10/2019 - Single Stableford
Liz Harding, Leanne Slater and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Jan Broderick 38 pts
Div 2 Winner - Justine Makeham 34 pts
Div 3 Winner - Jackie Sheridan 32 pts
Ball comp winners - Gail Hanigan 35, Lynne Page 31, Larraine Nicolls 31, Penny Greaves 31, Maureen Perkins 30, c/b Betty Stanton.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Jan Broderick
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Jackie Sheridan
20 players and 3 Pro's comp

Saturday 28/09/2019 - 4bbb and individual stableford
Sharon Wilder sposnor
Winners - Larraine Nicolls and Cathy Aiken 45 pts
Ball comp winners - Jan Broderick 38, Joan Codddington 37, Lynne Page 35, Chris Keevil 33, Michele Blizzard 32 and Pam Stolhand 31
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Pauline Collier
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Gail Hanigan
20 players

Wednesday 25/09/2019 - Single Par
Cath Johnson, Wendy Tuckerman and Pammie McCloy vouchers
Div 1 winner - Liz Harding +6
Div 2 winner - Betty Stanton 0
Div 3 winner - Libby Plumley +10
Ball Comp winnrs - Lynn Quay +3, Cheryl minehan +1, Jan Broderick 0, Maxine McCormack -1, Noela Hardman -1 and  Cathy Aiken -1
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Larraine Nicolls
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Liz Harding
21 players and 6 Pro's comp
Sunday 22/09/2019 -  Cootamundra Single Stableford and Grenfell 2 lady Ambrose

Helen, Leanne, Cheryl Justine and Tilla palyed Cootamundra. Leanne Slater  visitors winner 32 pts and Helen Spencer  NTP div 1. Div
Div 2 winner Justine Makeham 40 pts
Maureen & Jackie, Penny  & Betty  travelled to Grenfell for a great day.

Saturday 21/09/2019 - Honor Oliver  Memorial 4bbb and individual Stableford
Oliver Family sponsors
Winners - Pam Stolhand & Wayne Honeyman 44 pts c/b Alan Moore & Larraine Nicolls 44 pts
Ladies winners - Michele Blizzard 35 pts
53 players

Wednesday 18/09/2019 - Harden Tournament and Pro's comp @ Young
Helen, Liz, Leanne, Kate, Michele, Maxine, Cheryl, Cathy, Penny,  Maureen, Betty, Pammie, Libby, Larraine, Estelle and Jackie supported this event great effort ladies.
Div 1 -  Scratch Winner: Helen Spencer 89, 2nd Michele Blizzard 91 c/b Liz Harding
            Handicap Winner: Maureen Perkins 74 nett
Div 2 -Scratch Winner: Pammie McCloy 101 c/b Betty Stanton 101
           Handicap Winner: Libby Plumley 75 nett 
NTP - Leanne Slater 5th and Betty Stanton 16th
8 ladies played at home, the best score was Jan Broderick 34 pts

Sunday 14/09/2019 - Boorowa Tournament and Mercy Care Centre 2 person ambrose
Liz, Leanne, Cheryl, Tilla, Maureen, Jackie, Betty and Sheila supported this event.
Div 1 - Scratch winner Leanne Slater 78 and Cheryl Minehan handicap winner 67,
Liz longest drive and NTP
Div 2 - Handicap winner Betty Stanton 72 c/b  runner-up Tilla Davis 72,  Tilla longest drive and Betty NTP
Div 3 - Handicap winner Sheila Traynor 76 c/b
They had 20 players.
Ambrose results -  Ladies, Pam Stolhand and Carolyn Shaw, mixed Sue and Chris Holmes
50 players

Saturday 14/09/2019 - Single Stableford
Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 winner - Michele Blizzard 37 pts c/b Helen Spencer
Div 2 winner - Suzanne Manning 35 pts
Div 3 winner - Sheila Traynor 38 pts c/b Tilla Davis
Ball comp winners - Tilla 38, Helen 37, Larraine 35, Maxine 34 and Pammie 34
Elegant Timber Shutters & blinds NTP 7th Helen Spencer
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Cathy Aiken
17 players

Wednesday 10/09/2019 - Single Stroke and  Medal of Medals
Lavell Hardy, Hazel Taylor and Lady Golfers
Div 1 winner - Kate Cooper 74
Div 2 winner - Sandra Holmes 71
Div 3 winner - Jackie Sheridan 73
Ball Comp winners - Cheryl Minehan 72, Larraine Nicolls 74, Maxine McCormack 75, Lynn Quay 75, Joy McCormick 76, Lorraine Regan 76 and Gail hanigan 76.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Leanne Slater
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Cheryl Minehan
23 players and 6 Pro's comp















Sunday 8/09/2019 - Binalong Tournament
Leanne, Cheryl, Betty and Tilla supported this event.
Leanne Slater winner stroke 90, Cheryl Minehan winner stableford 36 pts c/b Dell (Boorowa)
Betty Stanton NTP

Saturday 7/09/219 - Single Stroke and Medal of Medals in conjuction
Ball sweep

Winner - Pammie McCloy 72 nett
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th no winner
Keith Simmons Engineeering drive & chip NTP 13th Larrraine Nicolls
5 players

Golf NSW Womens Country Meeting -
Monday @ Stonecutters Ridge , Tuesday @ Pennant Hills  and Thursday Foursomes  @ Cumberland. Liz Harding, Leanne Slater, Cheryl Minehan, Tilla Davis and Camille Carberry played in this event. 
Liz and Leanne winners handicap Div 1 Foursomes 76 1/2 (90 gross) 89 joint winners of scratch event.

Wednesday4/9/2019 - 4BBB Stableford
Jewlz 'n Things vouchers
Winners - Kate Cooper and Pammie McCloy 73 pts 2nd Noela Hardman and Lynn Quay 72 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Jenelle Connelly 39, Kate Cooper 39, Noela Hardman 37, Libby Plumley 36, Sandra holmes 35, Lynn Quay 35 and Betty Stanton 34.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Pammie McCloy
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Libby Plumley
19 players and 2 Pro's Comp

Saturday 31/8/2019 - Single Stableford
Helen Spencer sponsor
Div 1 - Helen Spencer 37pts(didnt take voucher) Maxine McCormack 34pts, 2nd Liz Harding 32pts
Div 2 - Cathy Aiken 35 pts 2nd Pam Stolhand 34 pts
Div 3 - Carolyn Shaw 40 pts 2nd Pammie McCloy 34 pts
Ball comp winners-  everyone received a ball Helen donated extra
Elegant Timber Shutters & blinds NTP 7th Libby Plumley
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Helen Spencer
21 players

Wednesday 28/08/2019 - Junee tournament and Pro's comp
Liz Harding, Leanne Slater, Maxine McCormack, Cheryl Minehan, Cathy Aiken  and Penny Greaves made this trip. Leanne and Maxine 4BBB winners 47 pts and Liz and Cheryl scratch winners 26 pts.
21 ladies played in the Pro's comp, Kate Cooper and Lorraine Regan best scores with 36 pts.

Saturday 24/08/2019 - 4BBB and individual Stableford
Tester Porter vouchers
Winners - Michele Blizzard and Kate Cooper 47
Ball comp winners - Kate Cooper 39, Justine Makeham 39, Marie Inwood 38, Cathy Aiken 36, Estelle Roberts 35, Liz Harding 35, Jackie Sheridan 35 and Sheila Traynor 35
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th no winner
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Liz Harding
27 players

Wednesday 21/08/2019 - Single Stroke Golf NSW medal round
Karen Hamilton-Gibbs vouchers
Winner - Cheryl Minehan 69 nett
Ball comp winners -
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Leanne Slater
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Penny Greaves
8 players and 3 Pro's comp
                                 B GRADE - BETTY STANTON

Saturday and Sunday 17/18 August  - Single Stableford, Golf NSW Sand/Grass Green Championships and Temora Tournament
Mary Haughey, Joy McCormick  Lady Golfers voucehrs
Div 1 Winner - Marie Inwood 36 pts c/b Helen Spencer
Div 2 Winner - Sandra Holmes 38 pts
Div 3 Winner - Libby Plumley 38 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Helen Spencer 36, Pammie McCloy 36,  Suzanne Manning 36,  Chris Keevil 32, Michele Blizzard 32, Cathy Aikne 32
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Marie Inwood
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Lorraine Regan
18 players 

Grant and Liz Harding, Leanne Slater, Kate Cooper, Cheryl Minehan and Tilla Davis played in the two day Golf NSW event and had a great time. No winners.

Pammie McCloy and Betty Stanton travelled to Temora and were winners of the 4BBB 46 pts and won the teams event and  Betty had a NTP, well done ladies.

Wednesday 14/08/2019 - Gundagai Tournament and Pro's Comp
Liz, Leanne, Maxine, Karen, Cheryl and Tilla travelled to /Gundagai.
Div 1 - Leanne winner 32 pts, Liz runner-up 30 pts and Leanne NTP
Div 2 - Tilla winner 32 pts, Karen runner-up 30 pts and Tilla NTP
they had 49 players
19 players in Pro's comop, Sandy Pronk best with 39 pts and Penny Graves 38  pts

Saturday 10/08/2019 - NO PLAY DUE TO WEATHER

Wednesday 7/08/2019 - Single Stableford
Sheila Traynor, LynnQuay and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Liz Harding 36 pts
Div 2 Winner - Cheryl Minehan 40 pts
Div 3 Winner - Penny Greaves 42 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Noela Hardman 34, Lynn Quay 32, Sandra Holmes 32, Lorraine Regan 30, Maxine 29, Betty Stanton 29 c/b Jackie and Gail
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Helen Spencer
Keth Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Hazel Taylor
18 players and 6 Por's comp

Saturday 3/08/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW medal round
Joan Coddington & Helen Smith vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Michele Blizzard 78 nett c/b Lorraine Regan
Div 2 Winner - Penny Greaves 73 nett c/b Sandra Holmes
Div 3 Winner - Pauline Collier 67 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Sandra Holmes 73, Libby Plumley 76, Lorraine Regan 78,Sandy Pronk 78 and Pammie McCloy 79.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Sandy Pronk
Keith simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Sheila Traynor
18 players
                                  DIV 2 SANDRA HOLMES 73 NETT

                                  DIV 3 JUSTINE MAKEHAM 82 NETT
Wednesday 31/07/2019 - Single Stableford
Jan Broderick and Suzanne Manning vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Cheryl Minehan 34 pts c/b Leanne and Betty
Div 2 Winner - Penny Greaves 36 pts c/b Margaret
Ball Comp Winners - Margaret Kinlyside 36, Leanne Slater 34, Betty Stanton 34 and Kate Cooper 31 c/b Libby
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Jackie Sheridan
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chjip NTP 13th Maxine McCormack
15 players and 5 Pro's comp

Libby, Pammie and Estelle travelled to Catalina for their VWGA 1 day tournament earlier this week, two of them collected balls well done. 

Saturday 27/07/2019 - Par 3 Championships
Young Services Club Sponsors
Div 1  - Scratch Helen Spencer 63 runner-up Liz Harding 65
             Handicap Kate Cooper 53 runner-up Lorraine Regan 55
Div 2 - Scratch Betty Stanton 73 runner-up Carolyn shaw 78
           Handicap Camille Carberry 53 c/b runner-up Sheila Traynor 53
23 players

 Wednesday 24/07/2019 - Singel stroke GNSW medal round
Tester Porter Services vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Kate4 Cooper 76 nett
Div 2 Winner - Betty Stanton 70 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Libby PlumleyLiz Harding 77,  Jackie Sheridan 77, gail Hanigan 80
and Helen Spencer 80
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blind NTP 7th Jackie Sheridan
Keith Simmons Engineeering drive & chip NTP 13th Liz Harding
15 players and 5 Por's comp
                                 B GRADE BETTY STANTON 70   

Saturday 20//07/2019 - Keno 2 Person Ambrose, mens, ladies and mixed event
James and Christabel French Sponsors
Ladies Winners - Liz and Leanne 67 nett (73)
Mixed Winners - Wayne Hewson and Carolyn Shaw
Mens Winners - James French and Konah Miller 
Wednesday 17/07/2019 and Thursday 18/072019 Weethalee and Ariah Park tournaments
Pinehurst Foursomes 36 hole main event and individual days
Leanne and Cheryl played in these tournaments, Div 1 Weethalee scratch runner-ups 80 and
Ariah Park handicap runner-ups 71 nett. Leanne NTP 8th first shot of the day. 

Wednesday 17/07/2019 Single Stableford Pro's comp
Best ladies scores Cathy Aiken 41 pts and Liz Harding 37
11 players

Saturday 13/7/2019 - Single Stableford
Tilla Davis voucher
Winner - Sandy Pronk 34 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Pammie McCloy 33, Penny Greaves 32, extrra balls  Liz and Larraine
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Leanne Slater
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP13th Sandy Pronk
7 players

Wednesday 10/7/2019 - Single Par
Kate Cooper and Lorraine Regan vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Gail Hanigan -4
Div 2 Winner - Jackie Sheridan -3
Ball Comp Winners - Libby Plumley -4, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs -5, Betty Stanton -5 and Pammie McCloy -5
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Pammie McCloy
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Justine Makeham
12 players and 5 Pro's comp

Saturday 6/07/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW medal round
Tilla Davis, Maxine McCormack and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Liz Harding 71 nett
Div 2 Winner - Penny Greaves 74 nett
Div 3 Winner - Camille Carberry 69 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Pauline Collier 72, Gail Hanigan 73, Jackie Sheridan 75, Larraine Nicolls 75, Estelle Roberts 77 net c/b Helen and Suzanne
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Karen Hamilton-Gibbs
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Libby Plumley  EAGLE
17 players
                                 B - TILLA DAVIS 85 NETT

Wednesday 3/06/2019 - Single Stableford
Leanne Slater, Pammie McCloy and Lady Golfers vochers
Div 1 Winner - Cathy Aiken 33 pts
Div 2 Winner - Pammie McCloy 31 pts
Div 3 Winner - Libby Plumley 32 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Leanne slater  31, Jackie Sheridan 30, Lorraine Nicolls 30, Betty Stanton 30 and Justine Makeham 29
Elegant Timber Shutters & Bljnds NTP 7th Larraine Nicolls
Keith simmons Engineering drive 7 chip NTP 13th Maxine McCormack
18 players and 7 Pro's comp

Saturday 29/06/2019 - 4BBB and Individual Stableford
Tester Porter Services vouchers
Winners - Pam Stolhand and Carolyn Shaw 45 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Leanne  Slater 36, Noela Hardman 36, Pammie  McCloy35,  Libby  Plumley33, Liz Harding 33, Sandy Pronk 31, Camille Carberry  31 Justine Makeham 31, Lorraine Regan 30 and Sharon Wilder30
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Pauline Collier
Keith simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP Helen Spencer
25 players
Wednesday 26/6/2019 - Single Stableford
Cathy Aiken, Lynne Page and Gail Hanigan
Div 1 Winner - Kate Cooper 33
Div 2 Winner - Betty Stanton 35 pts
Div 3 Winner - Lynne Page 35 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Sandra 34, Cathy 33, Larraine 33, Karen 32 and Noela 31
Extra balls (thanks Gail) Pammie, Liz, Libby, Lyne Q, Estelle and Leanne
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Leanne Slater
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Cathy Aiken
Chochalate draw Cathy Aiken (thanks Gail)
15 players and 5 Pro's comp

Saturday 22/06/2019 - Twister
Margaret Kinlyside and Pammie McCloy vouchers
Winners - Helen Spencer and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 62 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Lorraine Regane 36, Kate Cooper 36, Pammke McCloy 33, Penny Greaves 31, Noela Hardman 31 and Suzzane Manning 30
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blind NTP 7th Sharon Wilder
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Helen Spencer
19 players

Wednesday 19/06/2019 - Single Stableford
Pammie McCloy and Penny Greaves vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Noela Hardman 31 pts
Div 2 Winner - Estelle Roberts 31 pts
Ball comp winners - Shirley Roberts 30, Lyn Quay 30, Lorraine Regan 29 and Sandra Holmes 28 c/b  Betty Stanton
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Betty Stanton
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Estelle Roberts
10 players and  6  Pro's comp

Saturday 15/6/2019 - Single Stableford
Annette Alexander, Carmille Carberry and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil 35 pts
Div 2 Winner - Lorraine Regan 35 pts
Div 3 Winner - Pauline Collier 33 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Jan Broderick 34, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 34, Sandy Pronk 32, Camille Carberry 32 and Pammie McCloy 31
Elegant Timber Shutters & blinds NTP 7th Jan Brodercik
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP Larraine Nicolls
17 players

Friday 14 June - Cowra Foursomes tournament
Liz Hardaing and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Tilla Davis and Noela Hardman travel to this event

Wednesday & Thursday 12 & 13 June - Cowra Tournament Single Stroke
Helen Spencer, Liz Harding, Maxine McCormack, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs Camille Carberry and Penny Greaves travel 1 or 2 days for this tournament.
Div 1 - Helen 36 hole scratch runner-up, Thursday 18 hole scratch winner and a NTP
Liz Thursday 18 hole scratch runner-up and a NTP
Div 2 - Karen Thursday 18 hole handicap winner
Div 3 - Penny 36 hole handicap runner-up, Thursday 18 hole scratch winner and a NTP

Wednesday 12/06/2019 - Single Stableford
Maxine McCormack and Sandra Holmes
Div 1 Winner - Kate Cooper 36 pts
Dvi 2 Winner - Larraine Nicolls 30 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Gail Hanigan 35, Leanne Slater 30 and Noela Hardman 29
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Estelle Robderts
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP13th Betty Stanton
10 players   in Pros' comp

Saturday 8/06/2019 - Single Stableford
Gail Hanigan, Jenelle Connelly and Lady Goflers
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil 36 pts
Div 2 Winner - Gail Hanigan 35 pts
Div 3 Winner - Penny Greaves 32 pts c/b Larraine Nicolls
Ball Comp Winners - Marie Inwood 35, Suzanne Manning 34, Larraine Nicolls 32, Liz Harding 31, Pam Stolhand 30, Kate Cooper 30, c/b Lynne Page and Helen Spencer
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th card draw Carolyn Shaw
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Leanne Slater
19 players

Wednesday 5/06/2019 Single Stroke 4th Medal round
Noela Hardman & Estelle Roberts vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Leanne Slater 75 nett c/b Lorraine Regan
Div 2 Winner - Pammie McCloy 78 nett c/b Lyn  Quay
Ball Comp Winners - Lorraine Regan 75, Gail Hanigan 76, Lyn Quay 78, Lynne Page 80, Estelle Roberts 81, Liz Harding 81, Noela Hardman 81 and Penny Greaves 82
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Pammie McCloy
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Lorraine Regan
15 players and 5 Pro's comp
                                 B  LORRAINE REGAN 75 NETT

Saturday 1/06/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW 4th Medal round
Libby Pumley & Larraine Nicolls
Div 1 Winner - Noela Hardman 79 nett c/b Helen Spencer and Kate Cooper
Div 2 Winner - Jan Broderick 72 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Penny Greaves 74, Pam Stolhand 78, Helen Spencer 79, Kate Cooper 79 and Tilla Davis 79
Elegant Timber Shutters 7 Blinds NTP 7th Liz Harding
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Jan Broderick
14 players
                                 B PAM STOLHAND 78 NETT

Wednesday 19/05/2019 - Harden Tournament Washed out

Sunday 26/05/2019 - Young Ladies Foursome championship - Stolhand Perpetual Trophy
Stolhand family(Pam Sam & Chris) and Young Car Wash
Winners - Liz Harding & Leanne Slater 135
Runners-Up Wendy Tuckerman & Ros Anderson 137
Handicap Winners - Suzanne Manning & Camille Carberry 112 3/4
Runners-Up Helen Spencer and Cathy Aiken 118
Ball Comp winners - Kate Cooper  & Larraine Nicolls 119 3/4, Michele Blizzard  & Karen Hamilt-Gibbs120, Lorraine Regan & Jan Broderick 122 1/2 and Betty Stanton &  Sandy Pronk 122 3/4
24 players

Saturday 25/05/2019 - Single Stableford
Carolyn Shaw & Hazel Taylor
Div1 Winner - Michele Blizzard 38 pts
Div 2 Winner - Camille Carberry 29 pts
Ball Comp Winners - chris Keevil 34, Pam Stolhand 33, Kate Cooper 31 and Sandra Holmes 30
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP
15 players

Wednesday 22/05/2019 - Single Stableford
SandyPronk,Pauline Collier and Lady Golofers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Helen Spencer 36 pts
Div 2 Winner - Maureen Perkins 36 pts
Div 3 Winner - Jackie Sheridan 35 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Noela Hardman 33, Larraine Nicolls 32, Lynne Page 32, Lyn Quay32 and Leanne 31 c/b Lorraine Regan
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Jenelle Connelly (card draw)
Keith Simmons engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Helen Spencer
18 players and 3 Pro's Comp

Sunday 19/05/2019 - Tournament Single Stroke/Stableford
South West Slopes Credit Union and Young Car Wash Sponsors
Div 1 - Scratch Helen Spencer 86, Runner-Up Katrina Ferris 88  (Bathurst)
            Handicap Michele Blizzard 75, Runner-Up leanne slater 76
            Stableford Maxine McCormack 31 pts
            Visitors  Joy Cameron 28 c/b Lisa Watson (Ywani)
            Longest drive Wendy Tuckerman
            NTP 17th Nora Saffioti (Temora)
Div 2 - Scratch Noela Hardman 94, Runner-Up Lorraine Regan 96 c/b
           Handicap Jan Broderick 74, Runner-Up Kate Cooper 76
           Stableford Kim watson 31 c/b Pam stolhand
            Visitors Melita Nicholls 27
            Longest drive Tilla davis
            NTP 16th Tilla Davis
Div 3 - Scratch Joan Coddington 100, Runner-Up sharon Wilder 102
           Handicap Pauline Collier 68, runner-Up Sheila Traynor 77 c/b
           Stableford Tilla Davis 32
           Visitors Loo Mamimg 29 pts
           Longest Drive Jackie Sheridan
           NTP 7th Suzanne Manning
57 players, visitors from Bathurst,Boorowa,Cootamundra, Caragabal, Federal, Gundagai, Harden, Temora, Tumut, Queanbeyan, Ywani and 29 Young members.
Saturday 18/05/2019 - Tournament 4BBB
Young Car Wash Sponsor (Mark Crutcher)
Winners - Ros Anderson & Justine Makeham 47 pts
Runners-Up - Tilla Davis & Lynne page 44 pts
Best visiting team - Melitta Nicolls & Beth Lehman Federal
Ball Comp winners - Sharon & Noela 41, Pammie (Tilla) 41, Maureen & Jackie 39, Jan & Penny 39, Kate & Estelle 39, Mixine (Ros) 39, Joy & Lisa Watson (Yowani)
Elegant Timber Shutter & Blinds NTP 7th Joy McCormick
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chjp NTP 13th Joy Cameron (Federal)
38 players, 10 visitors Federal, Yowani and Queanbeyan

Wednesday 15/05/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW Medal round
Liz Harding, maureen Perkins and Lady Golfers vocuhers
Div 1 Winner - Noela Hardman 71 nett
Div 2 Winner - Pammie McCloy 79 nett
Div 3 Winner - Shiela Traynor 75 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Leanne Slater 74, Joy McCormick 78, Ros Anderson 79, Maxine McCormack 80, Larraine Nicolls 80 and Camille Carberry 80
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Ros Anderson
Keith Simmons Engineering drvie & chip NTP 13th Karen Hamilton-Gibbs card draw
21 players and 6 Pro's Comp
                                  DIV 2 PAMMIE MCCLOY 79 NETT
                                  DIV 3 JACKIE SHERIDAN 84 NETT

Saturday 11/05/2019 - Single Par 2nd Aissur Bowl
Noela Hardman, Maira Hanrahan and Lady Golfers and Lesley Watson Aissur Bowl
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil -1
Div 2 Winner - B Whiffen -2 (visitor Bermagui)
Div 3 Winner - sharon Wilder -2
Ball Comp Winners - Liz Harding -2, Michele Blizzzard -2, Camille Carberry - 3, Pualine Collier - 4, Shirley Roberts -5 c/b Jan Broderick
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Tilla davis
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Lynne Page
18 players
                                                                      MICHELE BLIZZARD  4 PTS
                                                                      CAMILLE CARBERRY 3 PTS

Wednesday 8/05/2019 - Single Stableford
Helen spencer voucher
Winner - Maxine McCormack 40 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Esteleel roberts 35, Lorraine Regan 34, Liz Harding 30  and Noela 28 c/b Pammie McCloy
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th  Sandra Holmes
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Jackie Sheridan
9 players

Tuesday 7/05/2019 - Tumut Tournament 4bbb
Liz, Leanne, Maxine and Tilla travelled to Tumut
Liz Harding & Leanne slater scratch 4bbb winners 28 pts (43 stableford pts)
Maxine McCormack & Tilla Davis 4bbb winners 44 pts and Maxine won a prise in the raffle too
Monday & Tuesday - Mollymook Hilltops Tournament
Ros, Larraine, Suzanne, Penny and Maureen made this trip

Sunday 5/05/2019 - Forbes Tournament
Liz, Leanne, Maxine and Tilla travelled to Forbes
Div 1 Liz Harding Scratch runner-up 85
Div 3 Tilla Davis Scratch Winner 107 and NTP drive and chip

Saturday 4/05/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW Medal round and 1st round AISSUR Bowl
Ros Anderson vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil 72 nett and 2nd Michele Blizzard 74 nett
Div 2 Winner - Camille Carberry 68 nett and 2nd Sandra Holmes 76 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Ros  66, Michele  74, Noela 75 and Sandra  76
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Noela Hardman
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Suzanne Manning

                                  DIV 2 NOELA HARDMAN 75 NETT
AISSUR BOWL POINTS -  Ros Anderson 5 pts
                                            Camille Carberry 4 pts
                                            Chris Keevil 3 pts

all other players 1 pt each. Second round next Saturday Par
13 players

Wednesday 1/05/2019 - SWLGA Scratch Teams Event @ Airah Park and Pro's Comp
Silver Team - Winners. team members
Liz Harding, Leanne Slater, Ros Anderson, Maxine McCormack and Cathy Aiken.
Bronze Team - Winners, team members
Sandra Pronk, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Tilla Davis, Penny Greaves and Jackie Sheridan.
Individual Wins

Silver Div - Liz Harding 77 scratch winner, Ros Anderson 69 nett handicap runner-up c/b
Bronze Div - Jackie Sheridan 59 nett handicap winner,Sandra Pronk 33 best front 9 Penny Greaves 32 1/2 best back 9.
Pro's comp 5 players, Winner Suzanne Manning 44 pts
Saturday 27/04/2019 - Single Stableford
Sandra Holmes, Lynne Page and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Ros Anderson 43 pts
Div 2 Winner - Pam Stolhand 35 pts and Div 3 Winner - Libby Plumley 34 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Pammie McCloy 33, Larraine Nicolls 33, Chris Keevil 32, Camille Carberry 32 and Jackie Sheridan 32
Elegant Timber Shutters & Bluinds NTP 7th Lynne page
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Chris Keevil
18 players

Wednesday 24/04/2019 - Single Stableford
Jennelle Connelly and Margaret Kinlyside vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Lorraine Regan 39 pts
Div 2 Winner - Libby Plumley 38 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Lynn Quay 35, Penny Greaves 35, Maxine McCormack 34, Camille Carberry 33 and Lynne Page 33 c/b Estelle Roberts
Elegant Timbers Shutters 7 Blinds NTP 7th Lorraine Regan
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Jenelle Connelly
15 players and 4 Pro's comp

Saturday 20/04/2019 - Single Stableford
Kate Cooper and Michele Blizzard vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Michele Blizzard 36 pts
Div 2 Winner - Diandra Mawhinney 36 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Chris Keevil 35, Kate Cooper 32 and Noela Hardman 31
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Michele Blizzard
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Pammie McCloy
11 players

Wednesday 17/04/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW Medal round
Larraine Nicolls and Betty Stanton vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Diandra Mawhinney 70 nett
Div 2 Winner - Sandra Holmes 73 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Liz Harding 72, Helen Spencer 74, Ros Anderson 74, Camille Carberry 75 and Cathy Aiken 75
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Lorraine Regan
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Cathy Aiken
14 players and   in Pro's comp
                  DIV 2 LIBBY PLUMLEY 84 NETT

Saturday 13/04/2019 - Brian Gales Memorial 4Ball Medley
Frazer adn Keevil Families and Margaret Gales and Family sponsors
Men - Grant Noakes and John Connelly 46 pts
Mixed - Grant and Liz harding 46 pts
Ladies - Suzanne Manning & Camille Carberry 46 pts
Individual lady - Pammie McCloy 40 pts

Wednesday 10/04/2019 - Single Par
Laura Caldwell Bridges Finance Sponsor
Div 1 Winner - Liz Harding +2
Div 2 Winner - Diandra Mawhinney +5
Div 3 Winner -  Lavell Hardy - 4 c/b Estelle Roberts
Ball Comp Winners - Sandra Holmes 0, Cathy Aiken -2, Maxine McCormack -3, Helen Spencer -3, Leanne Slater -3 and Shirley Roberts -3
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Betty Stanton (card draw)
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Estelle Roberts
21 players and 4 Pro's Comp

Saturday 6/04/2019 - Single Stroke & GNSW 2nd Medal round
Lorraine Regan, Cathy Aiken and Lady Golfers vocuhers
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil 73 nett c/b Maxine McCormack
Div 2 Winner - Noela Hardman 78 nett c/b Diandra Mawhinney
Div 3 Winner - Libby Plumley 76 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Maxine McCormack 73, Michele Blizzard 76, Helen Spencer 76, Penny Greaves 77, Liz Harding 78 c/b Diandra Mawhinney
18 players
                                  DIV 2 - NOELA HARDMAN 78 NETT

Wednesday 3/04/2019 - Single stableford
Libby Plumley, Gail Hanigan and Lady Goflers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Ros Anderson 35 pts c/b Liz Harding
Div 2 Winner - Deandra Mawhinney 36 pts
Div 3 Winner - Lyn Quay 31 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Liz Harding 35, Maureen Perkins 33, Cathy Aiken 30, Shirley Roberts 30, Pammie McCloy 30  and Leanne Slater 29 c/b Larraine Nicolls
Elegant Timber Shutters &  Blinds NTP 7th Jackie Sheridan
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chi;p NTP 13th Liz Harding
20 players and 5 Pro's comp

Tuesday 2/04/2019 - Veteran Womens Golf Association 2 Day Country
Tournament At Young, Single Stableford

Div 1 handicap 0 - 20
1st - Maxine McCormack Young 36 pts
2nd - Chris Keevil Young 34 pts
3rd - Michele Blizzard Young 31 pts c/b
4th - Kathy Fetterplace Maitland 31 pts c/b Leanne Slater Young 31 pts
Div 2 -1 handicap  21 - 25
1st - Lorraine Regan Young 34 pts
2nd - Betty Stanton Young 28 pts
3rd - Hanna Thorley Chatswood 27 pts c/b
4th - Pattie Bowden Nelson Bay 27 pts
Div 2 -2 handicap 26 - 30
1st - Kim Soon Chatswood 31 pts
2nd - Pammie McCloy Young 29 pts c/b
3rd - Sandra Holmes Young 29 pts
4th - Jackie O'Neill Pacific Dunes 25 pts
Div 3 handicap 31 - 45
1st - Sheila Prater Chatswood 30 pts
2nd Nikki Ireland Nelson Bay 20 pts
3rd - Maria Lewis Chatswood 27 pts c/b
4th - Gerri Foster Newcastle 27 pts
Balls went down  to 23 pts
132 players (9 local and 123 visitors)

Monday 1/04/2019 - Veterans Womens Golf Association 2 Day Country
Tournament At Young, 4BBB

Winners - Michele Blizzard and Pammie McCloy Young 39 pts
Runners-Up - Sue Nelson and Hanna Thorley Chatswood 38 pts
3rd - Lorraine Regan Young and Marie Le Marchant Newcastle 37 pts
4th - Lucy Minehan and Susie Davies Newcastle 30 pts c/b Sandra Holmes Young and Kay Smith Bonnie Doon and Jill Cash Bonnie Doon and Libby Fowler Horisons
Balls down to 32 pts
132 Players (7 locals and 125 visitors)

Saturday 30/03/2019 - Single Stableford
Lady Golfers vocuhers
Div 1 Winner - Liz Harding 34 pts c/b Wendy Tuckerman
Div 2 Winner - Lynne Page 37 pts
Ball Comp Winners- Wendy Tuckerman 34, Penny Greaves 32, Chris Keevil 31, Ros Anderson 28 and Helen Smith 28 c/b Caroly Shaw
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Larraine Nicolls
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th no winner
14 players

Wednesday 27/03/2019- Single stableford
Young Lady Golfers
Div 1 - Lorraine regan 33 pts c/b Helen spencer
Div 2 - Sandra holmes 36 pts
Div 3 Pammie McCloy 33 pts
Ball comp winners - Helen spencer 33, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 33, Penny Greaves 32, Larraine Nicolls 32, Lynne Page 32 and Lynn Quay 31.
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blunds NTP 7th  Lynn Quay card draw
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th  Liz Harding
19 players and 6 Pro's Comp

Sunday 24/03/2019 - Single Stroke 3rd and final round Championships

Lady Golfers daily vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Michele Blizzard 72 nett c/b Helen Spencer
Div 2 Winner - Deandra Mawhinney 65 nett
Div 3 Winner - Pauline Collier 74 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Helen Spencer 72, Cathy Aiken 72, Ros Anderson 75, Camille Carberry 76, Penny Greaves 79 and Libby Plumley 79
24 players

                                            RUNNER-UP LEANNE SLATER 269
                                        RUNNER -UP CATHY AIKEN 292
                                        RUNNER-UP SUZANNE MANNING 353
                                        RUNNER-UP KATE COOPER 236
                    B GRADE - LORRAINE REGAN 231
                                       RUNNER-UP TILLA DAVIS 235
                    C GRADE - PAULINE COLLIER 231
                                       RUNNER-UP CAMILLE CARBERRY 235
CENTENIAL BOWL (54 hole best nett scroe)
BETTE BOOKER (54 hole best nett score over 70) LORRAINE REGAN 231 

Saturday 23/03/2019- Single Stroke 2nd round CHAMPIONSHIPS

Liz Harding, Penny Greaves and Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Helen Spencer 71 nett
Div 2 Winner - Lorraine Regan 72 nett
Div 3 Winner - Maureen Perkins 75 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Kate Cooper 74, Deandra Mawhinney 74, Michele Blizzard 75,
Cathy Aiken 76, Camille Carberry 76, Pauline Collier 76 c/b Leanne Slater
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Michele Blizzard
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Lorraine Regan
23 players


Wednesday 20/03/2019 - Single Stableford
Lady Golfers vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 39 pts
Div 2 Winner - Lavell Hardy 36 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Noela hardman 33m, Estelle Roberts 32, Lorraine Regan 31 and Maureen perkins 29
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Noela Hardman
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chuip NTP 13th Lorraine Regan
14players and 4 Pro's comp

Sunday 17/03/2109 - Single Stroke 1st round CHAMPIONSHIPS 

Gail Hanigan, Shirley Roberts and Cathy Marshall daily vouchers
Div 1 Winner - Helen Spencer 71 nett
Div 2 Winner - Tilla Davis 69 nett
Div 3 Winner - Libby Plumley 75 c/b Penny Greaves
Ball Comp Winners - Betty Stanton 72, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 72, Diandra Mawhinney 74, Penny Greaves75, Sharon Wilder 75, Leanne Slater 76, Michele Blizzard 77 and Pammie McCloy 77
25 players

A GRADE - Helen Spencer 81 and Leanne Slater 88
B GRADE - Betty Stanton and Tilla Davis 98 and Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 99
C GRADE - Libby Plumley 108 and Suzanne Manning 114 

Saturday 16/03/2019
- Single Stableford
Lady Golfers sponsor
Div 1 Winner - Chris Keevil 31 pts c/b Pam stolhand
Div 2 Winner - Tilla Davis 40 pts
Div 3 Winner - Camille Carberry 36 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Pauline Collier 33, Justine Makeham 32, Pam Stoland 31, Josie Webber 30,
Suzanne Manning 29 and Liz Harding 28
Elegant Timber Shuters & Blinds NTP 7th Tilla Davis
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Joan Coddingtion (card draw)
19 players

Wednesday 13/03/2019 - Single Stroke GNSW Medal
Lady Golfers Sponsors
Div 1 Winner - Kate Cooper 67 nett
Div 2 Winner - Maureen Perkins 72 nett
Div 3 Winner - Jackie Sheridan 67 nett
Ball Comp Winners - Lorraine Regan 70, Libby Plumley 72, Penny Greaves 72, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 73, and Liz Harding 74
Elegant Timber Shuttters & Blinds NTP 7th Jan Broderick
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th
19 players and 6 Pro's comp
                                  DIV 3   JACKIE SHERIDAN 67 NETT

Saturday 9/03/2019
- Single Stroke GNSW Medal
Kate Cooper, Sandra Holmes and lady Golfers sponsors
Div 1 Winner - Noela Hardman 69 nett
Div 2 Winner - Pammie McCloy 76 nett
Div 3 Winner - Justine Makeham 72 nett
Ball comp Winners - Liz Harding 70, Leanne Slater 73, Helen Spencer 74 and Michele Blizzard 76
Elegant Timber Shutters & blinds NTP 7th Joan Coddington
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip  NTP 13 Ros Anderson
19 players
                                  DIV 2 NOELA HARDMAN 69
                                  DIV 3 JUSTINE MAKEHAM 72

Wednesday 6/03/2019 - 2 Lady Ambrose Opening Day
Lady Golfers Sponsors
Winners - Liz Harding and Jan Broderick 69 1/2
Ball Comp Winners - Joan Coddington and Pam Stolhand 72, Penny Greaves and
Joy McCormick 72 1/2, Kate Cooper and Larraine Nicolls 73 1/4 and Sandra Holmes and Betty Stanton 75 c/b Michele Blizzard and Karen hamilt-Gibbs
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Sandra Holmes
24 players

Saturday 2/03/2019 - 4Ball Aggregate and Individual Stableford Opening Day
Lady Golfers Sponsors
Winners - Cathy Aiken and Penny Greaves 71 pts
Ball Comp Winners - Pam Stolhand 39 pts, Kate Cooper 36 pts, Lynne Page 34 pts, Larraine Nicolls 34 pts, Helen Spencer 33 pts, Lorraine Regan 33 pts, Chris Keevil 33 pts and
Carolyn Shaw 33 pts
Elegant Timber Shutters & Blinds NTP 7th Estellle Roberts
Keith Simmons Engineering drive & chip NTP 13th Michele Blizzard
28 players


28 players received a ball.
Liz, Cathy, Gail, Maureen, Helen, Karen, Lorraine, Justine, Ros, Sandra, Marie, Chris, Leanne, Carolyn, Tilla, Noela, Jan, Pam, Diandra, Larraine, Lynne, Penny, Wendy, Camille, Libby, Suzanne, Pammie and Joan.

1st  Liz  Harding 184 , tied 2nd Cathy Aiken, Maureen Perkins and Gail Hanigan 182 , 5th Helen Spencer 178 and 6th Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 174

Wednesday 27/02/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies scores Marie Inwood 36 pts, Noela Hardman 34 pts and Carolyn Shaw 34 pts
19 players

Saturday 23/2/2019 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
Karen Hamilton-Gibbs, Liz Harding and Maxine McCormack 37 pts  and Maureen Perkins 35 pts
20 players

Wednesaday 20/02/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies scores Helen Spencer 39 pts, Noela Hardman 37 pts and Joan Coddington 34 pts
20 players

Saturday 16/2/2019 - Sinlge Stable Summer Comp
Sandy Pronk 39 pts, Marie Inwood 37 pts Ros Anderson 36 pts and Lorraine Regan 36 pts
22 players

Wednesday 6/2/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies scores Marie Inwood 36 pts and Noela Hardman 34 pts
17 players

Saturday 2/2/2109 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
Maureen Perkins 46 pts, Helen Spencer 35 pts and Ros Anderson, Lorraine Regan and Leanne Slater 33 pts

Wednesday 30/1/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies scores Helen Spencer 37 , Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 33, Noela Hardman 33 and
Lynne Quay 33
18 players

Saturday 26/1/2019 - Australia Day Medal Single stableford
Blooms The  Chemist, Langs Pools & Spa, Kay McDonald Trophies, Watson Toyota
& Vinnies Pizza Sponsors
Medal Winner Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 35 pts
Div 1 - 1st Cathy Aiken 33 pts c/b , 2nd Noela Hardman 33 pts
Div 2 - 1st Karen Hamilton Gibbs 35 pts, 2nd Jackie Sheridan 34 pts
13 players

Wednesday 23/1/2019 - Pro's Comp
Winner Kate Cooper 41 pts, 2nd Noela hardman 39 pts then the men well done ladies.
13 players

Saturday 19/1/2019 - Summer Comp Single Stableford
Cathy Aiken 39 pts, Marie Inwood 38 pts and Chris Keevil 37 pts best scores
18 players

Wednesday 16/1/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies Liz Harding 37 pts and Maureen Perkins and Jackie Sheridan 34 pts
15 players

Saturday 12/1/2019 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
Liz Harding 39 pts and Gail Hanigan 37 pts best scores
14 players

Wednesday 9/1/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies  scoresLorraine Regan 37 pts and Libby Plumley 36 pts
21 players

Saturday 5/1/2019 - Summer comp Single Stableford
Penny Greaves  and Chris Keevil 34 pts and Sandra Holmes 33 pts best scores
13 players

Wednesday 2/1/2019 - Pro's Comp
Best ladies scores Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 36 pts, Chris Keevil 35 pts
14 players

Saturday 29/12/2018 - Summer Comp Single Stableford
Diandra Mawhinney 38 pts, Sandra Holmes 36 pts Liz Harding 35 pts
11 players

Wednesday 26/12/2018 - Pro's Comp
Best lady Michele Blizzard 38 pts

Saturday 22/12/2018 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
Cathy Aiken 39 pts, Helen Spencer and Justine Makeham 37 pts and
Ros Anderson 36 pts pts
18 players

Wednesday 19/12/2018 - Single stableford Pro;s Comp
Best ladies Michele Blizzard 38 pts, Liz harding 37 pts and Lynne page 36 pts
20 players

Saturday 15/12/2018 - Single Stableford Summer Comp
Sandra Pronk 39 pts, Karen Hamilton-Gibbs 38 pts, Jan Broderick and Helen Spencer 36 pts
20 players

Wednesday 12/12.18 - Pros's Comp
Best ladies Sandra holmes and Betty Stanton 35 pts and Jackie Sheridan 33 pts
15 players
Saturday 8/12/2018 - Summer Comp sinlge Stableford
Gail Hanigan and Deandra Mawhinney 40 pts, Tilla Davis 38 and Lorraine Regan 37
22 players

Wednesday 5/12/2018 - Single Stableford  Pro's Comp
Best ladies Cathy Aiken 40 pts, Leanne Slater 39 pts and Sandra Holmes 37 pts
23 players

Saturday 1/12/18-Single Stableford Summer Comp.

1st-Leanne Slater 42 pts, 2nd-Trish Miller 38 pts, 3rd-Liz Harding 37 pts
21 players


